Monday 10 June 2013

1.3: Shocking Discovery

Welcome to The Locomotive! 12 players will be chosen to go on a train ride they will never forget! 12 will leave the station, 1 will reach their destination... alive! So, who is the killer on board the murder train? Well, we'll find out eventually...

*Footsteps are heard*

Shirley: Huh?

*Shirley wakes up, breathing quick*

Shirley: Something isn't right here... Hmm... Barbie? She's in the other room.

*Shirley gets to her feet*

Shirley: I need a p*ss!

*More footsteps are heard*

Shirley: Hello? No one's awake. Damn it!

*Shirley opens the door to the bathroom. Gladis jumps out on her.*

Gladis: HELLO!
Shirley: Ah!
Gladis: Hello, hello, hello!
Shirley: F*ck sake...

Gladis: Oh... I guess I scared you a little bit.
Shirley: Scared me?

Shirley: Of course you scared me! I'm glad it was just you...
Gladis: Who did you think it was silly? An ax murderer?
Shirley: Wouldn't anyone? It's late at night... how long have you been in there?
Gladis: Not long. I just woke up deary.

*Gladis re-adjusts her glasses*

Gladis: May I ask what you are doing up so early?
Shirley: Hmm... I was going to the bathroom.
Gladis: Ha, you'll have no chance in there... the toilet is blocked. Looks like somebody bombed it.

*Shirley laughs to herself.*

Shirley: Barbie... You know, not a lot of people would want to talk to me. Do you want something?
Gladis: Don't flatten yourself hon... I just wanted a small talk with you...

*Gladis looks at some of Shirley's tattoos*

Gladis: You seem interesting after all; with the tattoos and such.

Shirley: Yeah, I was hoping someone would comment on it. Was feeling a bit disappointed when nobody did.
Gladis: Really?
Shirley: Ha, no. I don't give a sh*t what others think.

*Silence hits the room.*

Gladis: What's your name sweetie?
Shirley: Shirley. Shirley Winchester.
Gladis: That's a lovely name... I'm Gladis... Not to be rude Shirley, but a lot of people have got the wrong impression of you; and you just feed it. May I ask, why would you be so...

*Shirley snaps back at Gladis*

Shirley: Bitchy?
Gladis: A bit harsh on yourself, don't you think?
Shirley: I'm just... I can't help it.
Gladis: Do you want to get anything off of your chest? 

*Silence hits the room again*

Shirley: I'm not upset. If you think I'm a misunderstood woeful Disney bitch, then you're dead wrong. I'm just sarcastic and hot-headed and I'm pretty sure no one would wanna talk to a person like that.

Gladis: But you're lovely!
Shirley: Not lovely enough for anyone's liking.
Gladis: I'm sure others would say otherwise. 

Shirley: Well... thanks I guess.
Gladis: No problem. If you need help, I'll be happy to accompany you.
Shirley: Thanks. You're one of the people who I tolerate... Now I'd best find another bathroom.

*Shirley exits*

*Shirley goes over to the train driver's cabin. There is another bathroom to the left of the train driver's cabin*

Shirley: Where the f*ck am I? Grr... there's hardly any other doors left. I guess I'll have to try this one.

*Shirley enters*

Shirley: Hmm... something's feel very... very wrong in here.

*Shirley walks over to the flower pot*

Shirley: Huh? Who's that... excuse me, wake up?

*Shirley realizes its Barbie*

Shirley: Oh god... NO!

Shirley: Barbie? Wake up girl. Come on, WAKE UP BARBIE!

*Shirley checks Barbie's pulse*

Shirley: Mother of f*ck... somebody... SOMEBODY HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!

*Shirley bursts into tears*

*Cassi, Spencer, Taylor and Tybalt enter in a hurry*

Taylor: What's up?
Spencer: OH MY GOD! Is she...
Tybalt: It look's like it.

Shirley: I... I just found her here... lying on the floor... she's dead.

*Shirley cries while Taylor takes her away from Barbie for her own good.*

Shirley: Get off me!
Taylor: This isn't good for you.
Shirley: I need... to hold her!

Spencer: I can't believe... she's... she's dead.
Shirley: Get off me.
Tybalt: We need to put her somewhere safe... she needs to be examined.
Shirley: You are not going to touch her.

*Taylor pulls Shirley away from Barbie's body*

Shirley: Get off me you b*stard!
Taylor: Shirley, please. You need to come with me.
Shirley: I'm not leaving her.
Taylor: Help me Spencer.
Spencer: ... Huh, okay.

*Taylor and Spencer escort a distraught Shirley out of the cabin*

Cassi: Tybalt... can you look over her and tell what has happened?
Tybalt: I can do... I haven't got any equipment on me though.
Cassi: Why don't you change...
Tybalt: Shh! No one needs to know about it... now let's put her in that bathroom. It's the only place away from everywhere else.

*Cassi and Tybalt grab hold of Barbie and carry her into the bathroom*

Tybalt: Damn it Cassi, be careful!
Cassi: Don't tell me what to do Tybalt.

