Thursday 13 March 2014

2.4: Splinters and Bathtubs

Welcome to The Locomotive! So far, Wolfgang Splinters became the third victim to be killed by the murderer. Before that though, Damion, Grape and Katarina were in luck to find a hidden set of rooms- one with tools and one with a giant monitor screen. This can only mean bad for the characters, right? Who is the killer? This is The Locomotive!

Katarina: He's definitely dead.
Craig: How has he died?
Katarina: I dunno, possibly hit on the head with something. There's a bit of blood behind his head.
Craig: Hmm... sounds like it is...

Craig: And no one saw him being dragged into here?
Katarina: No... we were outside.
Craig: Hmm... could they have come through that door in there?
Katarina: It... leads to nothing. It's just an empty cupboard.

Craig: Well then, I have no idea what could have happened.
Katarina: It is quite a mystery.
Craig: You can't deny though that it looks bad on you and Alyssa. Especially since you didn't 'see anything'.
Katarina: Are you calling me a liar?

Craig: No, I just mean...
Katarina: It's fine, it does seem like a crap story. But it's the truth.
Craig: I... believe you... for now.
Katarina: If anything I should ask where you were? Well?

Craig: I was asleep.
Katarina: Can anyone else vouch for you?
Craig: ...Wolfgang. I know who wasn't asleep though. Mysti.
Katarina: Why was that bimbo not asleep?

Craig: I don't know, but she fell over me last night. That's why I knew she was awake.
Katarina: Hmm... she has been laying on the quiet side. I don't trust her.
Craig: Likewise.
Katarina: You should go and question her about where she was. You might get some info out of her.

Sarah: What's going on in here?
Damion: Grape said that another person had died when he was escorting Alyssa away.
Sarah: Is that who I think it is...
Damion: It's Wolfgang!

Katarina: Wolfgang has been murdered!
Damion: Oh lord, that's the third person to be killed now.
Craig: Scary right?
Sarah: How did he die?

Katarina: We think he was hit on the back of the head with something... possibly blunt.
Sarah: A blunt object to the head... interesting.
Katarina: Do you know anything about this? You weren't really the best of friends, were you?
Sarah: Are you suggesting that I killed him? Ha, how funny.

Katarina: We have to suspect everyone now, people are dropping like flies and we need to solve this now before it gets worse.
Craig: The sooner we find out who has killed Yvette, Reginald and Wolfgang the better.
Katarina: Exactly.

Sarah: Well don't just point the fingers until you have any sort of evidence.
Katarina: Okay, okay... no need to get so defensive.
Sarah: Ugh.
Katarina: Right... well...

Craig: We're just gonna go.

*Craig drags Katarina out of the room.*

Craig: We'll leave you to find more clues guys.
Katarina: Hmph.

Damion: I can't believe he's been killed... I know it sounds selfish... but what am I going to do now? The casting agency is technically non-existent any more...

*Sarah laughs hysterically.*

Sarah: Huh, Karma's a bitch and you've messed with her, remember that I said that I'm the one who won in the end? Even if I die, I would have outlived you in this shit.
Damion: Sarah?
Sarah: Hahahaha.

*Sarah lifts her foot and kicks Wolfgang in the head several times.*

Damion: Sarah! What the hell are you doing?
Sarah: Kicking his head. He's dead anyway.

Damion: That doesn't mean sh*t.
Sarah: Oh zip it Damion. What has he really done for you anyway?
Damion: Does it really matter? It's still respect not to kick anyone's head, dead or alive.
Sarah: Whatever.

Damion: You know what Sarah, you might think it's funny that he's dead. But it really isn't.
Sarah: I never said it was funny, I will say that it's a damn good thing to happen though.
Damion: You're sick.
Sarah: I don't care what you think. I'm happy and I'm going to celebrate.

