Friday 4 April 2014

2.5: Through the Fire

Welcome to The Locomotive! So far, Katarina Rose became the fourth victim to be killed by the murderer. Is there continuous fear among the characters? Of course there is! Who is the killer? This is The Locomotive!

Mysti: Sarah, as group leader we need to find a way through this.
Sarah: Mysti, leave me alone please. I'm not interested right now.
Mysti: Are you kidding me?
Sarah: Look, come to me with your problems when I'm not hungry.

Mysti: I'm getting really sick of this Sarah. Why are you turning against me?
Sarah: What was that?

*Mysti huffs.*

Mysti: Nothing...

Sarah: Good, now go away.
Mysti: No.
Sarah: Mysti... leave me alone!
Mysti: You're supposed to be helping this group, you're not doing anything.

Sarah: What don't you understand about 'LEAVE ME ALONE'. Is it the leave part? It must be.
Mysti: I'm not leaving until you do one thing to help that group of people downstairs.
Sarah: Mysti, most of that group can look after themselves. I don't know why we even elected a leader anyway.

Sarah: I mean if you ask me it's a load of bullsh... OH-MY-GOD!

*Sarah see's Katarina's dead body in the bathtub.*

Sarah: Katarina... is dead.

Mysti: Katarina's dead?
Sarah: Yes. That's the fourth person now.
Mysti: Oh god. That leaves seven of us. This person is picking us off one by one.
Sarah: That's it!

Sarah: Come here Mysti!
Mysti: Yeah?
Sarah: I need to ask you a favour?
Mysti: What is it?

Sarah: I want you to get rid of Katarina's body. Make sure the others don't see it.
Mysti: Okay.
Sarah: Oh and another thing.
Mysti: What?

Sarah: Ask Craig to gather the others in the sound studio.
Mysti: Can I ask why?
Sarah: You'll see.
Mysti: Come on Sarah, tell me.

Sarah: I can't... not yet anyway.
Mysti: What are you thinking?
Sarah: I'm thinking of a good idea.
Mysti: What is it?

Sarah: Well, we all know that someone in this building is a killer.
Mysti: That's pretty clear now.
Sarah: So we are going to take the law into our hands.
Mysti: I like it, wait, where are you going with this?

Sarah: Let's just say that it's my time as leader to finish this.
Mysti: I don't like where this is going.
Sarah: Just do what I asked please.
Mysti: Ugh. Fine.
Sarah: Mwahaha!

Mysti: Oh my god.
Sarah: See, you told me to be a leader.
Mysti: Yeah, a leader doesn't take their group captive.
Sarah: We have a murderer on the loose Mysti. This is the most safe proportion.

Grape: Why are we in these handcuffs?
Kelly: Surely we can talk about this rationally?
Nova: None of us did it, just let us go.
Damion: You heard Nova, let us f*cking go now you evil witch!

Mysti: He's right, we should let them go.
Sarah: Mysti, shut up.
Mysti: You know just cos' your my boss doesn't mean you can talk to me like sh*t.
Sarah: Mysti I was your boss, once we get out of here you're a free agent.

Mysti: Wait, are you?
Sarah: Yes, I'm letting you go. You probably won't make it anyway.
Mysti: That...
Sarah: Is the truth... hardly any of us are going to make it out of here and I sure aren't sacrificing my life for anyone.

Mysti: I thought you actually cared about the people you worked with, guess your just an evil hearted cow.
Sarah: Spare me the crocodile tears.
Mysti: They are real.

Kelly: Just let us go.
Grape: How many times do we have to ask you to let us go?
Sarah: A hell of a lot more, I am not letting you out of here. Full stop.
Grape: You are evil.

Damion: I told you she was evil, no one believed me though.
Nova: I believed you. She's changed.
Damion: Now, do the right thing here! Let us go. You heard me, let us go!!!
Sarah: Never, not until the murderer surrenders.

Damion: Ugh... while we are waiting... can I ask you something?
Sarah: What?
Damion: Can we do a musical number?
Sarah: Hmm... sounds pretty good.

Sarah: Fine! We will do a musical number!
All: Yay!!!
Sarah: I'll give you all five minutes to freshen up, I want a good performance.
All: Okay.

(Please play the song and continue reading. Try to follow with the pace of the song!)

*Piano keys*

*Guitar keys*

Mysti: "I touch the fire, and it freezes me. I look into it and it's black!"
Mysti: "Why can't I feel? My skin should crack and peel, I want the fire back!"

Mysti: "Now through the smoke, she calls to me. To make my way across the flame."
Mysti: "To save the day, Or maybe melt away! I guess it's all the same."

Mysti: "So I will walk through the fire!"
Mysti: "Cause where else can I turn?"

Mysti: "I will walk through the fire, and let it..."

Damion: "The torch I bear is scorching me."

Damion: "Sarah's laughing I've no doubt."

Damion: "I hope she fries, I'm free if that b*tch dies!"

Damion: "I better help her out."

Craig: "Cause she is drawn to the fire!"

Craig: "Some people..."

Craig/Damion: "She will never learn."

Craig/Damion: "And she will walk through the fire, and let it..."

