Friday 14 February 2014

2.3: Secret Lair

Welcome to the Locomotive! So far, Reginald von Pringle was the second victim to be plucked from the crew after the killer strangled him. The cast were split into 3 groups after the doors locked in on them. Days have passed though, the doors have opened and one by one the cast have slowly woken up to a different sort of studio- it looks the same... but it is bigger and has a giant stack of hay on the studio floor. Who is the killer? This is the Locomotive!

Kelly: Are you sure she is still alive?
Grape: Yeah, I've checked... she has a pulse.
Craig: That's a good sign then.
Kelly: Phew! I thought the murderer would have had another victim then.

Grape: Why would you even say that Kelly? We can't joke about these murders.
Kelly: I wasn't joking... I just... I don't want any more people dead.
Craig: Does anyone? What we need to do is find a way out of here.
Grape: Craig, me and Mysti tried to find a way out when you lot were still knocked out.

Kelly: Wait, you and Mysti were the first ones to wake up then?
Grape: Yeah... Mysti woke up first, then it was me... then it was Damion.
Kelly: Then it was me!
Grape: Yeah, and after that it was Sarah, Wolfgang and Katarina.

Craig: I was after Katarina.
Grape: Yep, now we just need Nova to wake up. It must have had a strong effect on her.
Craig: I'm starting to get annoyed... there are a lot of odd bods in here, most of them have different identities.
Kelly: I know someone who doesn't have their official identity.

Grape: What are you talking about Kelly?
Kelly: All I'm saying is, that someone in this building has a fake identity.
Grape: Oh yeah, care to explain who?
Kelly: No, I can't tell you.

Grape: Why the hell not?
Kelly: Because I think this person will eventually reveal it themselves.
Craig: Get out of my face... are you trying to say that it is me?
Kelly: I never said anything like that.

Craig: You might not have said it, but you're not being very subtle with your thoughts.
Kelly: I'm a blogger Craig. My opinions make my career.
Craig: And my career is not for the likes of you.
Kelly: You're a chef- that's hardly a secret... right?

Grape: Can you two please shut up? We're not getting anywhere like this.
Craig: I am not arguing.
Kelly: I'm going up to the kitchen. I need some food.
Grape: Fine... but go quietly... I'm sick of all the shouting.

Craig: Fine.
Kelly: Okay...
Grape: And guys... if you see anything out of the ordinary... come back and tell me, okay?
Craig/Kelly: Sure.

*Nova slowly opens her eyes- she is shattered and rubs her eyes. She has awoke from her sleep.*

Nova: *yawns* Where... where am I?

*Nova looks around the room.*

Nova: What's happened to this room? It's got so big and... has different furniture.

*Nova gets to her feet.*

Nova: Where is everyone?

*Nova looks at the door.*

Nova: Hello! HELLO!!! Is anyone out there?

Craig: This is all getting too much now...
Kelly: You have a lot to explain to me Craig.
Craig: I have nothing to explain to you, you're not even supposed to be here.
Kelly: I came to get my answers from Steven about Cassi... you haven't told me why you are here!

Craig: I told you, I'm the studio's chef.
Kelly: So you keep saying, but for some reason Craig, I don't believe you.
Craig: Really? And why is that?
Kelly: Because you came for a different reason, whatever that may be though, you are avoiding it like the plague. Why don't you just tell me Craig?

Craig: It's not any of your business why I'm here... all I'm sure about is that since you stumbled through that vent- everything bad has been happening.
Kelly: I did not kill anyone if that is what you're implying.
Craig: I'm not implying anything- but it looks a hell of a lot suspicious that this has happened when you've been here.

Kelly: I agree, it does look suspicious. But come on man, most of the people in this building are freaks.
Craig: I'm not saying that.
Kelly: Well why don't you just tell me why you are here. You're obviously not a chef, you're cooking stinks.

Craig: Why does it bother you anyway?
Kelly: It bothers me that you might be lying about who you are and that people are dying because of it.
Craig: It's nothing that serious at all.
Kelly: Are you sure?

