Saturday 1 June 2013

1.2: We should have arrived by Now

Welcome to The Locomotive! 12 players will be chosen to go on a train ride they will never forget! 12 will leave the station, 1 will reach their destination... alive! So, who is the killer on board the murder train? Well, we'll find out eventually...

*Scott and Steven look at the route display on the wall*

Steven: This journey should have only took 30 minutes right?
Scott: It should have done...
Steven: Well why are we still on this damn train then? My movie deal is going to dissolve.
Scott: Calm down Steven, I'm sure there's a perfectly valid explanation for the delay...

Scott: Although looking at this display it looks like we've passed Bridgeport.
Steven: Are you kidding me? Where are we going then?
Scott: I don't know.
Barbie: Excuse me?

Barbie: Do you mind getting out of our personal space.
Shirley: You smell like cabbage and it's infecting the area.
Scott: Are you talking to me?
Shirley: Well, we're looking at you and we're projecting our words to you. So yeah.

Steven: I'm sorry ladies, we didn't mean to...
Scott: Shut it Steven, I got this... we can stand wherever we want to stand, and I'm not letting any slag tell me what to do.
Shirley: Who are you calling a slag? You'll regret that.
Scott: Ha, what can you do? Hurt me?
Shirley: I could do...
Scott: Ooo, feisty.

Genevieve: Gosh, it's heating up over there.
Spencer: I know, they are all trouble.
Genevieve: Steven seems kind.
Spencer: He seems kind, yeah. I know what people like that are like though.

Genevieve: I guess your right.
Spencer: Anyway, how are you? Are you feeling any better yet?
Genevieve: I'm still a little tired but I'll be fine.
Spencer: That's good to hear.

Genevieve: How are you?
Spencer: I'm... tired. Everyone's made the whole train a mess.
Genevieve: Oh dear... say, I could help you clean it if you want? It'll help you get to your other jobs.
Spencer: Thanks Genevieve.
Natalia (Voice Over): Spencer, get back to work now or you're fired!

Spencer: Great, the boss is calling.
Natalia (Voice Over): Spencer, get back to work! I don't want you interrupting the contestants.
Genevieve: Contestants?
Spencer: What are you on about Natalia?

Natalia (Voice Over): Didn't I tell you? The 12 other people on this train are contestants on my new reality show.
Spencer: There's only 11 passengers on this train though?
Natalia (Voice Over): Is there? Damn, one of them must have withdrawn. Fine, Spencer you're the replacement contestant.
Spencer: Wait, what?
Natalia (Voice Over): Ugh. You are trouble. Basically, the reality show is like Big Brother... but with a twist.
Spencer: What twist?
Natalia (Voice Over): Hehe, you'll see.
Genevieve: Ooo, mysterious.

Gladis: Wait, did you say Reality show?
Natalia (Voice Over): Yes! You are on a reality show?
Gladis: So, are we still heading for Bridgeport or what?
Natalia (Voice Over): Sort of.
Gladis: Ugh, never mind. I don't want to know.

*Gladis notices Taylor*

Gladis: Ooo, what's this I see?

Tybalt: Hey man, I'm Tybalt.
Taylor: Taylor. Nice to meet you.
Tybalt: So, I guess we're on a reality show then?
Taylor: I know. Kinda lame but oh well...

Tybalt: It'll be an experience. The problem is I need to be in Bridgeport though. My unit needs me.
Taylor: I'm in no rush to be there. Say, what do you do again?
Tybalt: I'm a crime scene technician.
Taylor: Hmm, fancy, does it pay well?
Gladis (To self): Oh, look at him, he seems better already. I don't like that Tybalt guy though... There's something about him.

Tybalt: I was just wondering, have you seen my phone around? I think I've lost it.
Taylor: No sorry man. My phone's gone missing too.
Tybalt: Really? Hmm... Cassi's has gone as well.
Taylor: Sounds like someone on this train has stolen the phones.

Tybalt: You can't jump to conclusions.
Taylor: I'm not, but I had my phone before I came onto the train. Did you and Cassi?
Tybalt: I had mine... I'm sure Cassi had her's before she came on too.
Taylor: Hmm... someone on this train is a thief. Who could it be though?

