Tuesday 28 May 2013

1.1: Boarding the Murder Train!

Welcome to The Locomotive! 12 players will be chosen to go on a train ride they will never forget! 12 will leave the station, 1 will reach their destination... alive! So, who is the killer on board the murder train? Well, we'll find out eventually...

*Cassi runs into the lounge*

Cassi: I am going to be late, I can't miss the train... wait!
???: Huh?
Cassi: I need that horse!

*Cassi notices Scott and Steven*

Cassi: Is that Scott Holden; Celebrity DJ and Steven Hollywood; B-List Movie Director? Nah... they wouldn't be in a place like this...
???: Hello?
Cassi: Huh?

Natalia: Do you want something?
Cassi: Yes. I need to come and sign in for the train journy.
Natalia: Okay... name?
Cassi: Cassi Country...
Natalia: Country... got you. Here's your ticket.

Cassi: Thanks... wait, you look familiar?
Natalia: Oh yeah?
Cassi: You're Natalia Fiore... you won Abnormality!
Natalia: I'm glad you noticed. Want an autograph?

Cassi: LOL. Why would I want an autograph from you? I want Ella's autograph.
Natalia: I'd go away now otherwise your pretty face will start bleeding.
Cassi: Damn girl, you need a coffee or something...
Tybalt: Hey... is that you Cassi?

Cassi: Tybalt? Tybalt Poysen... I haven't seen you in 7 years.
Tybalt: I know... The last time we saw each other we were in college.
Cassi: Good times. Is anyone sat here?
Tybalt: No, take it if you want.

Cassi: So, how are you?
Tybalt: I'm great. Yourself?
Cassi: Yeah, I'm doing fine.
Tybalt: We have a lot to catch up on.

Cassi: You got that right... are you still with Helen?
Tybalt: Hell no... she was psychotic, it was the best choice I've ever done... you know, leave her.
Cassi: Was she really that bad?
Tybalt: Yes. She was like Natalia on Abnormality!
Natalia: Excuse me... I can hear you from over here!

Cassi: That's a shame. I'm sure you'll meet someone who isn't psychotic.
Tybalt: I hope so. Anyway, tell me what your doing nowadays?
Cassi: Well... I've got my own farm.
Tybalt: Really? Wow, bet its a lot of hard work.
Cassi: It is... but it's worth it. We get our own food and we don't have to go to the gym.

Tybalt: Haha, that sounds great. I'd like to work on a farm.
Cassi: Why, what do you do now?
Tybalt: I'm a crime-scene technician.
Cassi: That sounds intellectually brilliant.
Tybalt: It is, it can be quite fun but you see a lot of... disturbing stuff.
Cassi: I can imagine...

Tybalt: Like one time in Appaloosa Plains this one sim...
Cassi: Um, Tybalt... let's move on. I don't want to throw up.
Tybalt: Haha... alright then.

Steven: What time do we set off again?
Scott: About 3pm...
Steven: What time is it?
Scott: 2:30pm.
Steven: We are going to be late.
Scott: Calm down man. Just chill out...

Scott: They won't give the deal to Al Richmond. They like you and they love the way you...
Steven: Scott, this is the performing arts business... it's full of backstabbers and bitches.
Scott: That's not true.
Steven: It is... now I want to get to the studios and get this over with... I just hope time doesn't keep us here for too long.

Scott: Don't worry man. If this doesn't go well, you can come on tour with me around SimNation.
Steven: And do what? I'm not a musician you idiot.
Scott: I never said you were... Just... calm down.
Steven: I want a coffee.

Scott: Get one then.
Steven: I can't.
Scott: Why not?
Steven: Because it'll stop my thinking process. I need to make sure the script is perfect for the pitch.
Scott: Oh great.

*Gladis enters*

Gladis: Woo. I'm not one to complain but that guy on the bus here smelt horrible...

Gladis: I mean... it doesn't take a lot of work to smell good. Just buy some deodorant.
Cassi: Who are you talking to?
Gladis: Anyone who's listening.
Cassi: Oh...

