Tuesday 2 July 2013

1.4: Stranded

Welcome to The Locomotive! 12 players will be chosen to go on a train ride they will never forget! 12 will leave the station, 1 will reach their destination... alive! So, who is the killer on board the murder train? Well, we'll find out eventually...

*Shirley looks at the clock*

Shirley: We can't wait here any longer... I need to do something... Barbie is rotting in there and we're all just sat here. Look's like I'll have to safe these f*ckers.

*Shirley tries to open up the train doors. Margaret enters*

Shirley: Huh? Who's there?

Margaret: It's just Margaret dear, what are you doing out here on your own?
Shirley: I need to get out of here... I'm going crazy. I need to take Barbie back home.
Margaret: Shirley. You're not thinking straight. There's no way you can make it back anytime soon.
Shirley: Why not?
Margaret: Because we're what... 100 miles away from our starting post. It'll take you days.

Shirley: Well I need to go now then if it's going to take days.
Margaret: Are you sure you want to go?
Shirley: I'm sure, we need help to get here quick and this is the only way were going to get it. Plus, the food in the fridge will only last a couple more days if everyone keeps eating it at the current rate.
Margaret: I guess your right. It's a shame we don't have any of our phones. I wonder where they've got to?

Shirley: I haven't got a clue.
Margaret: Before you go, make sure you get there safe.
Shirley: Don't worry I... Argh!
Margaret: What's the matter?

Shirley: I dunno... My neck feels saw... gosh it stings like hell.
Margaret: It looks like someone has bit you.
Shirley: Bit me?
Margaret: Yeah, take a look at it.

*Shirley puts her finger on the bite-marks*

Shirley: Wow, that is a deep cut.
Margaret: You need to get a plaster or something on that.
Shirley: I wonder how it got there.
Margaret: I have a feeling that Spencer has something to do with it. He always looks so...
Shirley: Suspicious, I agree. 

*Shirley wipes some blood of her neck*

Shirley: Well, I best be off then.
Margaret: It's been a pleasure meeting you Shirley... even if I did kind of dislike you to start with.
Shirley: Thanks Margaret. Oh and one other thing.
Margaret: Yeah?
Shirley: I know someone on this train is a killer. They killed Barbie! Can you make sure no one else gets killed? For me... and more importantly for Barbie!

*Margaret hugs Shirley*

Margaret: Of course I can... well, at least I'll try to.
Shirley: Thanks Margaret... Argh! My neck is killing.
Margaret: It's starting to swell.

Shirley: It'll... be fine for now. I'll... get it patched up when I get some help.
Margaret: Go on... go! I'll see you back at the station... if you make it.
Shirley: I'll send help right away.

*Margaret and Shirley open the door together. Shirley jumps onto the train tracks*

Margaret: Bye Shirley!

*Shirley cannot hear Margaret behind the glass*

Shirley: Good luck Margaret! I'll try and get help for the others as soon as I can.

Shirley: But first... I need to take care of Natalia... that b*tch needs to pay for sacrificing my best friend!

*Shirley disappears into the shadow of the tunnel*

Margaret: Poor soul! May my hope go out for her!

*Genevieve screams in horror*

Margaret: What in the...

*Genevieve looks at the corpse*

*Genevieve continues to stare at the corpse*

Genevieve: Who could have done this? He wasn't even a big threat! This is definitely not a reality show anymore... this is some sort of sick joke!!!

*Cassi runs into the room. Steven tries to get in front of her but fails*

Steven: Cassi, wait! Don't go in yet... You might be upset...
Cassi: What's the matter Genevieve?
Genevieve: Look...

Cassi: Tybalt! Tybalt, wake up.
Genevieve: He's dead.
Cassi: Please tell me... your joking.
Genevieve: He's been murdered.

Cassi: My... friend. He's dead.
Genevieve: I'm so sorry Cassi.
Cassi: He's dead and I wasn't there to help him.

*Cassi has a meltdown*

Cassi: Why did this happen to him... *sob* he hasn't done anything wrong to anyone.
Steven: It truly is unfortunate.
Cassi: Unfortunate? He was murdered in cold blood.

*Cassi notices that her collar is slack and nearly loose*

Cassi: Oh crap...

Cassi: I killed him... didn't I?
Steven: Are you confessing?
Cassi: No, I must have... my collar isn't tight. When my collar isn't tight... I change...
Steven: Into what?
Cassi: A monster... someone out for the brains of the living.
Steven: A zombie? Don't talk utter nonsense.
Cassi: I wonder if I've bit anyone else? I hope I haven't killed him.
Steven: There are no such things as zombies.

*Cassi starts to cry her heart out again*

Steven: Genevieve?
Genevieve: Yeah.
Steven: I think you need to tell the others. They need to know.
Genevieve: Okay. Again, I'm sorry Cassi.

*Genevieve leaves as Cassi looks on at Tybalt's corpse, silent*

Gladis: What on earth was happening out there? I heard a lot of screaming.
Margaret: I don't know. I came back in here afterwards. Cassi seemed pretty upset.
Gladis: But why?
Margaret: Something must be wrong with Tybalt. He isn't in here.