Craig: Of course I'm sure...
Kelly: It won't hurt you to tell me then.
Craig: Hmph... fine... I was only here for Reginald von Pringle... but now he is dead...
Kelly: Why does that change anything?

Craig: It changes everything!
Kelly: How? HOW?
Craig: That's it... I've had enough... you don't need to know, it isn't putting your life at risk.
Kelly: Liar! You could be putting us all in danger.

Craig: The only way I'm going to put people in danger is if I tell them why I am here.
Kelly: I don't know whether to believe you or not.
Craig: You just have to trust me.
Kelly: I don't know if I can trust anyone right now.

Craig: You have to trust me Kelly...
Kelly: *sheds a tear* I just want to know what happened to Cassi. It's like I'm in her spot now.
Craig: Cassi Country? One of the victims of the murder train?
Kelly: *cries* Yes.

Craig: Cassi Country was a great girl who was very kind and generous and don't you ever forget that.
Kelly: She was my cousin...
Craig: You need to keep that memory of her... otherwise this would have been for nothing.

Kelly: I guess you're right... I just wish I could trust people again. It's been terrible you know since the incident. I want to find justice... for her and for Yvette and Reginald here. I want the killer to be unmasked and humiliated.
Craig: We need to work as a group then and make sure that happens. Come on, let's cook some food. It might take your mind off of it.

Grape: Huh, what's happening here?

*Grape looks at Katarina and Damion.*

Katarina: We've made a shocking discovery.
Grape: What do you mean?
Damion: We may have found something big.
Katarina: Like really big.

Grape: Oh yeah?
Damion: Yeah. Do you want to tell him? Or should I?
Katarina: You can tell him.
Damion: Fine.

Damion: We think we've found the killer's lair.
Grape: Please tell me you're being serious.
Damion: Seriously. It's through there.
Grape: How come we have only just come across it?

Katarina: We've never been up here. We were just the actors ya know.
Grape: Yeah but didn't you ever come up here for the food?
Katarina: I used to bring my own stuff- that Craig cannot cook.
Damion: I second that.

Grape: Hmm... do you mind if I have a look?
Damion: Sure, we'll come with you.
Katarina: Careful though, we haven't looked around the whole space... who's knows what could be in there.

Grape: Through here?
Damion: Yep.
Grape: Wow. How did we ever miss this?
Damion: Beats me... least we found it now though.

Grape: Why is there tires there?
Damion: Dunno.
Grape: That must be the panel that was used to lock us all in our rooms.
Katarina: That box looks to have been used too.

Grape: Oh lord, look at all those tools...
Damion: I know, tons upon tons of potential murder weapons.
Katarina: And who even knows what's in those boxes and trays.
Grape: I'm surprised.

Katarina: Now do you believe us?
Grape: I did before anyway... good find though guys.
Katarina: That's not the half of it.
Grape: There's more?

Damion: You got that right... and it's behind this door.
Grape: Care to do the honours?
Damion: Sure.

*Damion opens the door. They all go through into the next room.*

Grape: Wow... what in the...
Katarina: Surprised? Thought you would be.
Damion: The person who is doing this, has had some time to prepare for this.
Grape: They have been wathcing us this whole time.

Damion: Yep.
Grape: They have been watching us... this whole time! Who knows how long we've been watched.
Damion: It must have started when we first started the film.

Katarina: There's even a trap door there.
Grape: Where does it lead?
Katarina: It leads to the meeting room... there's also a small passage to the left which circuits the whole building.
Grape: So they are running around this building through secret passages waiting to kill us one by one.

Damion: Yeah.
Grape: Well... what are we waiting for? We need to tell the others.
Damion: Why? If we tell them, they will be even more distressed. 
Grape: We can't just not tell them, they need to be prepared for the unexpected.

Damion: Look dude, I know you want to tell them but it'll only put a strain on things.
Katarina: He's right... people will be blamed left, right and centre for the smallest things.
Damion: Plus, that means that there are more rooms to explore which gives the murderer a better opportunity of killing us off one by one.