*Cassi and Tybalt put Barbie's body in the bathroom*

Cassi: You need to...
Tybalt: I know I need to change... I'll do it now.
Cassi: Okay.
Tybalt: I'm gonna have to ask you to leave... you need to go and comfort Shirley.
Cassi: Okay, should I inform the others on what's happened?
Tybalt: If Shirley wants you to.
Cassi: Okay...

Tybalt: Cassi?
Cassi: Yeah?
Tybalt: By the looks of things... I think she's been murdered.
Cassi: That's... horrifying... Anyway, I'd best go and comfort Shirley.
Tybalt: Yeah... bye then.

*Cassi leaves the room*

Tybalt: Look's like I'll have to change now... all right. Let's do this...

*Tybalt starts to change*

Tybalt: Argh!

*Tybalt's transformation begins*

Tybalt: Nearly there... Argh!

*Tybalt's transformation has nearly finished*

Tybalt: Ah! Perfect... Now, where am I?

*Tybalt's transformation has finished. He remembers what he is here for*

Tybalt: Right...

Tybalt: Oh god, stay calm Tybalt... I need to take a closer look... maybe around her neck?

*Tybalt kneels down and takes a look at Barbie's body.*

Tybalt: I see... she has been murdered! I'm so sorry Barbie... it must've been painful.

*Tybalt looks around her neck*

Tybalt: Look's like she was strangled with... a wire of some kind?

*Ted enters*

Ted: What the...

Ted: Tybalt... is that... you?

*Tybalt turns to look at Ted*

Tybalt: Oh, er... I'm not going to eat or hurt anyone of you, I'm taking a closer look at Barbie.
Ted: So it's true... she's dead?
Tybalt: Yes... unfortunately.
Ted: How can I trust you?

Tybalt: I'm a crime scene technician, it's my job to solve crimes like this, and these strong werewolf senses come in very handy...
Ted: Um... okay. I guess I can trust you.

Ted: Shirley is in a right state out there... I'd show a little bit of sympathy but...
Tybalt: But what?
Ted: Well... she kind of brought this on herself.
Tybalt: What are you on about? No one brought anything on.
Ted: That's not what I've noticed.

Shirley: You shouldn't have dragged me away. I wanted to see her... I wanted to hold her.
Taylor: I know, I'm sorry Shirley but... you need to let go. It's not healthy to hold onto her.
Shirley: She's only be dead two minutes and your telling me to get over it?
Taylor: I didn't mean it like that...

Shirley: Sure you didn't. I bet your happy she's dead.
Taylor: What? Your talking like a crazy woman. I'd never celebrate anyone's death.
Shirley: Oh really?
Taylor: Well... apart from my ex, my former boss and all the people who have used me.

Taylor: But I would only celebrate them because they made my life horrible.
Shirley: You sounds like a man with a plan.
Taylor: I'm a man who has to live with guilt. Unlike you!
Shirley: I live with plenty of guilt! You shouldn't judge me, you don't know anything about me.

Margaret: Is Shirley okay?
Cassi: No.
Scott: I heard that her fellow b*tch is dead!
Gladis: Scott Holden! Take that back.
Cassi: That's insensitive! You should be ashamed.

Scott: There's nothing to be ashamed of. She brought it on herself.
Cassi: How? HOW?
Margaret: Scott does have a point.
Cassi: Are you being serious?
Gladis: Nah, they're just joking... right?

Margaret: Oh, I'm not joking... Her clothing choice was disgusting, skimpy outfits showcasing all of her skin to everyone! And don't even get me started on her make-up- her face was covered like a savage... I would never coat myself in that. If anything she was trying to get attention, and she got it! These men on this train... they are disgusting... apart from Ted!
Scott: Hey!
Margaret: And they would kill anyone just to take advantage of them. I mean have you seen Steven and Spencer... they are so suspicious. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm keeping my distance.
Scott: And don't forget about Shirley... her appearance overall will attract negativeness.

Cassi: What has that got anything to do with Barbie being murdered...
Scott: Murdered?
Gladis: No... I thought... she died of natural causes...
Cassi: No... she didn't... now do you feel better guys? Huh?

Shirley: Are they talking about me? Are they talking about Barbie?
Taylor: No, let's just...
Shirley: If they have anything to say... they better come over here and say it to my f*cking face.

Margaret: I am so sorry Cassi!
Scott: So am I.
Cassi: It's not me you need to apologize to... you need to apologize to Shirley!

Genevieve: I cannot believe that Barbie is... dead! It's so horrible.
Steven: I know, poor girl.
Genevieve: Hey, I got a joke for you...
Steven: Hmm... Go on then.

Genevieve: Okay... I...
Steven: Wait? Will I enjoy it?
Genevieve: Of course you will... I'm Genevieve! The comedian fairy.
Steven: Hmm... go on then.

Genevieve: Okay, okay.

*Genevieve starts laughing at her own joke*

Steven: Go on then!
Genevieve: Oh yeah, sorry about that... hahahah!

