Sunday 19 January 2014

2.2: Isolation

Welcome to the Locomotive! So far, the staff and crew at the film studio have had their ups and downs but have had to re conciliate with each other after Yvette Hartman; the stage manager was viciously murdered. That means there is a killer amongst the crew, but who is it and will anyone else be at the next victim of this person? There is a possibility.

Wolfgang: Everyone needs to just calm down here!
Damion: Yvette's has just been killed!
Wolfgang: I am aware of that...
Damion: We can't just calm down then... someone in this room killed her!

Reginald: No they haven't. It was Alyssa! That is why we have isolated her off in the studio.
Damion: And where is your proof Butler?
Reginald: I have no proof at the moment, but she seems like the biggest suspect.
Damion: She was mortified when Yvette was dead.

Sarah: Exactly. I couldn't be her.
Kelly: She did seem very over-emotional though even under the circumstances.
Nova: No, she couldn't have killed her. She adored her mum.
Grape: We know after that argument upstairs.
Craig: This has gone too far.

Mysti: I know everyone had their frictions on set... but this is extreme.
Damion: I still want to know why Alyssa has been isolated from the rest of us.
Katarina: Well, if the killer tries to kill me, I'll knock them out with these guns.
Damion: I'm still waiting for the evidence, why Alyssa?

Mysti: Oh please Kat, you couldn't hurt an armadillo let alone a person.
Katarina: Sure I could. You haven't got the strength I have hun.

(Mysti grunts.)

Nova: Plus, wouldn't the killer have to have a motif to kill Yvette?
Grape: What are you on about?
Nova: Well, they always have a motif on CSI. It would just be stupid to kill someone for no reason.
Grape: You have a point there.

Reginald: I guess you are right miss. I need to think about this.
Wolfgang: Reginald, please.
Reginald: We need to get to the bottom of this Mr. Splinters.
Wolfgang: I guess so.

Sarah: Wouldn't it just be a good idea to try and get out of here?
Damion: Sarah has a point. Let's break that door down.
Reginald: Don't be silly sir. There's nothing to break it down with.
Sarah: You're very hesitant of our ideas butler.

Reginald: I do have a name young lady; Reginald von Pringle.
Sarah: Well Reg, we need to get help immediately.
Reginald: Doesn't anyone have a phone on them? We could call the emergency services.
Sarah: Phones aren't allowed on the studio floor.

Grape: That's just brilliant.
Nova: You're telling me.
Reginald: Okay, then we'll have to do some investigating work. I'd like to see you young miss and you purple sir in the meeting room immediately.
Nova: Sure.
Grape: Okay.

Reginald: So, we will begin with the investigation into Yvette's death.
Grape: Okay.
Reginald: Who wants to go first?
Nova: I will.

Reginald: Okay good. I'm going to ask you a couple of questions about what has happened so far. I expect you to answer honestly.
Nova: Okay, I will do.
Reginald: Good.

Reginald: At the time of the murder, where were you?
Nova: With everyone else.
Reginald: Hmm... and did you see anything before Yvette was killed?
Nova: No. Nobody did.

Reginald: Why?
Nova: Well, the room was in complete darkness.
Reginald: Hmm, true.
Nova: Are these questions really helping anyone?

Reginald: Yes, I'll come back to you Nova. Grape! Did you kill Yvette?
Reginald: Yes. It's fine if you are Grape, just tell us now and we won't do anything to harm you.
Grape: I am not the killer! But you are coming off as the killer. Blaming everyone else for your actions.

Reginald: That is not true. I believe you are the killer!
Grape: And where is your evidence?
Reginald: I do not have any evidence, but I have a theory. I have a theory that you killed Yvette since she was berryphobic. You have experienced years of torment for the colour of your skin and you thought that killing off Yvette was your best bet.

Grape: Why has everyone got to bring up my skin colour? I'm proud of who I am.
Reginald: Are you sure?
Grape: Yes, and berries do get a bad name for it! But we have had many important berry figures.
Reginald: For example?
Grape: Byzantium Cream.

Wolfgang: Ahem! Reginald. You can't simply go around pointing the finger.
Reginald: Excuse me sir?
Wolfgang: Well, all I'm saying is that you can't suspect anyone yet until you have interviewed them all.