Grape: You have got to be kidding me? Whatever, I won't say anything yet...
Damion: Great.
Grape: BUT, and I mean BUT, if anyone else dies... then we tell them about it.
Damion: Fine... but for now, hush! Got it?
Grape: ...Yes.

Mysti: I'm glad that the doors of the dressing room are now open... new make-up, new me.

*Nova is heard crying.*

Mysti: What in the...

Mysti: Nova!? Are you in here?

*Nova continues to cry.*

Mysti: Nova?

Mysti: Nova?
Nova: Huh? *Wipes away tears off her face.*
Mysti: Are you okay dear?
Nova: I... yeah, just a little emotional now.

Mysti: Aww, why are you upset?
Nova: Sarah told me what happened with Reginald... It's so sad.
Mysti: I know, It was bad enough with Yvette, but Reginald was a shock to us all.
Nova: It just reminds me what happened 10 years ago.

Mysti: I hope you don't mind but... what happened 10 years ago?
Nova: Let's sit down and talk about it...
Mysti: Okay...

*Nova and Mysti sit down.*

Nova: Hmph... okay... 10 years ago... my friends were murdered right in front of me.
Mysti: Wow, that is awful.
Nova: I was distraught, my house was getting burgled. Me, Tasha and Eric were going back to my place for a party. We entered the house...

Mysti: Go on...
Nova: We entered my house... and disturbed the burglars.
Mysti: Oh no...
Nova: The burglars tied me up to the chair and made me watch...

*Nova starts crying.*

Mysti: It's okay Nova, don't upset yourself.
Nova: I watched them die... I could have done something to help them.
Mysti: You were tied up, you couldn't have done anything.

Nova: I suppose... you're right. I just feel guilty, ya know.
Mysti: I understand, some of my friends were killed in a car crash.
Nova: Could it have been prevented?
Mysti: No.

Nova: You see, I think mine could have been. We could have gone to Eric's house instead.
Mysti: Nova... you tried your best... unfortunately, it was horrific.
Nova: Yeah, you're right.
Mysti: Did all of this here remind you of your friends?

Nova: Yeah... yeah it did. You know what Mysti, you ain't such a bad girl.
Mysti: Who told you I was?
Nova: Nobody, Katarina always makes you out to be the bad person though.
Mysti: You got that right.

Mysti: If you ever want to talk to me as well, just come over and start chatting.
Nova: You sure? I don't want to bug you.
Mysti: Nova, it's fine. Trust me, I'm always willing to listen.
Nova: Okay then.
Mysti: Can I get a hug?
Nova: Hehe, okay.

*Nova wipes her eyes behind Mysti.*

Nova: Hehe, you give good hugs.
Mysti: Haha... plenty of practice with that.

Nova: This is pretty sad to say this... but you remind me of my older sister.
Mysti: Haha, is she pretty?
Nova: Yeah, she's almost to your standard of pretty.
Mysti: Oh Nova... stop girl.
Nova: Hehe.

Wolfgang: What is it guys?
Damion: We may have found a big clue leading to Reginald's killer?
Wolfgang: Really? That's brilliant.
Katarina: There's a giant monitor screen on the wall on your right.

Wolfgang: No there isn't.
Damion: But there is one behind the wall on the first floor.
Wolfgang: Like a security monitor?
Katarina: Yep, it fills the entire wall... whoever it is has been watching us.

Wolfgang: That's scary. He... or she... or it, could have been watching us 24/7.
Damion: Yep.
Wolfgang: Is there any other evidence?
Damion: There is a little workshop next to the kitchen which has tons of tools in and access to the power system.

Wolfgang: Does anyone else know about it?
Damion: Just Grape.
Wolfgang: Are you sure?
Katarina: Yep, he promised he wouldn't say anything until the time was right.

Wolfgang: Good, very good. Starting from now, we should do security patrol of the rooms. Make sure the killer doesn't go there.
Damion: Sounds good.
Wolfgang: We should do it in pairs of two- that way if the killer decides to attack us, then we can overpower them.