Gladis: Hmm, something isn't right about this show... or this train... or some of these people. Best keep my eyes open.
Scott: What did you say?
Gladis: Huh?

Scott: You two are f*cking pathetic!
Barbie: You better get out of my face or else!
Scott: Is that a threat?
Barbie: It sure is.

Barbie: Now if you don't leave us alone I'll slit your throat.
Scott: Oh, is that a death threat? You're so mature.
Barbie: Don't talk to me about maturity.
Shirley: You heard Barbie. Leave us alone you freak.

Barbie: And another thing... what the f*ck is with the sunglasses? They make you look a complete d*ck on this train.

Scott: They're designer. Anyway I'm not wasting my breath on some blonde bimbo. I'd rather argue with someone as doggish as you, Shirley!
Shirley: Are you calling me a dog?
Scott: I sure am.

Shirley: Go and f*ck yourself! You've got a sh*t personality, sh*t appearance, and don't even get me started on your DJ Skills.
Scott: I'll have you know I'm the best DJ around nowadays.
Shirley: The best? Ha. You play the same songs EVERY TIME!!! I've been to your concerts and their absolute sh*t!

Scott: I'm surprised security let you in looking like that!
Steven: Scott, please, just sit down man.

*Steven grabs Scott's arm. Scott pulls away from Steven*

Scott: Don't touch me you pervert.

Steven: Excuse me?
Scott: You heard me. I know what you get up to when you're filming your movies.
Steven: You are crazy!
Scott: You touched that Marie up didn't you?

Scott: I can tell you did. You're too ashamed.
Scott: You'll what? Kill me?
Steven: Maybe.

*Steven walks away from Scott*

Steven: That little b*stard is cut from my film.
Gladis: I'm sorry, Steven is it?
Steven: Huh?

Gladis: I don't believe that you touched that girl.
Steven: I didn't, thank you for showing your concern anyway.
Gladis: It's okay. Everyone needs a little support sometimes. I'm Gladis.
Steven: Nice to meet you Gladis.

Gladis: So, what are you going to Bridgeport for?
Steven: Me? Um... a fishing tournament.
Gladis: You're a fisherman? My... former husband was a fisherman. Sadly he died.
Steven: I'm sorry, that's a shame. How'd he die?
Gladis: He... accidentally strangled himself with the fishing net.
Steven: That sounds horrific.

Gladis: Aye, it was. Hmm... you look familiar? Have we met before?
Steven: I don't think so.
Gladis: You look like that guy from The Nightmare on Oak Street?
Steven: That's not me... it's... my twin brother.

Gladis: That's lovely. Do you think he's a good actor?
Steven: He is quite the actor!
Gladis: I agree. He took Teddy Krueger off very good.
Steven: Yeah. He did...

Margaret: This train ride is taking forever.
Ted: I know right. I wonder if it's a problem with the driver?
Margaret: The driver should have told us we were gonna be late at least.
Ted: Exactly. I mean, well... you're going to miss your sister's funeral.

Margaret: It's sad I know. Do you have the time on you?
Ted: Um yeah... it's 4:00pm.
Margaret: 4pm? You have got to be joking me. I've missed the funeral.
Ted: Oh no. I'm so sorry Margaret.

Margaret: It's fine... I just feel... so damn mad with myself.
Ted: Margaret! It wasn't your fault. It was the driver's fault.
Margaret: No, it was my chauffeur's fault. If he had come and picked me up from the station...
Ted: You would've been there on time.

*Silence breaks in*

Ted: You know what... I know you might be a little upset now, but how about you help me...
Margaret: Help you?
Ted: Yeah, help me write my next column for the magazine.
Margaret: Are you being serious?
Ted: Yes. I'll make sure you get the credit for it as well.

Margaret: I... yes, okay then! Wow... that's cheered me up a little bit.
Ted: I'm glad to hear that!
Margaret: What will the column be about?