Damion: Unbelievable!
Sarah: Come on, I'm not the one who's just sick. You have your secrets too.
Damion: What are you on about?
Sarah: Don't make out you don't know. You and Katarina... there's a reason Wolfgang kept you on.

Damion: Are you saying that me and her... had a thing?
Sarah: More or less.
Damion: Ha, that's... that's funny. I never have.
Sarah: Whatever man.

Damion: I got some advice for you Sarah.
Sarah: What?
Damion: You should become a journalist. You're qualified... and you're good at starting sh*t.
Sarah: Haha, I just find the easy targets to say things about.

Mysti: Grr... I've got a spot on my nose... f*ck sake.

*Mysti tries to pop the spot.*

Mysti: F*ck it. It'll just have to stay there until it's ready to pop. It's not like I need to look good for anything anyway... we're stuck in this dreaded studio.

*Mysti tries to pop the spot again and does so.*

Mysti: Ouch! Got it... ha.
Craig: Um, excuse me?
Mysti: Argh!

Craig: I hope you don't mind but I need to ask you some questions.
Mysti: Um... sure.
Craig: Great.
Mysti: What do you want to know?

Craig: What I want to know is where you were last night?
Mysti: Where I was last night? I got up to go to the toilet.
Craig: How can I be sure you're being honest?
Mysti: Are you kidding me? I was at the toilet... and then stumbled over you when you were sleeping.

Mysti: Anyway, why do you ask?
Craig: I'm just on a little mission.
Mysti: A mission? And what are you trying to gain from this mission.
Craig: Information on finding out who this murderer is.

Mysti: And you're asking me because...
Craig: You might know something on the murderer.
Mysti: Or maybe you're asking me because you think I'm the murderer.
Craig: ...Or that.

Mysti: Look, I'm not the murderer, but if you want...
Craig: What?
Mysti: I'll keep an eye on everyone for you and tell you what I find out.
Craig: That'd be great, thanks.

Craig: Say, you seen anything out of the ordinary with any of the other people here?
Mysti: Not that I know of... except... that Kelly girl... but in all honesty, I can't tell if she's being out of the ordinary.
Craig: Yeah, I'm working on why she is here. I know she wanted to see Steven but that's about it.

Mysti: Wasn't it to find out about her cousin?
Craig: Yeah... come here...

*Mysti moves in closer to Craig.*

Craig: Who do you suspect the most out of everyone?

Mysti: Haha, well... that's an interesting question.
Craig: Well, who?
Mysti: Hmm...  Sarah, Nova, Damion and Katarina.
Craig: Really? I suspect Grape, Kelly and of course; Alyssa.

Mysti: I am starting to doubt that Alyssa has anything to do with the murderer.
Craig: Really?
Mysti: Yeah... maybe we should let her out for a day. Get to know her, get some info from her.
Craig: It's too risky especially if she is the murderer and gets the chance to strike.

Mysti: Fine. But if there is any evidence proving that she isn't the murderer, we need to get her out of that room as soon as possible.
Craig: Agreed. I'm going to go and look around for clues. I'll see you around.
Mysti: Okay... bye then I guess.

Nova: Oh god my hands are all sticky.

*Nova runs the taps.*

Damion: You know what, I think I know who the murderer is now.

Nova: Oh yeah, who is it?
Damion: Sarah, she was so vicious when she was left with Wolfgang. If she can do that to a dead body imagine a living one.
Nova: It's scary to imagine that she could kill someone.

*Nova drenches her hands. They are no longer sticky.*

Damion: I just feel kind of guilty though.
Nova: Why do you feel guilty? There was nothing we could have done to stop it... at least, I don't think there was anyway.
Damion: It's not that... we could have avoided it by telling everyone about the hidden rooms which lead from the meeting room and next door.

*Nova stops the taps.*

Nova: Hidden rooms? What hidden rooms?
Damion: We think the killer uses these rooms to move from room to room without being caught.
Nova: And you didn't tell everyone about this? Including myself.