Grape: "Will this do a thing to change her?"
Grape: "Am I leaving dawn in danger?"
Grape: "Is my slayer too far gone to care?"

Sarah: "What if Mysti can't defeat it?"
Kelly: "Four eyes is right, we're needed."

Nova: "Or we could just sit around and glare?"

Grape/Kelly/Nova/Sarah: "We'll see it through, It's what we're always here to do."
Grape/Kelly/Nova/Sarah: "So we will walk through the fire."

Mysti: "So one by one, they turn from me. I guess my friend's can't face the cold."

All: "What can't we face?"

Mysti: "But why I froze, not one among them knows."

Mysti: "And never can be told."
(Kelly: "Together!")

Nova: "She came from the grave much graver."

Damion: "First he'll kill her then I'll save her."

Sarah: "Everything is turning out so dark."

Damion: "No I'll save her then I'll kill her."

Nova: "I think this line is mostly filler."

Grape: "What's it going to take to strike a spark?"

Mysti: "These endless days are finally ending in a blaze!"

All: "And we are caught in the fire!"
All: "The point of no return!"

All: "So we will walk through the fire..."
All: "And let it... BURN!"
All: "And let it... BURN!"

All: "Let it Burn!"


*Guitar Outro*

Sarah: Never, not until the murderer surrenders.
Damion: The murderer won't surrender you stupid nugget.
Sarah: Don't question me. I am doing what is best for the group.
Damion: No you're not... and anyway, by new state laws you cannot make an arrest unless there is a member of authority present.

Sarah: Oh you think that there isn't a member of authority here? You are incorrect.
Damion: What? Someone has the authority to arrest people?
Sarah: Yep, enter!
Damion: Huh?

*Craig enters.*

Damion: You? But you were the chef.
Craig: Yeah, so people thought.
Damion: Care to explain then?

Craig: I am Craig McSanders and I am not a chef. I am indeed a special forces agent sent to find out about the illegal activity of Reginald Von Pringle. However, since he is dead... My main mission is now on this case.
Damion: The deception!

Sarah: Thanks for apprehending the others.
Craig: No problem, it does seem a little unfair though.
Sarah: Why, there is a high possibility that one of those are the killers.
Craig: There's also a possibility that you or Mysti are the killer.

Sarah: If that's how you're going to play it then we can't ignore that you could also be the killer.
Craig: Don't be absurd. Anyway, we're all arguing here, Alyssa could be the killer.
Sarah: If she was the killer why would she escape? If she was the killer she'd enjoy every minute.
Craig: True.

Sarah: Let's not squabble in front of these people, we'll continue this conversation in the meeting room.
Craig: Fine.
Sarah: Mysti, keep an eye on the captives. See what you can get out of them. Okay?
Mysti: ... Fine.

*Craig and Sarah exit.*

Grape: We should never have voted her as group leader.
Kelly: I just want to get out of here. My wrists are bruised!
Nova: Mysti, can't you do anything to get us out of these handcuffs?
Mysti: I'm sorry, Sarah has the keys.

Grape: The only way you'll get those keys is if she gives them to you.
Mysti: ...
Grape: Or you steal them? I wouldn't suggest that though.
Mysti: Hmm...

Nova: Please help us Mysti, how long is she going to keep us here for? We could die of starvation or dehydration.
Mysti: That wouldn't happen.
Nova: Wouldn't it? She's locked us up in here, I'm pretty sure that won't be as hard as this decision.
Mysti: I guess you're right.

Damion: Then help us.
Mysti: How? I don't like this any more than you but what am I supposed to do?
Damion: Have a word with her.
Mysti: And what if she says no?

Kelly: Then at least you would have tried.
Mysti: Hmm... fine. I'll do it. I'm sorry if it doesn't work though.
Kelly: Thanks a lot Mysti.
Mysti: Don't mention it.

Mysti: Please let them go Sarah.

*Mysti walks up to the door.*

Mysti: Huh?

Mysti: What in the...
Sarah: Oh great, that's all I need.
Mysti: Grr...

*Mysti bursts into the room.*

Mysti: What is going on in here!
Sarah: Please, stop screaming.
Mysti: Have you killed him? You have haven't you?
Sarah: No I haven't. 

Mysti: Well what happened then?
Sarah: He fainted on me the silly oath.
Mysti: Is he still alive?
Sarah: Of course he is... you can even check his pulse if you want.

Mysti: I'm fine.
Sarah: Why did you burst in here anyway?
Mysti: Well, I wanted to talk to you about the captives?
Sarah: Oh yeah, best take a seat then Mysti.

Sarah: Go on then.
Mysti: Well, I want the captives to be released.
Sarah: Fat chance of that happening.
Mysti: What will it give for them to be released?

Sarah: Simple. The murderer reveals themselves.
Mysti: That... just isn't possible.
Sarah: Why not?
Mysti: The murderer would not do that, they want to remain anonymous so it's easier to kill others.

Sarah: Hmm, fine then we will try and find out who it is now.
Mysti: Okay.
Sarah: So, there is Craig...
Mysti: You're classing him as a suspect?