Ted: I was thinking something on the lines of a Murder Mystery.
Margaret: Hmm, murder mystery you say. I like it.
Cassi: Um, guys?

Cassi: I found these arcade machines but... there seems to be a problem.
Margaret: What's the matter Cassi?
Cassi: Well... the power wire seems to not be here.
Margaret: That's strange. Have you checked around the back?

Cassi: Yeah... something doesn't seem right here.
Ted: Have you checked around here? Maybe's there's a spare.
Margaret: Yeah. I used to have a machine like that and it had a spare power wire.
Cassi: Hmm... I'll go check near the bookcase.

Ted: I haven't any idea where that power wire could have gone.
Margaret: Neither have I? Maybe someone took it when they were in here earlier?
Ted: Possibly... anyway, this article.
Margaret: I love the idea of a murder mystery column. What exactly are we going to write though?

Ted: Well... I have an idea...
Cassi: Hey guys, I found a spare over by the bookcase.
Margaret: Have you seen any sign of the original power wire?
Cassi: No, it's still lost. Who'd want to steal a power wire?
Margaret: Beats me... Probably that girl with that tattoos, I know what girls like her get up to.

*Cassi and Ted turn on the machines and start playing*

Ted: What game is that?
Cassi: Dino Revenge. What's yours?
Ted: Bunny Balloon Massacre!
Cassi: Ooo, sounds gory.

Cassi: COME ON! You can do it Cassi... just one more.
Ted: Oh yeah! High score.
Cassi: Hehe, well done Ted... hey Margaret?

Margaret: Yes dear?
Cassi: Do you want a go on the games?
Margaret: I'm fine dear, I don't play many video games. I'm not fussed.
Ted: Not even on Bunny Balloon Massacre?
Margaret: I guess I could have a little go...

Cassi: That's the spirit...
Ted: Yes it is. Hey, what are you doing?

*Margaret pushes Ted out of the way*

Ted: Hey, I didn't finish.
Margaret: Ooo, this looks very fun... Oh, that little bunny thinks he can kill me!
Ted: Um, Margaret...
Margaret: Don't distract me! This bunny is gonna die.... Oh damn, he shot me. Grr...

Cassi: Um, Margaret... it's just...
Margaret: I'll start it again... oh wait, Ooo, I've got past Ted's score.

Ted: You have? How?
Cassi: Wow... you annihilated that game Margaret.
Margaret: I'm still winning.
Cassi: Okay...

Shirley: Are you feeling any better since earlier?
Barbie: I'll be fine... He just really made my blood boil.
Shirley: I know, he took it too far.

Barbie: And what the hell is with this train? Yeah, were on a reality show now apparently... but we haven't been told anything about this show.
Shirley: I know, there's something weird about that.
Barbie: Normally on reality shows don't you compete in challenges?
Shirley: Usually.

Shirley: Oh well, if we are on a reality show like the woman over the speaker says then we are definitely in an alliance.
Barbie: Besties!
Shirley: I hate that word.
Barbie: Sorry Shirl... oh... hello there!
Shirley: What are you looking at?

Barbie: Hehe... nothing.
Shirley: I don't believe you... let's see...

Barbie: That... looks... fine!
Shirley: Oh no, are you looking at...
Barbie: Dat ar*e, hell yeah.
Shirley: Barbie... really? I thought you'd have higher standards than that.
Barbie: What are you on about? He's got high standards... whoa, wait a minute...

Barbie: Why is that fairy hugging him? Hey!
Shirley: Barbie! Calm down.
Barbie: Hehe, sorry.
Shirley: It's fine.

Barbie: Hmm... well, I'm going to the bathroom.
Shirley: Beware!

Barbie: Haha, oh will you shut up!

*Barbie and Shirley laugh at each other*

Shirley: I can't help it.

Barbie: This inside joke is getting so old.
Shirley: Haha, whatever... scaredy cat!

*Barbie walks off. She nearly falls over*

Barbie: Damn, this train moves a hell of a lot.

*Shirley takes a seat on the train*

Shirley: Hmm... I wonder...

