Sunday 12 January 2014

2.1: Lights, Camera, Action!

Welcome to the Locomotive! 7 months ago, a tragic event happened where 10 people were slaughtered on board a train- luckily the murderer; Margaret Tick was brought to justice. The one remaining survivor; Steven Hollywood decided to make a film about the events. Now at the end of production, the film is nearly finished. BUT, will a haunting past come back and bite Steven on the bum? 10 new unfortunates will be put through hell- hoping to be the sole survivor who gets to live another day.

Owen: Hey guys look, the new movie is gonna be out soon.
Mason: Owen, we won't be able to see it anyway, it's an 18+
Owen: Trust me Mason. I know how I'll be able to get in. I'll wear a disguise.
Kia: That's a stupid idea.

Owen: It's not a stupid idea. I could dress up as Ron Weasley.
Mason: You're not tall enough.
Owen: I'll wear some stilts.
Mason: And where are you gonna get stilts from?

Owen: Duh! A shop.
Mason: What sort of shop?
Owen: I dunno, a shopping shop?
Mason: Face it dude, we won't be able to see it yet.

Owen: I guess so...
Mason: Sorry... Hey Kia, what's the matter?
Kia: It's this woman... she keeps looking at me.
Mason: Huh, what woman? Oh!

Kelly: Hey guys! What are you guys doing around here all by yourselves?
Kia: We can go where we want. We're nearly 10.
Kelly: That is a big age.
Kia: What do you want lady?

Kelly: I'm just going into that shop to buy some stuff.
Kia: Oh.
Kelly: What are you looking at?
Kia: A movie poster.

Kelly: Ooo, 'The Locomotive'.
Owen: Yeah, it's a really cool film. My older brother is going to see it.
Kelly: I hope you lot aren't going to see it. It is definitely for big kids.
Kia: We know that...

Kia: Plus, I don't like it much anyway.
Owen: You don't like it? You told me you did.
Kia: I wasn't telling the truth.
Mason: Ugh...

Mason: I'm tired of standing around here, who wants to play football up on the field?
Owen: I do! I do!
Mason: Come on then.
Owen: I am gonna win you Mason!

Kia: Did you know lady, that movie is being filmed in this town.
Kelly: It is?
Kia: Yeah. Steven Hollywood said so.
Kelly: Steven Hollywood? Hmm... do you have any idea where it is going to be filmed?

Kia: Maybe, what are you gonna give me in return?
Kelly: What?
Kia: I want some money.
Kelly: Ugh... there you go.

*Kelly gives Kia some money.*

Kelly: So, do you know where the film studio is then?
Kia: Yeah, the only place that could be used for movies is the old warehouse.
Kelly: Near the lake village?
Kia: Yeah!

Kelly: Thank you very much.
Kia: Why do you ask lady?
Kelly: I... need to go and ask Mr. Hollywood some questions.
Kia: What about?

Kelly: Um... my cousin.
Kia: Why do you want to ask him about your cousin?
Kelly: It's complicated. Anyway, I need to go. You better catch up with your friends.
Kia: Okay lady.

*Kelly runs away from Kia.*

Kelly: What a sweet girl... even though she took some money from me... She should keep safe around here... no one can be trusted.

Steven: Okay everyone! Time to shoot the final scene! I don't want a repeat of this morning, let's just get it done and over with, okay?
Nova: Yes sir.
Grape: Yep.

Damion: Steven?
Steven: What is it?
Damion: We would have got the final scene done if it wasn't for my co-star over here.
Mysti: What?

Damion: You heard me, you are so lazy at your job.
Mysti: You have got to be kidding me. You are the diva here!
Damion: I have a right to be under these conditions.
Mysti: Just shut up and act!

Steven: Guys be quiet!
Sarah: That's my girl. Don't let him talk to you that way Mysti!
Steven: Sarah!
Nova: Oh dear.

Sarah: What?
Nova: Nothing.
Sarah: Then why did you just say...
Steven: SARAH!

Sarah: Yes Steven?
Steven: I know you're enthusiastic about being Mysti's talent agent, but you gotta shut up.
Sarah: Excuse me?
Steven: Be quiet! We're gonna start filming now, if that's fine with you?

Sarah: I guess so.
Steven: Good. Camera ready Nova?
Nova: Yep, ready to record.
Steven: Good. Damion, Mysti, positions please!

Grape: (whispering) Wow, Steven is stressed out.
Nova: (whispering) I know right. Although I can understand why he is.
Grape: Same here. Especially when you have an awkward cast and horrible agents strung along.
Nova: Haha, you sure are right about that one.