Wolfgang: And even then... someone is to interview you. You aren't as proper as you make out.
Reginald: What exactly is that supposed to mean Sir?
Wolfgang: I know that you stole the money needed for my project. I know you stole the money from Splinters manor. Are you going to accept the truth... or what?

Reginald: Fine, you want the truth sir. I did steal the money... but it was for a good reason.
Wolfgang: Oh really. And that reason is?
Reginald: Maid Helena. She needed the money to pay for a life-saving operation.
Wolfgang: Save me the rubbish Reginald.

Reginald: It's not rubbish... Wolfgang! She was dying and she needed the money. It was the right thing to do.
Reginald: Hmm...

Nova: It is getting really heated  in here.
Grape: I second that.
Wolfgang: You will get me my money back Reginald.
Reginald: Not at the minute. I'm going to go and find the others.

Grape: That sounds like a good idea. The shorter time it takes to interview everyone...
Nova: The easier it is to pinpoint the killer.
Grape: They must be brought to justice.
Reginald: I have a really big feeling that we won't find out who it is.

Mysti: What a joke that interview was. I can't believe we had to sit through that.
Sarah: I know, what did we get from that? Nothing. Only that Reginald trusts nobody.
Mysti: There are some suspicious individuals though.
Sarah: I agree 100%.

Mysti: She must be distraught.
Sarah: I can't believe we isolated her off though. For all we know, it's not her.
Mysti: It can't be. She loved her mum.
Sarah: I want to go in there and give her a hug.

Mysti: You can't do that.
Sarah: Why the hell not?
Mysti: People will think you're working with her. She could kill you.
Sarah: So much for thinking she's innocent, eh?

Mysti: Yes well... you can't be too sure until you have the evidence.
Sarah: Which we have none of.
Mysti: This is too stressful. We should be all trying to get out of here.
Sarah: There is no way we can get the door open in there. It's locked shut and is steel protected. The only way that'll open is if someone on the other side opens it.

Mysti: That's just stupid. Who would design a door like that.

*Katarina enters.*

Katarina: Oh, look who I find in here plotting a plan to kill the rest of us.

Mysti: Shut up Katarina.
Katarina: I'm not bothered if you are the killer. I congratulate you for your courage.
Mysti: You sound like a crazy person.
Katarina: Even though I congratulate your courage, I find you incredibly stupid doing it here.

Sarah: Look Katarina, we are not the killers okay. Now stop going around spreading b*llshit.
Katarina: Oh I'm sorry, have I plucked a string?
Sarah: Don't push me Kat.
Katarina: Or what Sarah?

Katarina: OR WHAT? You gonna kill me. You going to rip the boom boxes off the wall and bash my head in?
Sarah: No. But I will put you on the floor.
Katarina: Ha, please. Your a wimp.

Sarah: Shut up you cow.
Katarina: You are pathetic. We all know why you hired Mysti over me.
Sarah: Don't be so stupid. She had talent, you didn't.
Katarina: Talent, is that what you call it? Ha, don't make me laugh Sarah.

Sarah: I've already warned you Kat. Don't come any closer or I will put you on your ar*e.
Katarina: Hahaha. Little Sarah Veel-Ver putting me on my ar*e.
Sarah: I'm leaving.
Katarina: And where are you going to go? You can't run anywhere hun.

Katarina: You are just stuck in this awful film studio, waiting for help.
Sarah: Well, hoping is better than doing nothing, right?
Katarina: Whatever.
Sarah: Mysti...

Sarah: You can come with me if you want. I'm checking in with Alyssa.
Katarina: You can't do that! She is the prime suspect.
Sarah: She didn't do it! We are treating her like an animal. I'm going to see her whether you like it or not.

*Sarah exits the sound studio.*

Mysti: You really don't know when to stop, do you?
Katarina: Oh, I know when to stop... it's just why I would want to stop.
Mysti: What in the hell did you mean too when you said she hired me for something other than my talent.
Katarina: Ha, oh Mysti... you'll find out in time hun.

