Thursday 8 May 2014

2.6: It All Came Tumbling Down

Welcome to The Locomotive! So far, Mysti Vermillion became the fifth victim to be killed by the murderer. Is there continuous fear amongst the characters? Of course there is! Who is the Killer? It's all on The Locomotive!

Craig: So, who do you think it is?
Sarah: At this time, I really have no idea. There has been such little evidence to go off of.
Craig: Tell me about it, I'm part of the FBI and I'm stumped.
Sarah: You don't have all your technology though, if we had forensics in here we would catch them straight away.

Craig: The thing I don't understand is how no one has come to check if the studio is clear.
Sarah: Well Steve left in a mood and thought that one of us lot were going to close up for the night.
Craig: Hmm, fair enough.
Sarah: Anyway, when were you going to tell us you were part of the FBI?

Craig: I wasn't. I was hoping to catch Reginald before all of this happened, guess it went tits up.
Sarah: You can't blame yourself, one of those sadistic f*ckers went nuts.
Craig: But who? I have my suspicions but I need to catch them in the act first.
Sarah: Hmm, well we can trust Mysti to get information out of them. They seem to trust her.

Craig: That's nice but can we trust Mysti?
Sarah: You what?
Craig: You heard me, what if it was her that's killed everyone so far?
Sarah: Don't be silly, Mysti would never do that. I know her too well.

Craig: Do you know her inside and out?
Sarah: I... I don't know. I think I do.
Craig: That's not a definite answer, we have to keep her as a suspect unless you can guarantee to me that she can be trusted.

Sarah: Look, for all we know how can I trust you?
Craig: Sarah, please... we don't need this. How can I trust you?
Sarah: You just can.
Craig: That doesn't make me feel safe at all.

Sarah: Yeah well we end it there then. Come on we need to find out who it is.

*Sarah leaves and see's a very devilish sight.*

Sarah: Oh no...

Craig: What's wrong?

*Craig leaves the dressing room and see's Mysti's body.*

Craig: Oh sh*t.

*Sarah kneels on the floor and starts to cry.*

Sarah: I can't believe she is dead. I loved her you know, not in a lesbian way... but like a sister.
Craig: I understand.

Sarah: Yes, I was harsh sometimes, but it was for the best, ya know.
Craig: I know it's difficult... what should I do with the others?
Sarah: Get them out of their handcuffs... interrogate them I don't care any more.
Craig: Fine. I'll let you deal with this.

Craig: Good, now you're out of your cuffs.
Damion: And what? Do you expect us to just willingly help you now?
Craig: In a way, yes.
Damion: Haha, you're out of your mind Craig.

Craig: Look, I know this is all fucked up, but I was just following orders from Sarah.
Damion: For all we know she could be the murderer!
Craig: I doubt she is... you didn't see her out there when she found Mysti's body.
Nova: Mysti is dead? I feel cold, too many people are dying.

Kelly: Nova's right, too many people are dying. It just makes you wonder whether you were here just for Reginald.
Craig: Are you saying I'm the murderer now?
Kelly: Yeah, I am.

Damion: Quiet Kelly.
Kelly: Why? You could be the killer too, you weren't very fond of anyone here.
Nova: Kelly, just leave it okay, we need to focus on finding the killer or getting out of here.
Kelly: Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's you Nova! You aren't the most sociable around here.

Kelly: And Grape, it could be you! I know the amount of abuse berry sims get, you could have cracked under the pressure.
Grape: That's nonsense.
Craig: Kelly, you better shut up now, you are plucking at lose hairs here, we need the evidence first.

Kelly: Are you being serious? 5 people have already died, 1 person has escaped and 5 more people are likely to be killed off.
Craig: Who said it's just one person? Maybe there's a few people in on it.
Kelly: Maybe, but I know if the killer is trying to somehow retell the story of the first incident then there is definitely one.

Craig: Wrong, Margaret Tick was the main murderer but Grant Montgomery assisted her.
Kelly: Oh...
Craig: We really could've used Alyssa's help.
Kelly: I wasn't the one who locked her in a room.