Shirley: I bet he is gonna end up with that... pixie? It wouldn't surprise me.
Scott: Come on Steven... I'm sorry!
Shirley: Great... as if he couldn't be any louder...

Shirley: Mr. Worldwide sensation DJ!
Steven: You heard me Holden! You've been dropped from the movie.
Scott: What?

Steven: You heard me.
Scott: But why?
Steven: You must have forgot the whole incident earlier... 
Scott: That wasn't my fault.
Steven: It was partially your fault. Now leave me alone you imbecile! 

Shirley: Haha, that little c*nt is getting the sh*t end of the stick.
Cassi: So, do you watch Criminal Minds?
Shirley: Oh great.

Tybalt: Sometimes.
Cassi: I love Reid! He's my favorite out of the detectives.

Cassi: I also love Garcia... but Reid...
Tybalt: Cassi... that woman is looking at us.
Cassi: The one with that tattoos?

Tybalt: Yeah.

*Tybalt turns to Shirley*

Tybalt: Can I help you?

Shirley: Actually yeah, you could...
Tybalt: What do you want?
Shirley: Can you tell your girlfriend there to lower her volume? She's louder than my iPod on max.

Cassi: Who does she think she is?
Tybalt: Let's just talk a little quieter okay?
Cassi: Whatever.

*Cassi turns around and scowls at Shirley*

Shirley: Haha, skank... What's taking Barbie so long? I hope she isn't taking a sh*t!

*Shirley looks at the time*

Shirley: Well I guess we're going to be here for a while... I might as well take a nap.

*Shirley closes her eyes and takes a nap. Gladis and Taylor enter*

Gladis: Hey everyone, we found some sleeping bags we can use?
Scott: Why would we need sleeping bags?
Gladis: We're on a reality show now, so I doubt we'll be getting off this train anytime soon.
Scott: Fine.

Taylor: There's only room for 8 people in the luxury cabin though, that means 4 people will have to sleep out here.
Tybalt: I don't mind sleeping out here.
Spencer: Me either.
Gladis: I'll sleep out here tonight.

*Barbie re-enters*

Barbie: I'll sleep out here as well.
Taylor: Good, I guess the rest of us will be in there...

*6 hours later- NIGHT TIME*

Night 1, and there's something strange happening on the Chamber Train! There is a murderer on board... and the murderer is hungry for blood...

 Which contestants will be killed by the murderer tonight? Will it be...

 Barbie... Gladis... Spencer... or Tybalt?

The murderer has chosen their victim... one of these four 'contestants' will become the murderer's first victim...

NOTE: The four targets were chosen due to the results of the Train Driver Quiz. All four contestants fell below the Mole Marker; Shirley.

???: Barbie!

*Barbie wakes up*

Barbie: Huh? Who's there?
???: Come here, I need your help... I'm in the train driver's cabin.
Barbie: Hmm... is that you Shirley?

*Barbie enters the train driver's cabin. She shuts the door behind her.*

Barbie: Where are you?
???: Help!
Barbie: Tell me please, where are you?
???: I'm behind you!

*The murderer appears behind Barbie*

*Barbie is hit with what appears to be a crowbar*

Barbie: Ouch! You b*stard. What do you think you're doing?
???: I'm doing what I think is right.
Barbie: You sicko.

*The murderer hits Barbie again. She falls onto the floor in pain*

Barbie: Argh! I gotta warn the others...
???: You are going nowhere.
Barbie: Why are you doing this?

???: It's part of the game Barbie.
Barbie: Let me go! SOMEONE HELP ME!

*The murderer wraps the power wire from the arcade machine around Barbie's neck. She is being strangled*

???: Stop struggling! STOP STRUGGLING!

*Barbie drops to the floor*

Barbie: Ugh...
???: Haha, it has worked! 1 down, 10 to go! Let's see how they react to this silly little mess. Hahahahaha.

The end of the night is upon the contestants. Barbie was claimed as the first victim of the murderer. Their selfish bloodlust will not be stopped until they have been exposed... but who is the murderer? Let's hopefully find out before anyone else suffers the killer's wrath.

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