Gladis: I just hope the boy is okay.
Margaret: Same here, he was such a lovely boy.
Gladis: I agree. He was a little rough around the edges, but definitely good-hearted.

Scott: So, you're telling me you need to write these columns to get money? Bullsh*t!
Ted: Come on Scott, who do you think writes articles on you and your DJ-ing.
Scott: Definitely not some nerdy pratt like you Ted.
Ted: Um... thanks. I think that's the nicest thing you've said since we got on this train.

Scott: Get over yourself.
Ted: If anything, you need to get over yourself and get educated about... well... anything.
Scott: Hey, I got you a present Ted...

*Scott reaches into his pocket and lifts up his middle finger at Ted*

Ted: How mature.
Scott: Ha... hey Ted...

Scott: Yo mama so ugly, bullets refuse to kill her!
Ted: They might refuse to kill her, but they will definitely kill you... hopefully soon.
Scott: That was sh*t.
Ted: You're right... let me try... Yo mamma's chest is so hairy her t*ts look like coconuts.

*Scott is embarrassed. Taylor starts laughing.*

Taylor: Haha, that was a good one Ted.
Scott: You better watch your next move if you want to keep your legs!
Taylor: Whatever...

*Taylor looks over at Spencer*

Taylor: What's the matter Spence?

Spencer: I'm just sick of this train... I wish we could just go back to our normal lives.
Taylor: I agree... at least the company ain't too bad though.
Spencer: Is it really? Really?

*Genevieve enters with a tear rolling down her face. The six of them turn to face her.*

Gladis: What's the matter deary?
Genevieve: It's Tybalt... he's... he's dead.
All: *gasp*
Genevieve: I want to hold a meeting here... in about 10 minutes! You all better be ready for it.
All: Okay.

*Natalia is asleep on the floor. Scratching noises are heard at her door. Natalia opens up one of her eyes.*

Natalia: Go away Pedro... I do not want to go out with you... I know last night was... well... yeah... but still... you gotta leave me alone, I don't do commitment anymore.

*The scratching gets louder. Groaning can be heard now. Natalia props herself up off of the floor*

Natalia: Go away... I'll pay for the hotel room tomorrow... Oh sh*t!

*Natalia sits up properly.*

Natalia: Where am I? I need to get back to my show... 

*Natalia stretches her neck. It cracks.*

Natalia: Ouch.

*Louder groaning can be heard*

Natalia: Who is that?

Natalia: Leave me alone. I'm not ready to be filmed yet.

*The hand of a zombie crashes through the door. Natalia screeches*

Natalia: What in the... is that you Shirley?

Ted: Thanks for coming to this meeting everyone... but it is crucial.
All: What's up?
Ted: People are getting murdered. That's whats up.

Steven: Ted is right. We found Tybalt's body this morning.

*Natalia interrupts the group and calls into the train*

Natalia (Voice Over): And I've just had to deal with Shirley... who was a zombie.
All: A zombie?
Steven: Oh god... Cassi.
Cassi: I... can't believe it.

Steven: Someone on this train isn't who they are appearing to be.
Ted: What do you suggest Steven?
Steven: I think we need at least one person on here to lead the group forward, to watch out for the rest of us.
Ted: Like a head of the group who will make sure everyone is in there right place. Sounds good.

Scott: Ahem, well, I think I'd be the best person for that role. I'll keep everyone in line.
Genevieve: I disagree... I trust you the least Scott.
Scott: Excuse me b*tch...

Genevieve: You heard me. I trust you the least... and don't even get me started... you are a bully.
Scott: I don't class it as bullying... I class it as dominance.
Genevieve: That's the stupidest thing I've heard come out of your mouth.

Gladis: Can I make a suggestion?
Ted: Yeah sure.
Gladis: I think Taylor would be great for the role.
Taylor: Really?
Scott: Ha, get real old woman.

Gladis: I'd watch your mouth boy.
Scott: Or what? You're going to kill me with cuddles.
Gladis: You really are pushing it boy.
Scott: *hisses* Witch.

Taylor: Thanks for suggesting me Gladis.
Gladis: You deserve it boy.

Ted: I think it's a good idea.
All (Except Scott): Same here.
Taylor: Wow, guess I'm the leader then.

Scott: Bad choice guys...

*Spencer turns to Steven as Scott continues to blabber on at everyone*

Spencer: I can tell that he's pushing your buttons.
Steven: I swear if he doesn't shut his mouth, I'll do it for him.
Spencer: Ooo, fighting talk... I like it.

*Steven scratches his neck*

Scott: And that is why he cannot lead this group... he is a minor... and minor's get you all killed.
Margaret: He really is walking on thin ice, isn't he?

*Steven clears his throat. Scott turns to Steven.*

Scott: Have you got something to say?
Steven: Yeah, shut the f*ck up!
Scott: Oh... so this is where it's going.

*Scott stands up and faces Steven*

Scott: So I guess you think he is the best option then.
Steven: Yes I do, and all the whining that is coming out of your mouth won't change things.
Scott: So?
Steven: So, shut the f*ck up and sit down like the pathetic worm you are. Okay?
Scott: Now it's on.
Steven: Oh gosh...