*Whispering to Tybalt*

Cassi: We have a problem.
Tybalt: What?
Cassi: That old woman... she looks very... suspicious.
Tybalt: What do you mean?

Gladis: What was that dearie?
Cassi: Oh, nothing... I love your... apron.
Gladis: Oh thank you.
Cassi: No problem.

Gladis: She must think I'm stupid... hey there, is this seat taken?
Taylor: No.
Gladis: Okay... what's the matter love?
Taylor: It's nothing.

Gladis: It sure doesn't look like nothing.
Taylor: I'm... fine.
Gladis: Come here... you can tell me about your problem. I won't bite.
Taylor: Hmph... fine.

Taylor: I guess it's better to get it off my chest then to hold it in.
Gladis: Exactly... so, what's the problem dearie?
Taylor: I'm losing hope...
Gladis: Why?

Taylor: I've lost everything. I've lost my degree, my girlfriend... my job.
Gladis: And it all seems bad now... but it will get better.
Taylor: It won't though.
Gladis: It will... it's not like you're going to die anytime soon is it?

Taylor: Well... I hope not.
Gladis: Of course you won't. You're a strapping young lad who has plenty going for you.
Taylor: Do you really mean that?
Gladis: Of course I do. I'm a good judge of character sonny.

Taylor: Thanks. I didn't properly introduce myself. I'm Taylor.
Gladis: I'm Gladis!
Taylor: You know what Gladis... you remind me of my grandma a little bit.
Gladis: Oh Taylor, it's a shame I don't have a grandson like you...

Gladis: Or a grandson at all.
Taylor: You don't have any grandchildren?
Gladis: Nope. I haven't any children either.
Taylor: You must be lonely then.
Gladis: No, I have plenty of friends my age to keep me company.
Natalia: It's time to get on the train guys!

Cassi: Look's like we need to go.
Tybalt: Yeah.
Scott: The train.
Steven: Move! I'm getting first seats.
Gladis: Are you coming Taylor?
Taylor: Yeah, let me just grab my bag.

*10 minutes later*
*Spencer looks at his watch*

Spencer: You sent the passengers on too early.
Natalia: So?
Spencer: I was in the middle of clearing out the driver's cabin.
Natalia: That's not my problem.

Spencer: It is if you own this joint... and... well, you do.
Natalia: Spencer, I'm not interested in your opinion at the minute. You are just here to clean.
Spencer: I am yes, but you have to respect your staff, especially when they have a job to do.
Natalia: Well go and do it then.

Spencer: I can't do my job if...
Natalia: Look Spencer... if you don't stop whining I'll fire you. I only let you have the job anyway...
Spencer: Because our mums are friends.
Natalia: Yes, more or less and she persuaded me to hire you. Now go and do your job.

Spencer: Ugh... when I get money of my own I'll leave this place...

*Margaret walks in*

Margaret: Excuse me?

Margaret: Has anyone got a phone I could borrow? My chauffeur didn't show up.
Spencer: Well...
Natalia: Hi there!

Natalia: What do you require again?
Margaret: A phone of some kind.
Natalia: Why?
Margaret: I need to know where my chauffeur went to. You see I'm off to a funeral and I...

Natalia: I fully understand ma'am. You can borrow our landline phone. It's over there.
Margaret: Oh, thank you.
Spencer: Ugh... she acts all nice to the world but deep down she is as bad as the devil.
Natalia: What was that?
Spencer: Nothing... sir.
Natalia: Oi!

*Margaret touches a few buttons and listens down the phone. It is broke.*

Margaret: It's broke.
Natalia: It can't be... it's brand new.
Margaret: Well, it's not working.

Spencer: Ah, time to step in. Excuse me ma'am.
Margaret: Yes?
Spencer: I have my mobile you could use... it's charged so it shouldn't be broke.
Margaret: Oh, why thank you sir. It means a lot.

Spencer: Hey, you need to go to the funeral.
Margaret: I know, it'd be a horror if I wasn't there. It's my sister you see, she died last tuesday.
Spencer: I understand, it's a sad time.
Margaret: It is, I loved her so. She is in a better place now though...
Natalia: Spencer! Get back to work... I'm pretty sure the private cabin will need cleaning.
Spencer: Ugh. Fine.

