Friday 18 July 2014

2.8: Killer Revealed

Welcome to The Locomotive! We have reached the end of this run, with only 3 survivors left. Today we will find out whether Damion White, Grape Wisteria or Nova Small-Campton is the killer. Will the innocent's escape or will they end up being another corpse? It's all on The Locomotive!

Nova: He's definitely dead.
Grape: No, we can try and resuscitate him right?
Nova: It'd be worthless.
Grape: We can't just give up on him.

Nova: I know but he's been dead for 15 minutes now.
Grape: Damn it! The killer better reveal themselves right now.
Nova: I agree.
Grape: Well... who is it then?

Nova: Don't look at me, I had nothing to do with this.
Grape: How can I trust you?
Nova: I thought you were my friend? That should be enough to trust me.
Grape: Hmm...

Nova: Look Grape, have I lied to you once since we have been here?
Grape: No.
Nova: Exactly. If I was to be the killer, I would have tripped over my inaccuracies in my story.
Grape: Well then it must be Damion who is the killer.

Damion: Don't be stupid, Nova is the killer.
Nova: Shut up Damion, you know nothing.
Damion: You killed everyone here it makes sense.
Nova: Oh yeah... Well maybe it's... Ouch!
Grape: What's wrong?
Nova: I've stabbed myself on this metal spikey ball that Craig had stuck to him.

Nova: I don't feel so good...
Grape: Nova? Are you...

*Nova collapses onto the floor.*

Grape: NOVA!!!

Grape: Nova! NOVA!
Damion: Is she?
Grape: I think she's dead...
Damion: Oh no...

Grape: Nova, wake up!
Damion: She isn't breathing.
Grape: It must have been something on that metal spikey ball. F*ck!
Damion: You! You're the killer Grape.

Grape: I am not the killer!
Damion: Bullsh*t.
Grape: Leave it alone Damion.
Damion: So, what made you do it?

Grape: Nothing, because I didn't do it.
Damion: Just admit it. You've been caught now face the music.
Grape: How many times do I have to reiterate. I am innocent!
Damion: Well if you are then this doesn't make sense.

Grape: You killed everyone didn't you!
Damion: F*ck off, I'm innocent too.
Grape: Whatever.
Damion: I am innocent.

Grape: I just want to get out of here.
Damion: ...
Grape: Look... I...
Damion: Huh?

*A gun is presented. The trigger is pulled.*

???: F*ck! I knew you weren't innocent!

*The injured innocent holds their wound. The killer stands over the innocent person.*

Nova: Hahaha, I can't believe you thought I was dead because of a poxy metal spikey ball.
???: I don't believe you! Go to hell.
Nova: Oh, I plan to... it's going to be a hell of a party down there. It's a shame you can't come with us though... oh wait, you can.

*Nova shoots Grape.*

Grape: Ugh!
Nova: Hahaha, good night berry.

Damion: Oh my god. You shot him you b*tch!
Nova: Oh, hi Damion.
Damion: You're sick.
Nova: Shut up.

Nova: Now get your damn hands up!

*Damion raises his hand whilst Nova holds the gun to his face.*

Nova: Good boy.

Damion: You won't get...
Nova: Away with this. Face it, no one is coming, I've got the gun and you're friend is bleeding out here.
Damion: Fine, maybe you will get away with this.

Nova: I never wanted this to happen but someone had to make a point.
Damion: Kill everyone and everything will go back to normal?
Nova: Got it!
Damion: You need help! Nova, you didn't have to kill everyone.

Nova: Oh I did, there were too many witnesses. I was only planning to kill Yvette.
Damion: Then what happened?
Nova: Alyssa found out... And then she gave the information to Sarah and Katarina...
???: That's right.

Alyssa: And I'd do it again.

*Alyssa throws the wrench at Nova. It misses her though.*

Nova: Haha, nice throw you idiot.

Alyssa: I wasn't planning to hit you, I just wanted your attention.
Nova: I thought I told you to get out of here when you had the chance.
Alyssa: I did... then something happened and I decided to come and save everyone else.
Nova: Well, you're a bit late.

Alyssa: There's still two people alive, I'm not that late.
Nova: He's nearly dead... he's bleeding out as we speak.
Grape: Thank you... for coming back...
Nova: It's a shame you won't be able to save him.

Alyssa: If I can't save either of them then I will make sure that I finish you.
Nova: You... want to kill me? Hahahaha.
Alyssa: Trust me, I've got some certain powers that will finish you off in a blink.
Nova: I'd like to see these tricks... they definitely didn't help save your mother.