Nova: What if the killer got me instead of Wolfgang?
Damion: I know I'm sorry.
Nova: What if the killer got you instead of Wolfgang? You could have prevented it.
Damion: We didn't think it would escalate like this.

Nova: But it did. I'm so sad right now... everyone keeps dying but it could have been avoided.
Damion: I wanted to tell everyone but Katarina and Grape told me not to.
Nova: I can't believe them too... who else knows?
Damion: Grape, Katarina, Craig, Sarah... and Wolfgang.

*A tear rolls down Nova's cheek.*

Nova: I don't know who to trust any more. I thought I could trust you and Grape... but no. You've been keeping secrets from me.
Damion: With the best intentions though... I guess it's best me telling you now than not at all though.

Nova: I guess.
Damion: You're not the only one who didn't know though. Kelly and Mysti didn't know.
Nova: Just answer me a question. Were you going to tell any of us three about the hidden rooms?

Damion: I...
Nova: Well, were you... or weren't you?
Damion: I... don't know.
Nova: Oh...

*Katarina enters the tool workshop.*

Katarina: Huh? Oh, you're still in here.
Sarah: Yes I am...

Katarina: Did you find any other clues while me and Craig were gone?
Sarah: Nope.
Katarina: Oh... That's a shame.
Sarah: Kat... I've been thinking...

Katarina (to self): What does she want?
Sarah: Huh?
Katarina: Nothing, you were saying.
Sarah: Well...

Sarah: Katarina, you do realize that your acting career is ruined if you don't move to a new casting agency.
Katarina: Are you... NO! I'll NEVER join Veel-Ver Casting like you're implying.
Sarah: I never mentioned Veel-Ver, there are so many options which would improve your chances for a better future, it's up to you whether you believe it or not.

Katarina: And joining your casting agency is the best option.

*Katarina pretends to yawn.*

Katarina: Thanks, but no thanks.

Sarah: Why are you consistent with being with Wolfgang's agency? What benefits did he give you?
Katarina: Does it matter?
Sarah: It might do... tell you what, if you join Veel-Ver... I'll guarantee that your benefits will be doubled.

Katarina: Sarah, I'm not interested. I just want to survive this first.
Sarah: You have got to be kidding me. You might as well consider the future while you're trapped here...
Katarina: Sorry Sarah... it's a no. It'll always be a no.

Sarah: You can say no... but I bet you... you'll change you're mind eventually.
Katarina: I don't think I will.
Sarah: Oh... you will honey. You know where I'll be if you change your mind.
Katarina: Hmph.

Kelly: How is Alyssa?
Grape: She's not getting better. I think she's still sad over her mother's death.
Kelly: That's understandable though. I just feel bad about how she is being treat like some sort of prisoner.

Grape: I wish we could just let her out.
Kelly: I know right. Wait... I have an idea to get her out.
Grape: Oh yeah?
Kelly: We could have a group meeting.

Grape: Yes, good idea. What would the meeting be about though?
Kelly: Um... I know! We could elect a leader.
Grape: Why?
Kelly: To help the group as a whole... to... help everyone stay sane?

Grape: I dunno... it sounds like a good idea...
Kelly: Didn't Steven Hollywood say in his biography that the group elected a leader before?
Grape: Yeah... yeah he did.
Kelly: We could elect one too, they managed to survive longer with the leader.

Grape: Yes... maybe you're right about this Kelly.
Kelly: I know I am.
Grape: When should we have it?
Kelly: How about now?

Grape: Yes! Okay...
Kelly: Good. Could you go and get everyone for me?
Grape: Sure.
Kelly: Including Alyssa!

Kelly: Hi guys, welcome to our group meeting.
Alyssa: Oh... now I'm part of the group, am I?
Kelly: You always have been.
Alyssa: Ha, that's funny.

Kelly: Anyway... I've summoned you all here because I think we need to work better as a group.
Nova: I agree.
Damion: Same here.
Grape: Hmm...