Sarah: (under breath) Grr... I heard what you said then, you inbred.

*Grape looks over at Sarah.*

Sarah: Ahem... oh look a pen on the floor!

*Sarah picks the pen up.*

Yvette: I wish he would have a higher authority over these guys.
Alyssa: I agree, he's the bloody director!
Yvette: I do love him though.
Alyssa: Sure you do mum. You're just bothered about this film getting made.

Yvette: Alyssa! Don't make me out to be so insensitive.
Alyssa: Well it's true, you only want this film to get made so that he will pamper you with anything you desire.
Yvette: So what, can't a woman be spoiled?

Yvette: And plus I didn't see you complaining when he bought you that new car?
Alyssa: Well... it's a gift isn't it. At least I'm not with someone just for their money.
Yvette: Don't act all innocent Alyssa, you are as crooked as me. You inherited it!
Alyssa: I doubt that highly! Ha.

Steven: Everyone shut up! This needs finishing.
Sarah: Sorry.
Yvette: I'm so sorry Steven, everyone, clean up your act!
Damion: Grr...

Steven: Okay Nova. Record!
Nova: 3...2...1... ACTION!

*Nova records the scene.*

Damion (Voice Over): Do not bring Amy into this!

*Wolfgang slams the dressing room door open and walks onto the set.*

Wolfgang: Ah! Steven, my good friend!
Steven: F*ck sake! CUT! CUT THE TAPE!

*Nova stops recording.*

Wolfgang: Steven, we need to talk about my new idea. We will earn millions.
Steven: Wolfgang, you can clearly see that I am filming here.
Wolfgang: So what, this project will earn you double the takings this will.
Steven: Ugh...

Steven: We are never going to get this film done!
Sarah: Woah! Oh hell no...

*Sarah looks at Wolfgang.*

Wolfgang: Excuse me?
Sarah: We are filming here and my girl needs to make her money. You're preventing progress.
Wolfgang: I don't need you spouting at me right now, you are just a little fish compared to me.

Sarah: Oh really, I'm the little fish? Believe it or not, but I am making a profit from my clients and they're happy with my services. The last I heard, you have lost numerous actors in the past couple of months. Rumour also has it that you are bankrupt!

Wolfgang: I am not willing to discuss my financial business with anyone! Especially you, the daughter of a hag who saw talentless wrecks a mile off.
Sarah: You little...
Wolfgang: You are only successful because you inherited your mother's talent agency after her death. You would be nothing if it wasn't for her.

Sarah: My mother was a great woman and I intend to knock you out of the water with my talents. 
Wolfgang: You're bluffing.
Sarah: I have made the business bigger by myself, I have been dedicated to this company.
Wolfgang: You may be dedicated, but the companies reputation stinks.

Sarah: Oh really, says who?
Wolfgang: I do amongst many talent scouts.
Sarah: Well how come my girl; Mysti is in this film then?
Wolfgang: You've only got her to show for your agency. I have Damion and Katarina.

Damion: He is right, comparing me and you together. You can clearly see that Wolfgang hired the talented one.
Mysti: You just don't know when to stop do you?
Damion: Try me! I've got plenty of insults to send your way Vermillion.

Nova: Can't we just have a normal day of filming? You know without any arguments?
Grape: I don't think that sort of filming day exists Nova.
Nova: Great.

*Nova looks over at Steven.*

Steven: That is it... I'm putting my foot down.

*Steven hops off of his director chair.*

Steven: I have had enough of all this bullsh*t!

*Sarah and Wolfgang stop arguing.*

Steven: Can't you just get on for the sake of me? I guess not.

Sarah: I am so sorry Steven... I didn't mean any...
Wolfgang: I am also sorry.
Steven: Is that it?
Sarah: Um... yes.

Steven: Unbelievable! You two have argued ever since the first day of filming.
Sarah: I know but...
Steven: And you persist to keep doing it. I don't care if you two have your own problems...
Wolfgang: But Steve...

Steven: Do you get me?
Sarah/Wolfgang: Yes sir.
Steven: Good. Now Sarah. Go and calm down... and you! Go into the meeting room and wait for me. I guess I should listen to your idea so I can get it out of the way and continue filming.

Wolfgang: Whatever you say big man.
Steven: Hurry up then! Everyone, take a 15 minute break. We'll start filming afterwards.

*Everyone goes for a break.*

Nova: Let's go for a coffee.
Grape: Okay, I'm parched.
Nova: I need to relax. Everyone is so on edge today.