Katarina: Cool, sounds like a good idea.
Wolfgang: I'll do the first round tonight... who wants to help me?
Katarina: I'll do it tonight too, that means Damion you'll have to do it tomorrow.
Damion: Cool.

Damion: One thing though, who will I do it with?
Sarah: You can do a round with me?
Damion: Huh, Sarah, what are you doing out here?
Sarah: Really?

Sarah: I'm searching for evidence.
Katarina: For what?
Sarah: To prove that Wolfgang killed Reginald.
Wolfgang: Wait, what?

Sarah: You heard me.
Wolfgang: This is idiotic.
Sarah: You haven't denied it yet though have you?
Damion: Come on Sarah, pack it in.

Katarina: Yeah stop it now.
Sarah: It's a bit weird isn't it. How nobody heard him scream for help.
Wolfgang: Sarah you are making a fool of yourself.
Sarah: Well how come no one heard him, huh? Most of us must have been awake at the time.

Katarina: Listen to Wolfgang and shut your piehole.
Sarah: F*ck off. My beef isn't with you.
Katarina: It is if you're gonna throw your weight around at everyone.
Sarah: I don't care what you think Kat, Wolfgang is guilty... there are tons of holes in his story.

Wolfgang: I've told you everything I know. Now I think it's time you returned to your little killer; Alyssa.
Sarah: She is innocent. She told me some clues as to who the murderer could be.
Damion: Really? Wolfgang, what did you tell her?

Wolfgang: I only told her what needed to be said.
Katarina: Yeah, what did you tell her Wolfgang?
Wolfgang: It's none of your business!
Sarah: That's right... he won't say anything now...

Sarah: Not now he has been ratted out.
Wolfgang: I am innocent.
Wolfgang: There is no valid evidence to point the finger at me. You must know that.

Sarah: Look's like I won in the end 'Mr. Splinters'.
Wolfgang: You haven't won anything... expect from a wrinkled face.
Sarah: Oh please, you're 3 times my age... your one to talk about wrinkles.
Wolfgang: I haven't got time for this. Get out now.

Sarah: What if I don't? What are you gonna do then?
Wolfgang: You are disgusting. What terrible behaviour.
Sarah: Haha, stop lying.
Wolfgang: I have told you once I am not lying.

Sarah: Oh... my... lord... Why can't you just admit it?
Wolfgang: I am no liar!
Sarah: Sure you aren't... I wonder if Cynthia got her lying antics from you.
Wolfgang: Don't you even dare bring up Cynthia.

Sarah: Haha, struck a nerve have I?
Wolfgang: I am warning you.
Sarah: See everyone, he's making threats! This is helping you at all.
Wolfgang: Stop it.

Sarah: And if I don't?

*Wolfgang loses it.*

Wolfgang: If you don't... I'll f*cking kill you, you horrible b*tch!

Sarah: Excuse me?
Wolfgang: You heard me, you are a horrible b*tch.
Sarah: I... I am not... I'm a lovely young ambitious woman.
Wolfgang: Who bullies people for her own gain.

Sarah: I...
Wolfgang: Did you ever consider that there was a reason that I didn't like you?
Sarah: No but...
Wolfgang: No buts... you mocked me and mocked and mocked and there comes a time when you've got to say stop.

Sarah: Look, I...
Wolfgang: And did you ever consider why I used to poach your talent acts? It was to teach you a lesson.
Sarah: I knew it was you who poached my acts.

Wolfgang: Today though, you have overstepped the line. It was totally inappropriate to bring up Cynthia..
Sarah: I'm tried of all this bullsh*t. Cynthia deserved what she got... it was self-inflicted.
Wolfgang: YOU... LITTLE... B*TCH!

*Wolfgang slaps Sarah.*

Sarah: Argh!
Wolfgang: Take that!!! Don't you ever mention her again, you hear me!

Damion: Oh my god! Wolfgang, you just hit her!
Wolfgang: Yes I did.

*Sarah launches herself onto Wolfgang and pulls him to the floor.*

Katarina: OH GOD.
Katarina: How are we going to do that?

*Wolfgang beats Sarah up after she attacked him.*

Wolfgang: That serves you right.
Sarah: Argh!