Alyssa: You had no right too kill my mum... and you had no right to keep me quiet about it.
Damion: You threatened her to keep quiet... damn.
Nova: Shut up Damion, I can kill you in just 2 seconds so I suggest staying quiet.
Damion: ...

Alyssa: I think it's time we ended this once and for all.
Nova: Bring it. I am ready for you.
Alyssa: You shouldn't test me.
Grape: Dam...ion...I...

Nova: Shut up berry!
Alyssa: Bye Nova... this is where YOU are going to die!

*Alyssa's skin starts to shed.*

Alyssa: Nyaaargh!!!
Damion: What the...
Grape: Yes!
Nova: You freak, what are you doing?

Alyssa: I'm.... argh!
Nova: *puts more bullets in the gun.*
Damion: Grape, are you okay?
Nova: Shut up!
Alyssa: Awooooooooo!
Nova: Oh no...
Damion: Is she a... It can't be.
Nova: I am going to enjoy killing you!
Grape: Damion...
Damion: Don't worry man, I'll help you soon.
Grape: I'm bleeding out badly.
Damion: Put pressure on the wound.

*Alyssa fully turns.*

Nova: Oh sh*t...

Alyssa: I am going to maul you to death.
Nova: I don't think so.

*Nova points the gun at Alyssa.*

Alyssa: You gonna shoot me?
Nova: Yes.

*Nova shoots 3 bullets into Alyssa.*

Alyssa: Good luck with that... they aren't as effective when I'm a werewolf.
Nova: F*ck sake... come at me then you...

*Alyssa charges at Nova.*

Damion: It is going to end badly.
Grape: Damion!
Damion: I'm coming, I'm coming.

*Damion runs over to Grape.*

*Alyssa tackles Nova.*

Nova: Ugh.
Alyssa: Haha.

Alyssa: You are going to pay for everyone who has died here!
Nova: No, please... I can explain.
Alyssa: I don't want your stupid explanation.
Nova: Fine then... do what you want with me. I'm guilty yeah.

Alyssa: Oh I plan to.
Nova: I have to tell you something though before you kill me.
Alyssa: What is it?

*Alyssa lowers her hand.*

Nova: I...
Alyssa: Hurry up!
Alyssa: You little bitch!

*Alyssa claws at Nova's face as she fights back.*

Nova: Ugh... f*ck you.

Damion: Grape? GRAPE!

*Grape coughs and opens his eyes.*

Grape: Damion?

Damion: Ah, you're still alive!
Grape: We need to get out of here.
Damion: Yeah, we do. Come on, I'm gonna lift you up. Can you stand up?
Grape: I'll try.

Damion: You need to help me here Grape!
Grape: I'm trying... okay, one... two... three.

*Damion lifts Grape onto his feet.*

Grape: I don't know if I...
Nova: Stop it!
Alyssa: I will once you are dead!
Nova: You'll be trying for a while then.

Grape: I knew we could trust her.
Damion: Who Nova?
Grape: NO! Alyssa... you silly... Ugh...
Damion: Grape?

Grape: I'm fine... I'm fine.Damion: Are you sure? You keep closing your...

*Grape collapses onto the floor.*

Damion: Oh no... Grape? GRAPE!
Grape: You need to get out of here by yourself, I'm just gonna drag you behind.
Damion: I can't leave you. You're gonna die here if I don't get you out of here.
Grape: You can leave now and come back with help... I can hold on... I think.

Damion: Are you sure?
Grape: Yeah... just go.
Damion: Okay, I'll get help as fast as I can. You keep pressure on that wound.
Grape: Okay.

Damion: Alyssa, how did you get out of here?
Alyssa: There's a ladder in the storage room next to the kitchen- use that to get on the roof.
Damion: Thanks Alyssa.
Alyssa: Hurry up! She's nearly dead, I can handle the rest.

Damion: I gotta save Grape... I can't believe Nova was behind it all.

*Damion gets to the top of the stairs and runs towards the storage room.*

Damion: The ladder was in here, right?

*A gunshot can be heard.*

Damion: Oh god... what has happened? I need to hurry, now!

*Another gunshot can be heard.*

Damion: Ah! The ladder!

*Three more gunshots can be heard.*

Damion: I hope everyone is okay.

Damion: It's time to start a new beginning. Rescue is on it's way Grape, just hold on.

*Damion starts to climb the ladder when another gunshot is heard.*

Damion: Good luck to you all.