Spencer: Oh, good morning sir.
Ted: Good morning. Is this where you come to check in?
Spencer: Yes.
Ted: Thank you.

Margaret: Oh, hello there good sir.
Ted: Good morning.
Margaret: Say, you look familiar... you are the journalist in the Sim-Guardian? Aren't you?
Ted: I am.
Margaret: I read your stories all the time. You are quite the writer.
Ted: I do try. You'll love my next story then. It's on Steven Hollywood's new movie.

Natalia: Well, what a coincidence, Steven Hollywood is on the train aswell...

*Natalia looks up at Ted. She has had a previous encounter with him*

Natalia: Oh... I see it's you.
Ted: Natalia.
Natalia: How's life?
Ted: Much worse now I've seen your face.

Natalia: Charming.
Ted: I'm here to sign in.
Natalia: Your sign in has been revoked.
Ted: What? By who?
Natalia: By me.
Ted: Why?

Natalia: Because I hate you.
Ted: Well that's a shame. However, I have a stack of money here that will...
Natalia: I don't need the money einstein, I won Abnormality!
Ted: Oh yeah, I watched it. You had so many wrinkles on your face.

*Natalia rips a ticket off*

Natalia: Here you go. You better watch what you say Ted.
Ted: Haha sure.

Margaret: Excuse me Ted... but can I ask you some things on your work?
Ted: Of course you can. I'll answer anything for my best fan.
Margaret: Are you flattering me?
Ted: Maybe.

Margaret: Wow, you're very good with words.
Ted: I'm a journalist. What do you expect. Anyway, what's your name darling?
Margaret: I'm Margaret Tick.
Ted: Margaret, nice name. It's got a ring to it.

*Barbie and Shirley enter*

Barbie: We're here! Let's go to Sunny Bridgeport.
Shirley: Barbie...
Barbie: What Shirls?
Shirley: Just calm down, we won't get there if we don't check in.

Shirley: And another thing, get your arm off of me.
Barbie: But why?
Shirley: Cos' I said so and you know what people are nowadays, they'll think something's going on.

Barbie: But nothing is going on. I'm just showing my friendship.
Shirley: Just... let me go a second, I'm gonna get our tickets.
Barbie: Okay then...

Barbie: I haven't upset you have I Shirley?
Shirley: No... you haven't. Yet!
Barbie: Oh...

Shirley: Hi, Shirley Winchester here. We've come to sign in for the tickets.
Natalia: Do you mind...

Natalia: Not interrupting me during my game.
Shirley: Excuse me!

Barbie: Oh no, Shirley's gonna get mad again.

Shirley: I have walked over 20 miles to get here with my friend because my car broke and you won't give me my tickets. B*tch! Give us them now otherwise I'll report you to the national train league.
Natalia: Damn girl.

*Barbie looks over at Margaret and Ted*

Barbie: Ooo, what's going on here then?

Margaret: Oh, so that's how you write the best stories.
Ted: It's mostly perspectives you need to focus on. You get that right and you've got yourself a good article.

Barbie: They would make a cute couple...
Shirley: Where are the tickets?
Natalia: Give me a second, they are here.

*Natalia gives Shirley the tickets*

Shirley: Good. Now if I have any more problems with you I'm gonna make sure you learn respect.
Natalia: Okay, gosh I'm sorry.
Shirley: Come on Barbie we have 10 minutes til' the train leaves.
Barbie: Are we boarding the train? Okay, let's go.

Cassi: This train is pretty roomy isn't it?
Tybalt: Aye, it smells kinda funny though.
Cassi: I don't think that's the train.
Tybalt: Huh? Who is it then?
Cassi: I have a feeling it's that old lady.

Taylor: What's the matter Gladis?
Gladis: Trains.
Taylor: Huh? What do mean?
Gladis: I get nervous on trains, I always think of Final Destination 3 when I'm on a train.