Sarah: Yes. He can't be trusted... as I was saying, there's Craig, Damion, Grape, Kelly and Nova. Now, who is the most likely to be the killer?
Mysti: I dunno... can we go back to the original question please...
Sarah: Craig is an agent. He has good survival skills which means he can be stealthy.

Mysti: Sarah, please.
Sarah: Damion hates everyone. That's got to be a reason, right?
Mysti: Sarah!
Sarah: Grape is a berry, he could have been discriminated all his life and is now taking revenge.

Mysti: Sarah, listen to me.
Sarah: Kelly... is here to find answers about her dead cousin but only appeared once the killer had striked.
Mysti: SARAH!

Sarah: And Nova saw that tragic event when her friends died, that must have some effect on her?
Sarah: Don't you dare talk to me like that.

Mysti: It's the only way to get through to you.
Sarah: That is not true.
Mysti: Yes it is!
Sarah: I thought I knew you Mysti. I was wrong.

Mysti: Shut up, now answer my question.
Sarah: What was it again?
Mysti: Let out the captives please.
Sarah: No, not until the murderer reveals themselves.

Mysti: Stubborn is an understatement when it comes to you!
Sarah: What are you trying to prove? They will not appreciate what you'll do for them.
Mysti: Well it's worth a try, we should be uniting and trying to solve this but we're not. We're gonna end up dead. All of us unless we unite and take down this villain. I'm out of here.

*Mysti gets up and walks to the door.*

Sarah: Mysti! Come back.
Mysti: I'm so sorry Sarah. I'm done with you.
Sarah: You'll thank me later when we get out of here alive!

*Mysti exits the meeting room.*

The killer is on the prowl! Another person will become the new victim! But who will it be? In the Train Driver Quiz, Grape, Kelly and Sarah got their correct places and saved themselves from facing the elimination.

The players were unlucky to miss out on their places though were Craig, Damion, Mysti and Nova. Therefore these players will face the elimination.

But who will the murderer choose to kill? Craig, Damion, Mysti or Nova?

Don't forget the murderer can be anyone. Now... the time has come to find out, who will die!!! Good luck.

*Mysti wakes up next to the bookcase.*

Mysti: Where am I?

Mysti: What the...

*Mysti sees the face paint on her cheek.*

Mysti: Why have I got this on my face?

Mysti: I'm cuffed.

*Mysti tries to move her hands but is handcuffed.*

Mysti: No! F*ck sake.

???: Ah, you're awake.
Mysti: Get away from me.
???: Do you like your make-up? I did it especially for you.

???: Well, that isn't very nice is it.
Mysti: I don't care. You're a miserable person who just needs help.
???: Possibly, or maybe I get kicks off of this sort of thing.
Mysti: What the... how can you get kicks off of murdering people?

???: It makes me feel better.
Mysti: I hope you feel guilt someday. Then you'll regret what you've done.
???: I doubt that will happen.
Mysti: Ugh...

???: Let's see how long you last.
Mysti: Get... off... me.
???: Ha, like that is going to happen.
Mysti: Just... *cough*

???: What was that, I can't hear you?
Mysti: *cough* Let go.
???: Mwahahaha.
Mysti: *cough* Ugh.

*Mysti props herself up against the bookcase and pushes the killer over.*

Mysti: Ugh... I can breathe!

*Mysti gets to her feet.*

???: Get back here.
Mysti: F*CK YOU!

*Mysti raises her leg.*

*Mysti kicks the killer in the head.*

???: Ouch!
Mysti: Yeah, how do you like the pain now?


*The killer rubs their head. Mysti runs out of the room.*

???: Fuck.

???: It's a good thing they're all asleep, otherwise I'd be found out by now. Grr... get back here you b*tch.

*The killer runs to the door.*

???: Ugh, this stupid body suit is annoying me. F*ck sake.

*The killer opens the door and runs out onto the studio floor.*

???: Come out, come out, wherever you are!

*The killer looks at all the haypiles.*

???: I know you're hiding in one of the piles. The other doors are locked.

*The killer picks up a pitchfork.*

???: Time to do some searching!

*The killer attacks the pile of hay.*

???: I know you're in there Mysti!

*The killer hears rustling around. Not from this pile though.*

???: Oh, so you're in there now.

*The rustling stops.*

???: Hahaha.

Mysti: Please, just leave me alone!

*Mysti quietly whispers that to herself.*

Mysti: Please...

???: Like a needle in a haystackk...

*The pitchfork is at the ready.*

???: Except this needle is much much bigger.

*The killer stabs at the haypile.*

Mysti: Argh!
???: Got'cha!

*The killer keeps on stabbing at the pile and tips the hay over.*

*The killer looks at Mysti's body in the pile.*

???: 5 now, 5 to go.

*The killer kicks some hay off of their shoes.*

???: Sometimes I feel like they make it easy for me.

*The killer looks at Mysti once more.*

???: Although, I'm glad she fought back... it made this murder a little more interesting!

The end of the night is upon the contestants. Mysti was claimed as the fifth victim. Will the murderer be stopped before any more people are killed? We will find out sooner or later.

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