Damion: I can't believe that it has been 5 months.

*Damion looks at his stopwatch.*

Damion: I hope this show is better than it made out to be.

Damion: I'm sure it will be though. Hmm, where is the room?

*Damion finds the door to the dressing rooms.*

Damion: Ah! I think this is the room.

Damion: Hmm... this is a nice place!

*Damion looks around the room and see's three women and someone who he recognises.*

Damion: There he is!

Grape: So, you want me to make sure that the light isn't directly in your eyes?
Eliza: That's right, I was nearly blinded in the rehearsal.
Ayesha: Haha, you nearly fell off the stage Eliza.
Levine: It was pretty funny.

Eliza: It was funny afterwards but at the time I thought it was the end of my life.
Grape: Well I'll make sure the lighting is fixed for you. The stage crew are back today.
Eliza: Good.
Ayesha: Hey Levine, look there's a guy... a pretty hot guy!

*Levine looks to her side and see's Damion.*

Eliza: Oh, can I also ask as well.
Grape: Yeah what is it?
Eliza: What we need on stage is some fit guys to dance with.
Grape: I... can try and get that done for next week.

Eliza: That's good as long as I get my groove on with a 'real man' then I will do my best.
Levine: Are you pushing your bum out?
Eliza: I gotta practice for my dancer next week.
Ayesha: Ahem, man behind you.

Damion: Um... Where should I put my face? Why is there women in their underwear anyway?
Eliza: What was that Ayesha?
Ayesha: You know what never mind.
Damion: *coughs*.

Eliza: What's so wrong with me pushing my butt out?
Damion: Um, lady... your but is in my face.
Eliza: ARGH! I never even saw you there. What do you want?
Grape: He wants to talk to me.
Eliza: Oh okay.

*Grape goes over to Damion while the girls continue their conversation.*

Grape: I'm glad you could make it.
Damion: So am I, I wouldn't miss a show of yours.
Grape: I can't believe the last time I saw you though, I was holding myself together by a thread.
Damion: You made it out alive, that's the most important thing.

Grape: Did you hear about Alyssa?
Damion: No, what happened?
Grape: She died. Nova shot her down.
Damion: So that was what those gunshots were. What happened to Nova?

Grape: Well, when I looked over she was pretty f*cked up. Her face was bleeding out.
Damion: Damn, Alyssa's claws must have been strong.
Grape: She must have died, right?
Damion: Who knows... at least she isn't coming after us now.
Grape: Ooo... the show is about to start, wanna go and get a seat? I'll be in there.
Damion: Sure.


Cell Block Tango- Lyrics!!!
(Follow along if you want)

Jutta: Pop!
Eliza: Six!
Ayesha: Squish!
Levine: Uh-Uh!
Cynthia: Cicero!
Solene: Lipschitz!

Jutta: POP!

Eliza: SIX!

Ayesha: SQUISH!

Levine: UH-UH!

Cynthia: CICERO!


All: He had it coming! He had it coming! He only had himself to blame!
All: If you had been there! If you had seen it! I betcha you would have done the same!
Jutta: Pop!
Eliza: Six!
Ayesha: Squish!
Levine: Uh-uh!
Cynthia: Cicero!
Solene: Lipschitz!

Jutta: You know how people have little habits that get you down? Like Bernie!

Jutta: Bernie liked to chew gum, no not chew it. POP!

Jutta: Well I come home this one day, And I'm really irritated and looking for a little sympathy, and there's Bernie lying on the couch, drinking a beer and chewing. No, not chewing, POPPIN!

Jutta: So I said to him, I said, you pop that gum one more time! And he did.

Jutta: So... I took the shotgun off the wall And I fired two warning shots...

Jutta: Into his head!

All: He had it coming! He had it coming! He only had himself to blame.

All: If you'd have been there, if you had seen it! I betcha you would have done the same!

Eliza: I met Ezekiel Young from Salt Lake City about two years ago. And he told me he was single, and we hit it off right away. So, we started living together.

Eliza: He'd go to work, he'd come home, I'd fix him a drink, then we'd have dinner. Then I found out...

Eliza: Single he told me, SINGLE MY AR*E. Not only was he married, he had six wives. One of those mormons ya know.

Eliza: So that night when he came home from work, I fixed him his drink as usual. 

Eliza: You know some guys just can't hold their arsenic.

All: He had it coming, he had it coming. He took a flower in his prime. And then he used it, and he abused it, it was a murder but not a crime!