Taylor: Everything's going to be fine. How many train derailments do you here about?
Gladis: Um... Well, hardly any.
Taylor: Exactly. You're more likely to die in a car crash.
Gladis: You're right. I need to relax. Haha.

Steven: Why aren't we leaving yet?
Scott: Give it time Steven. You're movie deal won't run away.
Steven: How do you know that? I knew I should've hired a private jet.
Scott: I think I should hit some beats to raise the atmosphere in here.
Steven: Do that... and I'll make sure you won't walk.
Scott: I thought you liked my music though? That's why you hired me to do the soundtrack for the movie.
Steven: Ha, my agent just wanted to add your name to the film to get more viewers watching.
Scott: You... sicken me.

Shirley: I can't wait to go for this new job.
Barbie: You'll definitely get it Shirl.
Shirley: You think?
Barbie: Hell yeah.

Barbie: I've had one of your pancakes. They're delicious, you're the best chef I've seen.
Shirley: Pancakes is hardly anything though.
Barbie: To me it is.

Shirley: Well, I guess your right. Gosh, what's taking the train driver?
Barbie: I haven't a clue.

Spencer: Sometimes I really hate this job... huh?

*Spencer looks down at the floor.*

Spencer: Oh my gosh... she's dead!

*Spencer gets down on his knees and holds Genevieve in his hands*

Spencer: Oh my gosh... come on lady, wake up... wake up, please.

*Spencer shakes Genevieve a little bit*


Spencer: Oh gosh, what am I going to do... I can't just leave her here?

*Genevieve coughs*

Spencer: Hello?

*Genevieve jumps to her feet and yawns. Spencer calms himself down*

Spencer: Oh gosh, you're fine! Thank you lord. You're still alive.

Genevieve: *Yawns* Ah, what happened here? Where am I?
Spencer: You're on board the Chamber Train? I'm Spencer. You are?

Genevieve: I'm Genevieve.
Spencer: Ah good... wait, hang on... you have wings!
Genevieve: Yeah. I'm a fairy.
Spencer: There's no such things...

Genevieve: NO! Don't say it. It is true when you say fairies aren't... you know... real. A fairy dies.
Spencer: Wow, I thought it was just a thing on the movies.
Genevieve: Hell no, it's true. It's normally the closest one to the person who dies aswell.
Spencer: I'll keep my mouth shut then.

Genevieve: How did I get here?
Spencer: I don't know. Were you on here before?
Genevieve: I think so... I can't remember.
Spencer: Well... what you need is some good rest. We're going to Bridgeport soon.

Genevieve: Ooo, Bridgeport. Okay then... I'll go into there and find a seat.
Spencer: Good. I'll get you something to eat in a second. You look famished.
Genevieve: Oh thank you human.
Spencer: Okay...

*Genevieve leaves*

Genevieve: Ah, it's so much brighter in here.

*Scott gawps at Genevieve*

Genevieve: Hello human!
Scott: Um... hello?

Scott: Steven... STEVEN!
Steven: What?
Scott: She has wings... maybe she could be on the film?
Steven: Huh?

*Steven looks at Genevieve*

Steven: Good think Scott... that'll get us our viewers.
Scott: What can I say... I'm cut out for this business.
Steven: No you're not Scott.
Scott: Grr...

Barbie: Holy moly! She has wings.
Shirley: Oh, she does.
Gladis: She's a fairy.
Taylor: But fairies aren't...
Gladis: They are.

Cassi: If I take my collar off...
Tybalt: Ha, don't I've seen what happens.
Cassi: All I'm saying is that... well, we need to keep our secrets safe.
Tybalt: Agreed. It'll get too weird if people find out about our 'changes'.

Ted: Hey guys, the trains moving.
Margaret: It looks like we're going now.
Ted: Bridgeport here we come!
All: Woo!

The passengers have been chosen, and now the journey begins. The passengers don't know though, that they will all drop like flies... only one passenger will survive this treachorous journey, and that passenger could be the murderer. May the luck be with them as they encounter their first challenge and first death.

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