*Kelly looks at the pineapple.*

Kelly: It's time for me to get out of here. This is whack.

*Kelly looks up at the vent.*

Craig: Hi Kelly.
Kelly: AH!!

*Kelly is scared of Craig's arrival.*

Craig: Were you just thinking of escaping through the vent you came in?
Kelly: Um... yes.
Craig: You know, that sounds very suspicious especially since Yvette was killed.
Kelly: Are you suggesting that I am the killer?

Craig: Well, it's not looking very good at the moment for you.
Kelly: I'm not the killer. Trust me on this one.
Craig: I don't know who to trust. You arrive to see Steven... then his wife is killed and then you leave... that's very suspicious.
Kelly: I am not the killer. How many times do I have to say that.

Craig: Saying you aren't doesn't make a bit of difference.
Kelly: Anyway, you sound like the killer yourself!
Craig: Excuse me.
Kelly: You sound like the killer... why are you here anyway?

Craig: I am the chef. I told you already.
Kelly: Okay then... why did you want me to keep an eye on that butler guy?
Craig: It's complicated.
Kelly: Is it complicated? You're hiding something.

Craig: We all have secrets but hiding that you are a murderer. No, that's  not my secret.
Kelly: How can I trust you though?
Craig: Don't you think I would have kicked you out if you were really a threat to the studio, like before the whole murder thing happened.
Kelly: I guess so when you put it like that...

*The door opens.*

Craig: Huh, who's there...

*The person walks in.*

Damion: Hmm... interesting...
Kelly: What is?
Damion: It's interesting that you two are talking about using the vents. You're trying to escape.
Kelly: No were not.

Damion: Don't give me that sugar. I heard you both all the way downstairs. You should both try and use your indoor voices next time.
Craig: Look man we aren't the killer if that is what you are thinking.
Damion: I don't know what to think at the moment, but I know for sure who I'm keeping my eye on.

Craig: Oh really... who?
Damion: You... and her.
Craig: We aren't killers man.
Damion: Sure you ain't.

*Sarah enters the recording room.*

Sarah: Hey Alyssa, are you okay?
Alyssa: You are the first person that has come and seen if I was okay. I'm not though.
Sarah: I understand.

Sarah: Say, you don't mind me being here do you?
Alyssa: No, you can stay. It's kinda good that you are bothered.
Sarah: You can talk to me any time you want Alyssa.
Alyssa: Do you know when they are gonna let me out?

Sarah: I don't think they are gonna let you out any time soon.
Alyssa: That is a load of sh*t. The killer should be in here not me.
Sarah: I agree.
Alyssa: It's a shame they're all greedy. They're all greedy for the attention.

Sarah: What do you mean about that?
Alyssa: They are only bothered about solving this thing so they look like the star.
Sarah: You make it sound like this is a show.
Alyssa: Well, isn't it. It's like a repeat of what happened aboard the murder train... apart from there is a twist this season.

Sarah: You sound like a crazy person Alyssa.
Alyssa: You don't understand. NO ONE WILL EVER UNDERSTAND.
Sarah: Alyssa this isn't a game show or any kind of show. We are fighting for our lives.
Alyssa: You don't get it! THE TWIST THIS SEASON IS...

Sarah: This isn't a game show Alyssa. Your mum is dead. I know it's hard to deal with but this is a silly presumption.
Alyssa: Don't interrupt me.
Sarah: Alyssa!

Sarah: Wait... what.
Alyssa: I saw them throw away the blade before the lights turned on.
Sarah: Who is it?

Alyssa: I'm not telling you. The others will shame my mom's name and make fortune from it.
Sarah: I promise I won't.
Alyssa: I won't tell you who it is... but I will tell you personally some clues to who it could be.
Sarah: Huh... okay then. If it must be done.

Nova: So, do you know who it is then?
Reginald: I am stumped. There is a lot of holes in everyone's stories.
Wolfgang: Well there we go.
Reginald: At least I am trying to help the situation Wolfgang.

Wolfgang: You will call me Mr. Splinters.
Reginald: I will call you Wolfgang. I resign from being your butler. You are a disgrace.
Wolfgang: Charming. You best leave then. I'd like to speak to Nova and Grape alone.
Reginald: Fine... I'm going to go and find the others. Maybe they will appreciate my help.