*Nova and Grape head off for the canteen upstairs.*

Sarah: I am so sorry about that Mysti.
Mysti: I'm not bothered. That OAP gives me the creeps.
Sarah: He can't accept the fact that my talent agency is getting bigger than his.
Mysti: Exactly. He should've took more care of his talent's needs instead of on himself.

Sarah: You are right there.
Mysti: I know. Can I ask you something?
Sarah: Yeah sure.
Mysti: I need some help with working with that Damion... he is the worst actor I've worked alongside.

Sarah: He can't be helped, he has been brainwashed by Wolfgang.
Mysti: Why don't you try and lure him to Veel-Ver Casting?
Sarah: You... have a very good idea Mysti. I'll have to think about it.
Mysti: Okay.

Sarah: Anyway, you best go and get some rest in. We're going to be working through the night at this rate.
Mysti: Okay then Sarah. I'll be in the dressing room.
Sarah: Okay dear.

Katarina: When he comes in... I'll seduce him with my powerful charms.

*Katarina flicks her hair back.*

Katarina: He won't be able to resist me.

*Mysti enters.*

Mysti: Woah! What the hell are you doing?
Katarina: Huh?

Katarina: You aren't Damion?
Mysti: Damion is on set.
Katarina: That's a shame, he could be in here... with me...
Mysti: Charming.

Katarina: What's the matter Mysti? Are you afraid of my womanly charm?
Mysti: No, what I am afraid of though is your horrible moustache.
Katarina: Haha, you certainly aren't the friendly type are you Mysti?
Mysti: Don't act innocent, you're a cow and only I can see the truth! Everyone else is blind.

Katarina: So you say.
Mysti: So I know.
Katarina: Mysti, come here.
Mysti: Why?

*Katarina closes in on Mysti's ear.*

Katarina: I'm better than you dear.
Mysti: You think that hun.

Katarina: You can't get anywhere in this industry if you're all nicey nicey.
Mysti: What, am I supposed to be more like you?
Katarina: You're learning fast girl.
Mysti: I would never become a replica of you.

Katarina: Say that now hun, you'll break it eventually.
Mysti: Ha, like hell I will.
Katarina: Oh you will, when you turn desperate. When you need help the most.
Mysti: Grr...

Mysti: She has no idea what she is talking about... or does she? No, of course not, she hasn't got a clue.

Damion: Ugh... this is one lame ass production. Doesn't anyone take anything seriously in here? It's not like it's a stupid reality show that focuses on arguments all the time. I have to get money in quick and this is a real set back. F*ck sake.

*Damion sits down.*

Damion: Ah! That feels good.
???: Ahem.

*Damion looks up.*

Yvette: I need to have a little word with you Damion.
Damion: Oh yeah?
Yvette: Yes. It's important.
Damion: It better be quick either way.

Yvette: Oh don't worry, it will be.

*Damion gets off of his chair.*

Damion: Well... aren't you going to speak or just stare at me?
Yvette: Damion... as you are aware, you are one of the biggest names for the film.
Damion: Okay... what's your point.
Yvette: All I have to say is that, even though you are the biggest name here, we have to take away some of your wage.

Damion: You are kidding me.
Yvette: I'm not, you have been paid too much to sit around and bitch about the other girl.
Damion: So...
Yvette: Well, I'm not paying you for that, I'm paying you for your actual talent, and so far... you've only earned half of the money I'm giving you.

Damion: This is out of order! You can't just take money away from me. I need to live too ya know.
Damion: I'll do whatever I bloody well want.

Damion: If it wasn't for the likes of me, Katarina and that camera woman then this production would be a f*cking shambles.
Yvette: How dare you.
Damion; So you better give me my money or I'll destroy all that footage you've collected so far.

Yvette: You can't threaten me! You don't know where the footage is kept.
Damion: I don't but that doesn't mean I can't get the editing team to delete it.
Yvette: You monster! You would ruin my life, you'd ruin Steven's life. You'd ruin Wolfgang's life!
Damion: I'm not bothered about that old trout, he's just using me for money too.

Yvette: I think it's time someone taught you a lesson boy!
Damion: I don't think so. I don't need a lesson in greed. That's probably why you're with Steven isn't it? Because of the money.

Damion: Believe what you want to believe Yvette. We can see it through you.
Yvette: I'm not lowering myself to your immaturity. I'll just ruin your chances at a career after this.
Damion: You can't. You wouldn't.
Yvette: Oh really? I have many contacts with the journalism world... they could shoot you down in a heartbeat.