Craig: We all made a group decision to lock her in that room.
Kelly: Don't you dare bring me into this, I wanted to keep her out of that room and no one else agreed.
Nova: I did.
Damion: Me too.

Craig: I don't know why you're trying to defend yourself. You shouldn't even be here anyway.
Kelly: I needed answers about Cassi, is that really bad of me to know what happened.
Craig: You don't understand...
Kelly: Stop saying that! Of course I understand... F*ck this I'm out of here.

*Kelly leaves the recording studio*

Kelly: Get away from me.

Nova: Well, that could have gone better.
Grape: Tell me about it.
Craig: I'm going after her, all of you stay here... I need to ask you some questions.
Damion: Fine.

Grape: Bye then Craig.

*Craig leaves the recording studio.*

Grape: Okay, time for a plan.

Grape: So, is tonight the night we finally get ourselves out of here?
Nova: Yes please, I'm tired of all this death around us.
Damion: Tonight is definitely the night. I agree with Nova, too many deaths.
Grape: Right, how are we going to get out of here though?

Nova: Well, we could always pry the studio doors open?
Grape: Would that work though?
Nova: If you give it enough force I would imagine, although, we don't really have anything to pry it open with.
Grape: Hmm... Damion?

Damion: Um, well we could always try and get the vent open in the kitchen?
Grape: It's sealed tight though.
Damion: There must be another way into the vents though... is there any other vents around?
Nova: I think there was some in the meeting room. We could always check it anyway?

Grape: Yes we could, I'll do it and you two can go and look at that kitchen vent see if there's anyway to try and get into it.
Damion: Sounds like a plan. Is Kelly in with us?
Grape: I dunno, what do you guys think?

Nova: She seems like she's good.
Grape: Do you think she could be the killer though?
Nova: Maybe.
Damion: Possibly, it's a risk we could take?

Grape: That makes me feel a little on edge, I don't want to be travelling with the murderer.
Damion: True, they could kill you off any time they wanted.
Grape: And no one would be able to stop them.
Nova: Well, the other two might be able to?

Damion: At the end of the day either one of us could be the killer, or maybe its Craig or Sarah.
Grape: Hmm...
Damion: It's just a risk that has to be taken.
Nova: So, Kelly part of this then?

Grape: Yep.
Nova: Good, what happens with Craig and Sarah?
Grape: We leave them behind... it's the only way we can survive... at least for longer anyway.
Nova: They are gonna die though of starvation if we do that though! I guess... it's what needs to be done.

Craig: Kelly get back here now!
Kelly: Leave me alone.
Craig: We still need to get answers from you.
Kelly: I am not saying anything.

*Sarah wipes the tears from her eyes.*

Sarah: What in the hell are you doing?
Kelly: I'm trying to get this pig away from me.

Sarah: No no.
Kelly: What do you mean, no?
Sarah: You didn't come over here to get away from him.
Kelly: What are you saying?

Sarah: I am saying that you killed Mysti!
Kelly: What!? Are you actually kidding me?
Sarah: You killed her in cold blood and enjoyed watching her die.
Kelly: I have not killed anyone, ever.

Sarah: Liar!
Kelly: I'm not lying.
Sarah: You are, you're f*cking lying. You killed Mysti.
Kelly: Look...

Kelly: Get the hell off of my back, she didn't mean anything to you anyway.
Sarah: She was like my little sister and you killed her.
Kelly: I haven't killed anyone, how many times have I got to tell you that?
Sarah: You can keep saying that, but I know the truth.

Kelly: Are you hearing yourself right now? You know sh*t about this whole situation.
Sarah: I know there is a killer around and all the clues I've found lead to you.
Kelly: Clues? What clues?
Sarah: The marks on the bodies, Alyssa's hints...

Kelly: Alyssa's hints?
Sarah: She gave me hints at who the murderer is.
Kelly: And you believe that b*tch? And why do you always act like a tough b*tch when instead your just a scared little girl? Get the f*ck over it.