Alyssa: Haha, I don't believe this. It won't work.
Kelly: What won't?
Alyssa: Uniting as a group to find the murderer. There's too many lies already.
Kelly: Is there something you want to tell us?

Alyssa: Yeah... I know who the murderer is... yet no one has bothered actually trying to get the info out of me.
Kelly: Woah, hang on wait a second. You've known this whole time and haven't told anyone.
Alyssa: That's right... why should I? You've all treat me like a dog.

Kelly: I don't believe this.
Grape: Neither do I.
Katarina: She's not the only one who knows who the murderer is... I have been given some clues by Alyssa.

Sarah: And me too...
Kelly: You both... have some sort of knowledge about who the murderer is?
Sarah: I think so...
Alyssa: They were the only ones who actually cared throughout this.

Kelly: Are you kidding me? We've all wanted to make sure you were okay.
Alyssa: But none of you came to see if I was, apart from Katarina and Sarah.
Alyssa: Bullsh*t. You could've gone against the group. Most of you have done anyway.

Kelly: Enough! I'm tired of this. We are going to elect a group leader and they are going to unite this group. Alright!
Grape: Yeah, Kelly is right everyone. We need a leader, this group is falling apart quick.
Kelly: So... who wants to be the leader then?

Kelly: Grape?
Grape: I'll pass.
Kelly: Fine. Katarina?
Katarina: No thank you.

Kelly: Nova?
Nova: I would rather not work with people that have lied to me. No.
Kelly: Hmph... okay then...

*Kelly scratches her head.*

Kelly: Craig?
Craig: No way.
Kelly: Mysti?
Mysti: Meh... rather not if I'm honest.

Kelly: I'd ask you Alyssa... but I do not trust you any more.
Alyssa: What? Just because I know who the murderer is.
Kelly: Yes.
Alyssa: Whatever.

Kelly: You must feel guilty?
Alyssa: No, I don't. The murderer should feel guilty though.
Kelly: Grr... there's just no getting it out of you.
Alyssa: My lips are sealed... now let's get back to the vote... look's like it's you, Damion and Sarah left...

Damion: Well, I'll step up as leader.
Sarah: If you are, then I will.
Damion: Don't even start... you're lethal.
Sarah: I am not... you was the person who kicked Wolfgang in the head when Craig and Katarina left the room.

Grape: You did what?
Sarah: That is a serious accusation. How dare you make me out to be like that.
Damion: F*ck off.

Kelly: Enough, both of you! Since you two are fighting, I'll step up too.
Sarah: A three way competition. Interesting.
Kelly: So... who's everyone going to vote?
Damion: Don't vote Sarah.

Kelly: Damion! Let's just get the people to vote now... okay?
Damion: Fine.
Kelly: Sarah?
Sarah: I'm fine with it.


Kelly: Okay, the votes are in... for Kelly... 0 votes.
Sarah: Hmm...
Kelly: With 6-3 votes...

Kelly: Sarah is our new leader!
Sarah: OH YEAH! Well... as the leader... my first action is to disband this silly little meeting.

Mysti: Oh...
Craig: So much for uniting the group.
Sarah: Katarina! Stay behind for a minute... I need to have a word for you.

*Katarina sighs.*

Katarina: What now.
Sarah: Damion... take Alyssa back to the recording room. She's going to remain there for now.
Damion: Whatever.
Sarah: Haha.

Sarah: Katarina. How are you?
Katarina: What do you want?
Sarah: That's not very nice is it.
Katarina: You don't ask people to stay behind just to ask how they are.

Katarina: I know that you want something from me.
Sarah: Fine... I want you to reconsider my offer.
Katarina: Oh lord.
Sarah: You can't deny the goodness of the offer.

Katarina: I can, just leave me alone. I don't want to join your casting agency.
Sarah: Fine then, as group leader... you are now my personal assistant.
Katarina: You can't be serious, right?
Sarah: Oh, I'm serious about this.