Sarah: My back... you've hurt my... back.
Wolfgang: That'll teach you not to mess with me again... you got that.
Sarah: Whatever, my feelings aren't going to change.
Wolfgang: Shut up.

Sarah: Ugh.
Wolfgang: And for your stupid behaviour... you can go with Damion tomorrow and look around.
Sarah: Fine. As long as it keeps me a long way from you.
Wolfgang: Hmph.

Katarina: I don't know what to do any more.
Wolfgang: Katarina... should we go and do our patrol now then?
Katarina: Hmm... okay.
Wolfgang: Good... until next time Sarah.

The killer is on the prowl! Another person will become the new victim! But who will it be?

In the Train Driver Quiz, Damion, Grape and Katarina were the winners of their group automatically winning  immunity. Katarina was also the mole marker which means that immunity was always destined for her this round. Nobody got higher votes than Katarina though.

Leaving, Wolfgang, Nova, Sarah, Mysti, Kelly and Craig to face the psycho's wrath.

But who will the murderer choose to kill?

Don't forget the murderer can be anyone. Now...

The time has come to find out, who will die!!! Good luck.

Wolfgang: What is it Katarina? We need to get back to the killer's lair.
Katarina: Um sure but, where the hell is Alyssa?
Wolfgang: What?
Katarina: She isn't in the room we put her in.

Wolfgang: She must have escaped during all the confusion.
Katarina: F*ck. She could be anywhere in here.
Wolfgang: We need to find her, if she knows who the killer is as Sarah says then we might be able to find out who is killing everyone.
Katarina: Okay... you check down here, I'll go upstairs.


Katarina: Wolfgang? Where the hell is he? I haven't found her yet man.
???: You idiot. Come up here and claim your prize.
Katarina: Damn it.
???: Hahaha.

Katarina: Ah, there you are.
Alyssa: Oh no, you found me.
Katarina: What are you doing out of your room?
Alyssa: If you must know, I was trying to escape. Until the murderer killed again.

Katarina: Again? Don't tell me someone else is dead now.
Alyssa: Yep, Wolfgang's idea didn't go down to well, especially since neither of you can find the f*cking killer.
Katarina: You know who the killer is though, why not just tell us and help us survive.

Alyssa: You think that I trust any of you? Ha, you'll all cash in on these deaths that are happening.
Katarina: We are not savages.
Alyssa: Trust me, look at Steven Hollywood, he cashed in on their deaths. Now he's rich.

Katarina: Look, if your not going to help me.
Alyssa: I'll help you... the victim is through there... waiting for you.
Katarina: Stop this. You better be lying to me.
Alyssa: I don't have anything to lie for now, do I?

Alyssa: What's the matter? Afraid to go in and find them.
Katarina: No... I want you to come along though, just in case.
Alyssa: Whatever, it's not like I've got anything else better to do.
Katarina: You are still the main suspect until further notice though.

*Alyssa and Katarina enter.*

Katarina: Oh god.
Alyssa: Yep, there's the third victim.
Katarina: How? I mean...

Alyssa: What?
Katarina: He was checking downstairs. How did he end up in here?
Alyssa: That trap door was put there for a reason ya know.
Katarina: In the other room... oh god. But there's no one in the meeting room, I've just checked.

Alyssa: Hmm... you've got a lot to think about then.
Katarina: Why are you acting so insensitive towards these deaths?
Alyssa: I'm not, but you've got a big problem on your hands and you need to find a solution to it.
Katarina: Fine.

Katarina: But I need your help.
Alyssa: What are you suggesting?
Katarina: I want you to give me the identity of the killer, then I will make sure this whole disaster doesn't become all about a new movie.
Alyssa: Hmm...

Katarina: Come on, I thought that was what you wanted. Peace.
Alyssa: I can't give you the identity, but I will give you some clues.
Katarina: Fair enough. Go on then...
Alyssa: Haha...

The end of the night is upon the contestants. Wolfgang was claimed as the third victim. Will the murderer be stopped before any more people are killed? We will find out sooner or later.