Sarah: I... I...

*Sarah begins to cry uncontrollably.*

Sarah: I don't mean to be like this... It's hard you know, the pressure... it just gets too much especially being the leader of this group. Do you understand?

Sarah: And Mysti, she was always there helping me get through the hard parts... well not any more because that support is gone.

*Kelly breathes.*

Kelly: I'm sorry. Come here.

*Kelly hugs Sarah and comforts her. Sarah continues to cry on Kelly's dress.*

Kelly: You must be feeling like crap, huh?
Sarah: Yes... Haha.

Kelly: I want you to know, that even though you can be a b*tch at times. We wouldn't be here without you.
Sarah: Stop it, haha. 5 people have already died at my hands...
Kelly: Yes, and if we didn't have someone like you here right now, more of us would be.

Sarah: Thanks, but whether we have a leader or not wouldn't have changed anything.
Kelly: How do we know that? If anything that could have put a hole in the killer's plans.
Sarah: Hmm, good thinking.
Kelly: However, I fear that the killer will redo their plans... We all need to work together now.

Sarah: I agree... Plus, I'm sorry for putting you all in handcuffs.
Kelly: Yeah, I can't forgive you for that... but hey, if I or anyone else was in your position they might have done the same.
Sarah: Okay... well, you better bring the others in here. I want to apologize to them for everything.

The killer is on the prowl! Another person will become the new victim! But who will it be? Well, tonight the killer will end TWO of the character's lives... double whammy. In the Train Driver Quiz, Damion won with the highest amount of points and was the Mole Marker this time around.

This means that the players up for elimination are... Nova, Sarah, Grape, Kelly and Craig.

This time around, who will the murderer choose to kill? Nova, Sarah, Grape, Kelly or Craig?

Let's not forget, it's a double elimination this time which will mean a higher chance of getting eliminated.

Don't forget the murderer could be anyone. Now... the time has come to find out, who will die!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck everyone.

Kelly: The others seemed pretty peeved at Sarah's apology... I really do feel sorry for her.

*Kelly notices that the bag which is near the fan is missing.*

Kelly: Hmm, I'm sure that green backpack was there. Someone must have took it.

Kelly: The question is who?
???: Oops.
Kelly: Huh?

*The giant fan comes tumbling down on Kelly. It is substantially heavy.*

*Kelly's bones crack under the pressure.*

Kelly: Argh! My ribs... my ribs are bro...

*Kelly's bones continue to crack. She is unconscious.*

*1 hour later. Sarah walks out of the meeting room.*

Sarah: Kelly? KELLY!

*Sarah rushes over to the giant fan.*

Sarah: Come on Kelly.

*Sarah pulls Kelly out from the fan. Kelly is dead now though.*

Sarah: Kelly? Kelly! Please wake up.

*Poisonous gas appears from conveniently placed drones.*

Sarah: What in the...

Sarah: IT'S A TRAP!!!

*Sarah starts coughing.*

Sarah: This... is... poisonous.

*Sarah continues to cough.*

Sarah: I can't get you out of this Kelly. I'm sorry.

*Sarah drops Kelly as she tries to get her breathe.*

Sarah: *cough* This... is... painful.

Sarah: You b*stard!

*The killer shows themselves with a gas mask on.*

Sarah: You won't get away with this.

???: Oh, I will.
Sarah: I bet you won't. Bad guys never win.
???: We'll see about that.

*Sarah takes her final breathe and keels over.*

Sarah: Goodnight, I'm coming to see you Mysti.
???: Mwahahahahaha.

*Kelly and Sarah become the next victims of the killer. The gas evaporates eventually.*

The end of the night is upon the characters! Kelly was claimed as the sixth victim, Sarah was claimed as the seventh victim. Will the murderer be stopped before any more people are killed? We are down to four survivors and the finale will end in a big explosion. We will find out sooner or later.