*Reginald leaves.*

The killer is on the prowl! Another person will become the new victim!

But who will it be?

In the Train Driver quiz, Sarah was the only one above the Mole Marker; Craig!

Meaning that Sarah and Craig were the only ones immune this round.

Leaving Wolfgang, Reginald, Nova, Damion, Mysti, Grape, Kelly and Katarina to face the psycho's wrath.

But who will the murderer choose to kill?

Do not forget that the killer can be anyone. Now...

The time has come to find out, who will die!!! Good luck.

*The door's automatically shut. The group are locked in.*

Nova: What in the world!?
Wolfgang: The door has locked us in.
Grape: Wait, we're stuck in here. Oh lord.

*The door's automatically lock. The group are locked inside.*

Mysti: What's happening?
Katarina: You planned this!
Mysti: Yeah, sure I did. How am I gonna do that when I have no tools to automatically close the door.

Sarah: What's the matter in there? What's the panic?
Katarina: Our door has just locked on us.
Sarah: That's weird.
Alyssa: This door has just locked too.

Sarah: Oh great, what are we gonna do to get out?
Alyssa: Beat's me. It's happening again.
Sarah: What is?
Alyssa: Don't you get it... this is how the murderer works. The group is isolated and then they attack.

*The door locks automatically. The group is locked inside.*

Craig: Um, is that supposed to happen?
Damion: You work here, you're supposed to know.
Kelly: You work here too Damion.
Damion: And you don't work here, which makes you look like the biggest target here.

Katarina (Voice Over): Is anyone out there? Help us.
Reginald: What in the...
Mysti (Voice Over): Reg, is that you. We're locked in here.
Katarina (Voice Over): We're locked in the recording studio! Is anyone there?

Reginald: How has it locked?
Katarina: I don't know, we were just talking and then it shut out of nowhere.
Reginald: I'll bash the door open. Stand back.
Katarina: Okay.

*Reginald tries to bash the door open but hurts his arm.*

Reginald: Ouch! My arm.
Katarina (Voice Over): Are you okay?
Reginald: I'll be fine, there's no way this door is coming down. I'll try and kick it down, more force.

Reginald: This is very annoying.

*Reginald gets ready to kick the door.*

*Reginald kicks the door. Nothing. The door is still locked shut.*

Reginald: There's no use Katarina. It's locked tight.
Katarina: Oh...

*Reginald is tired.*

Reginald: I... think it's time to retire...


Everyone is asleep.

*There is a lot of banging coming from the dressing room. There is no one in there though as they are all 'locked' up in there rooms.*


Reginald: Huh?

*Reginald rubs his eyes as he wakes up from his nap.*

Reginald: What in the world was that?

*There is continuous banging in the dressing room.*

Reginald: Have the doors opened up now?

*The banging stops and the handle of the door opens.*

Reginald: They must have done, no one was in the dressing room the last time I checked.

???: This is too tight, I should've got a bigger size.

*The killer looks at Reginald who is on his feet.*

???: It's my signature mask... you like it?
Reginald: You killed Yvette!
???: Fast learner, aren't you.

???: It's time to die... butler.
Reginald: I don't think so.

*Reginald pushes the killer out of the way and runs away.*

*The killer runs after Reginald.*

???: Get back here now!
Reginald: You are a savage.

*Reginald's feet are hurting.*

Reginald: Ouch.

*The killer kicks down Reginald and grabs a hold of his neck.*

*Reginald is choked.*

Reginald: YOU... *cough*... SAVAGE...

Reginald: *cough, cough*

*Reginald takes his last breath. Reginald is dead.*

*Reginald's body slumps to the ground as the killer looks over him.*

???: Hahahaha.

???: 2 down... 9 to go.

*The killer takes off their gloves and puts them in their trouser pocket.*

???: I could say... that this is my own thriller killer, hahahahah.

*The killer looks at Reginald a final time.*

???: Sleep tight butler.

The end of the night is upon the contestants. Reginald was claimed as the second victim. Will the murderer be stopped before any more people are killed? We will find out sooner or later.

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