Damion: Look, Yvette.
Yvette: Ah! Got you now... I guess I won that won, eh boy? You better stand down.
Damion: Ugh...
Yvette: Haha... you better be ready to film afterwards... one slip up and I'll make sure you're never in an acting job again.

Nova: Wow, that is harsh.
Grape: I know... she can't be allowed to do that, surely?
Nova: I dunno... She isn't to be messed with.
Grape: It's a good thing I avoid her then.

Nova: Haha same.
Grape: So Nova, what are you planning to do after this?
Nova: I haven't really thought about it yet. I'll probably just move back to my home town and get a small time job somewhere. What about you?
Grape: I'm gonna try and get my art out there in the public.

Nova: You're an artist? I thought you just did set design as a job.
Grape: No, I'm an artist when I'm not doing set design. I have tons of paintings.
Nova: You could be the next Picasso?
Grape: I could be... but I doubt it. People aren't very open to berry sims.

Nova: I know, I don't get it. Berry sims are just like any other sims though.
Grape: Exactly. The only difference is our colour, some are Red, Yellow, Green.
Nova: Purple!
Grape: Purple. I bet you my top dollar that Yvette is one of those people who are against berries.

Nova: Haha probably.
Grape: She is just so disrespectful though. I wouldn't mind it if she was joking.
Nova: But she never is. She's greedy.
Grape: Yes she is.

Alyssa: What the hell are you two on about?
Grape: Um, nothing.
Alyssa: You're on about my mum aren't you! You have no right to say anything bad about her.
Grape: What?

Alyssa: You heard me, you have no right especially since you are a berry sim.
Grape: Great... not another one.
Alyssa: You berry sims think you deserve special rights just because your different.
Grape: No we don't.

Alyssa: Yes you do. My mother is a hard-working woman who has put her ar*e on the line with this film.
Grape: If it wasn't for the stage crew, there wouldn't be a film.
Alyssa: Oh they would. We could've got some other crew members just like that.

*Alyssa clicks her fingers.*

Alyssa: We could've got some crew members that weren't berry sims!

Nova: Okay, this has gone too far! Stop there.
Alyssa: What are you going to do Nova? You're just a weak little girl.
Nova: Don't test me Alyssa.
Alyssa: Oh please, spare me the talk. You two better behave.

Grape: OR WHAT?
Alyssa: Or I'll ruin your careers in this industry for good.
Nova: Wow, you sound just like your mother Alyssa. I'm not bothered anyway, I only did this film for Steven. I didn't do it for you or your mum. He'll understand when we tell him everything.
Alyssa: It won't come to that dear.

*There is a large bang coming from the kitchen.*

Kelly: OUCH!

Kelly: Why did I have to go through the ceiling vent? Why couldn't I just use the front door?

*Kelly feels her head.*

Kelly: That is one big lump on the back of my head. Damn vent!

*Kelly gets up.*

Kelly: I should've took my heels off.

*Kelly looks around.*

Kelly: Where am I? Ooo... fruit! How mainstream!

*Kelly picks up a piece of watermelon and smells it.*

Kelly: Mmm... smells tasty... wonder if it tastes good?

*Kelly eats the watermelon.*

Kelly: Yep... it's good!

*Craig walks in.*

Kelly: Oh no.
Craig: Um... what are you doing in here? In fact, who the hell are you?

Kelly: I'm Kelly Pop. Mainstream blogger?
Craig: Never heard of you.
Kelly: That's rude. Everyone has heard of Kelly's Pop Blog?
Craig: No they haven't. Anyway, how can I help you? You obviously look lost.

Kelly: Yes in fact. Is there any chance you could get me a meeting with Steven Hollywood?
Craig: Steven? The director? I guess I could try, I am only the cook though.
Kelly: Please, just try for me. It's for a good reason.
Craig: A good reason, eh? Well... I will help you if you help me.

Kelly: Um okay.
Craig: Good, I'll get you your time with Mr. Hollywood but in return...
Kelly: Gosh, how many people do I have to help today? I already gave that little girl some money...
Craig: I want you to keep your eyes open.

Kelly: Keep my eyes open? For what?
Craig: A certain individual. I have a little bit of... 'researching' to do.
Kelly: What do you mean by that?
Craig: I can't tell you the full details. I just want you to keep an eye out for a butler though. He is important to me.

Kelly: Okay you got yourself a deal.
Craig: Good, first though. I think we should clear away the mess from the vent.
Kelly: Okay.