Ayesha: Now I'm standing in the kitchen, Carvin' up the chicken for dinner. Minding my own business. In storms my husband Wilbur in a jealous rage.

Ayesha: "You been screwin' the milkman!" he says. And he was crazy and kept on shouting, "YOU BEEN SCREWIN' THE MILKMAN!".

Ayesha: Then he ran into my knife... he ran into my knife ten times!

All: If you'd have been there! If you'd have seen it. I betcha you would have done the same.

Levine: Mit keresek en itt? Azt mondjak, a hires lakom lefogta a ferjem, en meg lecsaptam a fejet. De nem igaz.

Levine: En artatlan vagyok. Nem tudom, miert mondja Uncle Sam, hogy en tettem. Probaltam a rendorsegen megmagyarazni, de nem ertettek meg.

Eliza: Yeah, but did you do it?
Levine: Uh-uh, not guilty!

Cynthia: My sister, Veronica and I had a double act and my husband Charlie travelled around with us. With the last number in our act, we did these 20 acrobatic tricks in a row.

Cynthia: One, two, three, four, five, splits, spread eagles, Back flips, flip flops one right after the other.

Cynthia: Well, this one night before the show, we were at the hotel Cicero. The three of us boozing, having a few laughs and we ran out of ice, so I went to go get some.

Cynthia: I come back, open the door. And there's Veronica and Charlie, doing number seventeen- the spread eagle.

Cynthia: Well, I was in such a state of shock, I completely blacked out, I can't remember a thing. It wasn't until later... when I was washing the blood off my hands, I even knew they were dead.

All: They had it coming, they had it coming. They had it coming all along! I didn't do it, but if I done it. How could you tell me that I was wrong?

All: They had it coming, they had it coming. They had it coming all along! I didn't do it, but if I done it. How could you tell me that I was wrong?

Solene: I loved Al Lipschitz more than I can possibly say, he was a real artistic guy, sensitive, a painter. But he always tried to find himself, he'd go out every night looking for himself and on the way, he found, Ruth, Gladys, Rosemary and Irving.

Solene: I guess you could say we broke up because of artistic differences. He saw himself as alive. And I saw him dead!

Solene: The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
All: The dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.

All: They had it coming, they had it coming. They had it coming all along. Cause if they used us, and they abused us, How could you tell us that we were wrong?

All: He had it coming, he had it coming. He only had himself to blame! If you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it. I betcha you would have done the same!

Jutta: You pop that gum one more time!
Eliza: Single my ass.
Ayesha: Ten times.
Levine: Miert csukott Uncle Sam bortonbe.
Cynthia: Number seventeen, the spread eagle.
Solene: Artistic differences.

All: Pop! Six! Squish! Uh-uh! Cicero! Lipschitz!

Damion: Well, that certainly was an interesting performance.
Grape: Did you like it? I think it needs a little more practice but we've got another week until it's goes out to the public.
Damion: It's good. There is something strange though about it.

Grape: Oh yeah, how so?
Damion: Well Cynthia... looks like...
Grape: Like who?
Cynthia: Like the person who you are thinking of Damion.

Damion: How do you know my name?
Cynthia: We've met before, haven't we?
Damion: No... it can't be.
Cynthia: It is exactly 5 months ago if I'm right. Gosh, memories.

Grape: No! It can't be.
Damion: You were killed by Alyssa!
Nova: I was not killed by that werewolf. I killed her! She nearly killed me though.
Damion: Where are all the scars then?

Nova: Let's just say, I have a great plastic surgeon.
Grape: You're not getting away with this again.
Nova: I am going to finish both of you off for good this time.
Damion: No you won't. Were both back to good condition, we can take you on.

Grape: Why have you come back? You had the chance to leave us for good.
Nova: I can't leave you two alive, the police will still be after me if you keep blabbing about...
Damion: F*ck this. If you are gonna kill us, then hurry up and do it. I'm not holding back this time, I will kill you before you have the chance to do anything.

Nova: Hahahahahahahah! Deal, game on!

*Nova walks over to Grape and Damion.*

Nova: You'll regret this.


An there we must leave this finale! What happens in the end... it's all down to you ;)

It's been an exciting season and I want to thank everyone who submitted a sim, without you all I wouldn't be able to make this season. I hope you all join again next season, it'll be better and funner then ever. I'll give information on when Season 3 will begin but for now it's going on a small hiatus after my game has been acting up xD

Here are the final scores from the quiz:
Damion- 4
Grape- 3
Nova- 2

Thank you once again, I hope you enjoyed the episode!

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