Tuesday 17 June 2014

2.7: The End is Near

Welcome to The Locomotive! We are reaching the end of this run now, with only 4 survivors left, will Craig McSanders, Damion White, Grape Wisteria or Nova Small-Campton survive the murderer's killing spree or will they become the next victim? Well, one of these people will be hunted down today on The Locomotive! Who will it be, we'll have to see.

Nova: Can we get through it then?
Grape: I dunno, it's hard to say, we could do if we had a couple of hours to spare.
Nova: That's not good, we need to go now.
Grape: I know, have you both checked the rest of the building for a way out?

Damion: I checked, there's no other way apart from this one.
Grape: That's annoying.
Damion: Tell me about it, I did find this though.

*Damion hands over a melting gun.*

Grape: Awesome, where did you find this?
Damion: It was in that room where the giant TV is.
Grape: Hmm, well good job... let's see if we can get out of here.
Nova: Fire that thing up Grape!

*Grape turns the melter gun on and starts to undo the moulding of the air vent.*

Craig: Hmm, why was Damion and Nova searching around in here for?

*Craig hears a noise. It sounds like the melting gun.*

Craig: What the...

*The noise gets louder.*

Craig: What are they doing? I'm going to investigate.

*Craig goes down the stairs through the secret passage into the meeting room.*

Craig: The murderer must have fun going through this... how can the killer go unnoticed though?

*The noise can be heard clearly now.*

Craig: That sounds like a melting gun? What the...

*Craig runs up to the door.*

Craig: Is that... oh no, not again... F*ck sake killer.

*Craig opens the door to the studio floor.*

Craig: How in the hell did the killer kill both Sarah and Kelly without us not knowing?

*Craig gets out a tissue and wipes his brow.*

Craig: I need to get to the bottom of this whole situation right now.

Craig: I have my suspicions though.

*The noise of something falling and hitting the floor is heard.*

Craig: They're upstairs...

Grape: That was quick!
Damion: Yes! Time to get out of here I think.
Nova: I agree, let's go now.
Grape: I'll go first.

*Grape grabs onto the counter to boost himself up, however Craig enters just before he gets onto the counter.*

Craig: Stop right there!
Grape: Oh great, this is all we need right about now.

Craig: None of you are going anywhere, you hear me?
Damion: Why not? If we stay here we will get killed.
Craig: Just like Kelly and Sarah you mean? Well to my surprise I now know that it's one of you three. So... reveal yourself now or else I am going to have to execute all three of you.

Nova: You can't kill all of us just because one person has killed the others.
Craig: I can when it puts everyone's life at risk.
Nova: You are wishing to kill all of us just because of the killer. If anything that is just as bad as killing the others.

Craig: How dare you even compare me to that psychopathic prick. They deserve death and that's final.
Nova: But by killing the other innocents is also justified? What I suggest is trying to build up the evidence against them, that way you're doing your job the right way.

Craig: Get back, I know how to do my job.
Damion: Sure you do, seven people are dead and one person has escaped already.
Craig: I had to stay undercover for the sake of good. You wouldn't understand.
Damion: I sure do Big Mac.

Craig: Shut your face you ingrate.
Nova: Enough of the insults, just let us go already, you can escape with us too.
Craig: I'd rather stay here, why would I escape with the murderer? Just so they can kill me off.
Nova: You're crazy Craig.

Craig: Fine, since everyone wants me to act professional I will. Nova, care to explain yourself?
Nova: Excuse me?
Craig: Where were you at the time of the murders?
Nova: I was mostly with Grape, apart from the Sarah and Kelly incident... I was with Damion then.

Craig: Hmm... Damion?
Damion: I'm innocent and so is Grape.
Craig: This is not getting anywhere, everyone outside now!
Grape: Can we just...
Craig: I said now!

Damion: The idea about killing everyone doesn't seem so bad now.
Nova: Shut up Damion, that isn't helping.
Grape: Can I just...
Craig: Everyone out now, how many times do I have to say it.

Craig: Okay, now that I've had time to listen to your stories I think I know who the murderer is.
Nova: Oh really?
Damion: Enlighten us.
Craig: I have deducted that the murderer is Grape.

Grape: Are you kidding me?
Craig: Nope, now give me your wrists. You're under arrest.
Grape: No way, this is stupid. I haven't killed anybody.
Craig: Don't make this difficult Grape.

Grape: I am going to make this difficult because I haven't killed anyone.
Craig: Sure you haven't.
Damion: This is bullsh*t. He couldn't have killed anyone.
Craig: Oh yeah and why's that?

Damion: Because he is one of the nicest people I've ever met.
Craig: That is one lame excuse.
Damion: It's okay blaming everyone else Craig, but no one has questioned you yet.
Craig: Are you seriously suggesting that I could have killed all of those people?

Nova: He's right, you could've done. You have the best combat training out of all of us.
Craig: I am not a scapegoat!
Nova: So you are admitting it then?
Craig: No I'm not, maybe you did it!

Grape: Enough of this blame game okay, I don't know about anyone else but I am leaving right now through that air vent- it's the only chance we have left of survival.
Craig: You aren't going to get away with this, even if you do escape the FBI will be onto you.
Grape: They won't because I didn't do it. There's no evidence anyway to say that I did do it.

Craig: I'll make sure there is something.
Grape: Your true colours are showing now.
Craig: The murderer is still free, how do you expect me to react?
Grape: I'm sorry but just calm down.

Craig: I...I... You're right... It's just so frustrating not having the right equipment to help me...

*Craig sighs*

Craig: I don't think it's you any more Grape.

Grape: Look just stop and think for a second Craig.
Craig: Fine.

*Craig sighs again.*

Craig: I'm better now.
Grape: Good.
Craig: What we really need to do first is...

*The lights go out.*

Nova: What in the...
Damion: Oh no.
Grape: What happened to the lights?
Craig: Someone turn them back on immediately.

The killer is on the prowl! Another person will become the next victim! But who will it be? In the Train Driver quiz the Mole Marker was Grape, however since he came last that meant that the whole cast was up for elimination.

This time the murderer has the choice between Craig, Damion, Grape and Nova to choose from.

Who will be the next victim though? Don't forget the murderer can be anyone!

The time has come to find out who the next victim is, Good luck everyone!!!

*The lights come back on.*

Nova: What is going on?
Grape: I don't know.

Nova: Where's Craig?
Grape: He was just here a minute ago.
Damion: Um guys...
Nova: Yeah?

Damion: I've found Craig.
Nova: Oh no, has he?
Damion: Someone must have thrown him over the balcony.
Grape: OH NO.

Grape: He's dead.
Nova: *cries* Oh no.
Damion: That means one of us must have killed him.

*The group look at each other.*

"Someone in this group has been fooling me this whole time. I am not letting anyone come close to me until I find out the identity of this killer. I must survive and find out the truth."

*Damion looks at Grape.*

"I'm one of the last survivors here, the identity of the murderer must be revealed otherwise I won't be able to live with myself, justice must prevail!"

*Grape looks at Nova.*

"The hour is upon us, the murderer must be caught otherwise our work was for nothing. I am going to keep positive about this though."

*The group look at each other in shock.*

Well, we are down to 3 people left! Someone before you is the murderer and only one of these people will leave the studio alive... be it the murderer or an innocent survivor. We'll see who will survive The Locomotive!