Katarina: No.
Sarah: Tough. You're my personal assistant.

*Sarah grabs Katarina's hand and scrunches it.*

Katarina: Ouch!
Sarah: Hurt?
Katarina: Get off!

*Katarina gets her hand free.*

Sarah: That's just a start. It'll get worse if you disagree.
Katarina: All this over a stupid casting job.
Sarah: You get a job, I get a job. We both win.
Katarina: If I say yes, then what?

Sarah: Then I'll leave you be.
Katarina: Fine then.
Sarah: Yes...
Katarina: But just answer me one thing...

Katarina: Do you use your power and authority against other people? Say, Mysti?
Sarah: Before all of this? I didn't need to. Although I was much more... nicer back then.
Katarina: Please, save me the bullsh*t.
Sarah: I'll see you around then P.A. Hahaha.

*Sarah exits.*

The killer is on the prowl! Another person will become the new victim! But who will it be? In the Train Driver Quiz, Nova was the mole marker meaning that the contestants who scored lower were up for 'eviction'. Those players who were below are Grape and Katarina and will face the psycho's wrath. 

But who will be the murderer choose to kill? Don't forget the murderer could be anyone. Now... The time has come to find out, who will die!!! Good luck.

???: Oh, what's this... oh yeah, it's time for the water show!

*The killer looks through the window onto the carnage that is about to happen.*

*Katarina wakes up from her sleep.*

Katarina: Huh... what is happening... I can't move anything. I'm paralysed!

Katarina: What am I doing in here? Is this the kitchen? It is... oh god.

*Katarina hears the door open.*

Katarina: Oh no...

*The killer walks in.*

???: Well, well, well... look who we have here.
Katarina: You've drugged me, haven't you!

???: You're very wise aren't you.
Katarina: F*ck off. I should've guessed it was you.
???: Oh be quiet... I'm tired of you whining.
Katarina: Why don't you just kill me off quickly? I'm tired of all this babbling.

???: Are you definitely sure you want to hurry your death up?
Katarina: Yes... it'll be less painful.
???: Hmm... well, how about I help you. Look's like you're going to go swimming today.
Katarina: Jesus.

???: Three... two... one!

*The killer puts their hand on the bathtub. They turn on the taps.*

???: Woops... didn't mean to do that. Let's hope you can hold your breath though.
Katarina: You b*stard!
???: Mwahaha, oh please.
Katarina: *cough*

Katarina (to self): Well Kat... I never thought this would be the way to go.
???: What's the matter girl? Can't you hold your breath?
Katarina: No...
???: Ha, what's wrong little fish?

*The killer swishes the water around.*

???: Best get you all wet.
Katarina: Save me the charade.

*Katarina is fully under the water.*

Katarina: *gurgle*
???: Ha...

*Katarina starts to lose breath.*

Katarina: Need to move...
???: Shouldn't be too long now.

*The killer watches Katarina struggle.*

???: Come on... die already!

*Katarina is trying to stop the water from getting in. She is failing to do so.*

Katarina: *gurgle*
???: Ooo...

Katarina: *gurgle, gurgle*

*Katarina looks in pain. She slowly drifts off. She has drowned.*

???: Haha...

???: That muscle relaxant really did pack a punch, it's a good job I give her the full bottle.
Alyssa: Oi!
???: Huh?
Alyssa: You better stick to your part of the deal.

???: Fine.

*The killer passes the keys over to Alyssa.*

???: You've played your part now. You can go.
Alyssa: Don't worry, I intend to get far away from this place. Sunny Basquez, here I come.

???: Now that she is out of the way, I can finally get down to finishing the rest of them off. Hahahaha... death will be upon them. Good bye Katarina... my little fish.

*The killer disappears.*

The end of the night is upon the characters. Katarina was claimed as the fourth victim. Will the murderer be stopped before any more people are killed? We will find out sooner or later.