Genevieve: "I could murder a fag!"
Steven: ...
Genevieve: Hehe... Not the best thing to say at an Elton John after party! Hahahaha.
Steven: Genevieve... is that really appropriate considering the situation?

Genevieve: You're right... I have another one. They say there's a person capable of murder in every friendship group... so I killed Dave before he could harm anyone. Hahaha!
Steven: Genevieve...

Steven: These jokes are just... sick!
Genevieve: Excuse me?
Steven: They aren't appropriate right now. Barbie has been murdered!

Genevieve: I know Steven! Gosh, I was just trying to lighten the mood.
Steven: Well you failed.
Genevieve: You're no fun!

Steven: Just go! Get out of here.
Genevieve: Fine... maybe there's some scrap around here? I'll be able to blow things up then.
Steven: Wait, what?

*Genevieve leaves*

Steven: People are asking way too many questions on here... I'm gonna have to keep my eyes on everyone... now that there's a psycho around... maybe it's Scott? He's getting revenge on me for firing him... Oh gosh.
Spencer: Steven?
Steven: Ah! Oh... um, hi there... Spencer.

Spencer: Who's getting revenge on you?
Steven: Eh, what? Oh... nothing. What do you want Spencer?

Spencer: Well, Actually... I wanted to ask what you were doing later on?
Steven: Why?
Spencer: Well... I've got a little game I always play... it's called...Dare Trim Run!
Steven: How do you play that?

Spencer: Well, it's a bit like Cluedo... but in real life.
Steven: Oh I know what you mean... I've played that game a few times before.
Spencer: Oh yeah?
Steven: Yeah, sometimes on this train too...
Spencer: Hey... same here.

Steven: Maybe we could play it tonight.
Spencer: I was just about to suggest that...
Steven: Great... Oh and one more thing...

*An explosion is heard*

Steven: What in the...

*The explosion has come from the train cabin. Genevieve stands up from planting the bomb*

Genevieve: Oh sh*t! I don't think I should've blown that part up.
Tybalt: What is going on in here!?

Tybalt: I'm trying to examine Barbie's body in here?
Ted: It's Genevieve... do you know where the explosion came from?
Genevieve: No... maybe... it came from this part!

*Genevieve points at the engine*

Ted: Oh great...

*The train comes to a crashing holt*

Genevieve: What does that mean?
Ted: Well... we're stuck here aren't we. We ain't going anywhere now.
Tybalt: Great job Genevieve.

*Margaret and Scott enter. Cassi follows in.*

Cassi: What in the bloody hell was that noise?
Ted: It was Genevieve... she's blown the engine up.
Cassi: So... we're stranded here.
Ted: More or less.

Scott: I don't f*cking believe this! You're a f*cking idiot Genevieve!
Margaret: Scott, stop it. I'm sure we can get the engine fixed... hopefully soon.
Genevieve: Don't even start with me Scott!

Genevieve: This train was too boring... I needed some form of entertainment.
Scott: By risking everyone's lifes? You could've killed everyone on here!
Tybalt: That's enough both of you! Now if you all don't mind...

Tybalt: I need to get back to work!
Genevieve: I'm sorry Tybalt.

*Scott grunts and leaves*

Night 2! There's something strange going on in the Chamber Train! The murderer is prowling for their next victim...

And like any murderer, they are searching for their endless source of blood-lust pleasure...

But with one victim already killed off, who will be the next one...

Well... the murderer has a large choice of victims tonight...

Who will be killed? Gladis... Margaret... Shirley... Taylor... Ted... or Tybalt?

The murderer has chosen their next victim! One of these six contestants... will become the murderer's second victim...

NOTE: All six contestants were chosen due to the results of the Train Driver Quiz. These contestants fell below the Mole Marker; Scott.

Tybalt: My head is killing me... this would be such an easier case if I had my equipment with me... I'm just glad I've got some quiet now that everyone is asleep...
???: Tybalt!
Tybalt: Huh?
???: Come here! I need your help... I'm in the train driver's cabin!

Tybalt: Why is anyone in there? I'm coming...

*Tybalt runs to the doors*

???: Help, quickly!
Tybalt: Hang on, I'm here!

*Tybalt rushes in*

Tybalt: Where are you?
???: I'm here Tybalt.
Tybalt: Wait... what the...

*Tybalt is stabbed in the chest with a knife*

Tybalt: Agh!
???: Hahaha.
Tybalt: How could you?
???: Shut up... and die!

*Tybalt falls to the floor. He tries to scramble for the door-handle*

Tybalt: Help me! Someone... I'm getting murdered!
???: No one can hear you now Tybalt...

Tybalt: You...
???: Me! Accept your fate...

*The murderer drags Tybalt back and continuously attacks him with the knife*

Tybalt: Ugh...
???: Bye bye Tybalt!

Tybalt: I'm so... sorry! I... ugh.
???: Haha, another down... I'm getting the hang of this. 2 down, 9 to go!!!

The end of the night is upon the contestants. Tybalt was claimed as the second victim of the murderer. Their selfish bloodlust will not be stopped until they have been exposed... but who is the murderer? Let's hopefully find out before anyone else suffers the killer's wrath.