Steven: Alright, you have two minutes! Hurry up.
Wolfgang: Good. Let me just get the board ready.
Steven: Grr... hang on, who the hell is he?
Wolfgang: Huh?

Steven: I said who is he?
Wolfgang: Oh... I have forgot all about it.

*Steven looks stern.*

Wolfgang: This is my butler...
Reginald: Ahem...
Wolfgang: I mean, my Personal Assistant; Reginald Von Pringle.
Reginald: Butler at home, Personal Assistant when we aren't.

Steven: Reginald Von Pringle?
Reginald: At your service sir.
Steven: Whatever. Hurry up.
Wolfgang: Okay.

Wolfgang: I stayed up 2 days in a row and thought up of a great idea. It's a reality game show that focuses on contestants finding out who the murderer is.
Steven: Like Whodunnit?
Wolfgang: Yes, but on a train.
Steven: Please tell me this is a joke?

Wolfgang: I am very serious about this.
Steven: This is basically the plot of this film!
Wolfgang: It has some similarities yes but...
Steven: But nothing! I'm tired of all this bullsh*t. If you want a show like this, then you better finish off this film.

Wolfgang: Steven please.
Steven: Shut up! I'm over this.
Wolfgang: You don't mean that man.
Steven: I do, I've tried my hardest with you and your incompetent staff.

Reginald: Well, that didn't go as planned.
Wolfgang: My staff are not incompetent. They are under pressure from you and your wife!
Steven: My wife is keeping all of this together!
Wolfgang: Well she isn't doing a good job about it, is she?

Steven: Fine, I've had it! You can take over my job. I quit.
Wolfgang; You've got one more scene to do and that's it!
Steven: I quit.
Wolfgang: Oh great...

Yvette: Ha, that Damion is absolutely pathetic. 

*Steven comes out of the meeting room.

Yvette: Huh?

Yvette: Hi honey.

*Steven ignores her.*

Yvette: Honey!

Steven: Just leave me alone!
Yvette: Steven!
Steven: Leave me alone, I'm done here.
Yvette: You can't be done here... we need a director!!!

*Steven grunts.*

Steven: Find one then.

Yvette: Steven...
Steven: Why don't you get your lazy ass daughter to direct it? Or maybe you could direct it? Huh, make your hands useful for something else apart from pinching my money.

*Yvette is shocked.*

Yvette: He... spoke to me like that!

*Steven leaves the studio and closes the trailer door.*

Yvette: Steven! Come back.

*Steven locks up the door.*

Yvette: STEVEN!

*Yvette sheds a tear. She clears the tear form her eye.*


Yvette: Good! Now that you are all here, I am going to have a serious word with you all. Steven has left the studio because you lot won't get along with each other.

Yvette: You have let all of your stupid rivalries get in front of you and take over what you're here for... but there is one person who I blame entirely on Steven's departure. Steven won't be coming back and that is because of him.

*Yvette points at Wolfgang.*

Yvette: That stupid pathetic man is so greedy for money that he is willing to sabotage this whole film for his own sake.
Wolfgang: I don't know how you have the cheek. You were only with Steven for the money.
Reginald: I back up Mr. Splinters' accusation.

Kelly: That wasn't very nice.
Yvette: Who the hell are you?
Kelly: I'm Kelly Pop. Famous blogger?
Yvette: Never heard of you.
Craig: She is with me.

Yvette: You all need to clean up your act! I have never been with such dysfunctional people in all my life. You cowards have broke me and my husband. You should all feel ashamed.

Mysti: This is ridiculous. I can't believe people are just sitting back and letting her talk to you like this.
Yvette: Shut up ginger!

Yvette: Now all of you get your heads together! We are going to finish this final scene and then Steven will be a proud man again. Got that?
All: ...
Yvette: Got that?
All: Sure.
Yvette: Haha.














Katarina: Oh my lord.
Craig: How?
Kelly: Is she...
Katarina: Yeah!

Alyssa: MOTHER!!! MUM!!! WAKE UP.
Wolfgang: Oh no.
Nova: Please tell me she's...
Reginald: She's gone.

Alyssa: Mum...

*Alyssa bursts into tears and breaksdown.*

Alyssa: Why did it have to be you!!!

Damion: Wow... this sh*t has just hit the fan.

The madness has begun, 10 survivors are trapped inside the studio under the rightful eye of Alyssa. They will all drop like flies though as the murderer stalks them out as prey. May the luck be with them as they encounter their first challenge and first death.

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