Scott: Get away from me you nig...
Steven: Don't you dare.
Scott: Or what?
Steven: Or I'll end your life in front of everyone.

Scott: Ha, you idiot. You more or less confessed to the group that your the killer.
Steven: I never said I was the killer, I said I'd kill you.
Scott: Which is still murdering someone.
Steven: True... but I haven't murdered Barbie, Tybalt or Shirley!
Scott: How do we know that?

Steven: Because it'll be on the security cameras!
All: Wait, what?
Steven: Yeah, there's security and hidden cameras all over this train, at least one of them would've picked up the murderer.
Scott: Yes, you! You are the murderer.
Steven: Go f*ck yourself. I would never kill anyone.

Scott: Well you ain't fooling me. I can tell you murdered those people on this train.
Steven: Oh yeah, how?
Scott: Your eyes are diluted. Just like the time your little baby girl died... remember.
Scott: You stood there and strangled her to death... I guess you won't be getting the best dad of the year award this time Steve.

Steven: That's it... I am going to f*cking end you.
Cassi: Steven... no.
Steven: Come at me bro!!!
Cassi: Steven, calm down, he's not worth it.

Scott: You are pathetic... but hey, you asked for it buddy!

*Scott raises his hand and slaps Steven*

*Scott slaps Steven hard leaving a small mark*

All: *gasps* Scott!
Scott: Ha, take that Steve.

Scott: See who's boss now Steve... ME!
Steven: OH... HELL... NAW!
Scott: Huh?

Taylor: Guys, please stop it now! This is unnecessary!
Spencer: Taylor, it's too late to stop them now.
Taylor: Not if I can help it! GUYS!
Scott: Shut up Taylor, you little c*nt.
Spencer: That's out of hand.

Steven: I am sick of this... You're gonna pay for what you've said and done.
Scott: I'll believe you when you do it...
Steven: Okay then...

*Steven rugby tackles Scott to the floor. Scott slams his head on the floor*

Scott: Ouch!
Steven: That hurt! I'll show you something that will hurt.

*Steven gets Scott into the armbar*

Scott: What the f*ck man! Get off me.
Steven: Ha, keep dreaming kid.
Scott: Ouch!

Steven: Is you arm hurting, huh? Is your f*cking arm hurting!
Scott: Yeah, get off me man.
Steven: Oh, no... I ain't finished with you yet.

*Steven gets off of Scott and drags him up. He gets Scott into the masterlock*

Scott: You are going to regret this.
Steven: Sure I will.
Margaret: Guys, stop it now. This is very immature and rude.
Gladis: Margaret, don't get involved, you could get hurt.
Steven: You hurting yet boy!? You hurting.

*Steven lets go of Scott. Scott tries to catch his breath but is punched numerous times in the face. Scott is left with bad bruising.*


*Genevieve uses fairy dust to stop the two of them fighting. Steven and Scott re-adjust themselves.*

Scott: You...
Steven: I told you that you'd pay for what you said and done.
Scott: At least I still got my family... unlike you...

*Steven stares at Scott as he exits the room.*

Steven: If he talks about Amy again...
Cassi: He won't... not if he knows whats good for him.

Night 3! There's something strange going on in the Chamber Train! The murderer is prowling for their next victim...

The murderer has a limited choice tonight. Who will be killed? Spencer, Steven or Taylor?

The murderer has chosen their next victim! One of these three contestants... will become the murderer's third victim...

NOTE: All three contestants were chosen due to the results of the Train Driver Quiz. These contestants lost their duel to their components in a game of Battleships.

Spencer: Ah gosh... today has been too... dramatic, even for me and I have to deal with Natalia on a regular basis.

*Spencer sits down on the train seat*

Spencer: Ah, that's great... my legs are aching like mad.
???: Spencer, I need help.
Spencer: Huh?
???: I've found your cellphone!
Spencer: Thanks a lot.

???: It's a little stuck though.
Spencer: Oh...

*Spencer walks into the train driver cabin*

Spencer: Where is it then?
???: It's jammed in there.

*Spencer bends down at the bookcase. The door slams behind him*

Spencer: What are you doing?

*Spencer is dragged to the other side of the room. He is resisting.*

Spencer: Get off of me.
???: Shut up and die already!

*Spencer is stabbed in the leg. Spencer kicks the murderer in the gut and tries to crawl away.*

Spencer: Come on... someone, help me!
???: No one can help you Spencer... you're done for.
Spencer: I won't let you get me that easy.

???: There's no point in resisting. Just... let me... end you.
Spencer: No... I... can't.

*Spencer is dragged back and stabbed.*

Spencer: You... Argh... coward!
???: Bite me.

Spencer: How... could I have been... so blind.
???: You would have spilled my identity to the others. You needed to be killed.

The end of the night is upon the contestants. Spencer was claimed as the third victim of the murderer. Their selfish bloodlust will not be stopped until they have been exposed... but who is the murderer? Let's hopefully find out before anyone else suffers the killer's wrath.

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