Wednesday 31 July 2013

1.6: All Hope is Lost

Welcome to The Locomotive! 12 players will be chosen to go on a train ride they will never forget! 12 will leave the station, 1 will reach their destination... alive! So, who is the killer on board the murder train? Well, we'll find out eventually...

Ted: I'm starting to worry about some of the people on this train.
Margaret: So am I, they can't cope with what's happening.
Ted: We really need to get off of this train.
Margaret: I know we do. We've tried all the possible ways though? Right?

Ted: Yeah.
Margaret: This is scandalous. I need to think of something we can do.
Ted: As I was saying though, I'm concerned about Gladis and Steven.
Margaret: They've had a lot to deal with over the past couple of days.

Steven: Oh, is that so?
Ted: Ah Steven, nice to see you. You feeling any better?
Steven: I am. I thought, what's the point in sitting around here crying? We need to find our way out of here. Oh and Ted?
Ted: Yeah?

Steven: I've been thinking about how to get off of this train and I've come up with an idea.
Ted: You have? Tell us man.
Steven: Well, Natalia sometimes contacts us through the speakers on the wall so maybe we could hack into the system and use it to call Natalia.
Ted: That sounds like a good idea.

Steven: Good. I think they'll be able to come off easy.
Margaret: I'll help you get them off if you want?
Steven: Please Margaret.
Margaret: No problem.

Steven: I need your help for this Ted. Do you know anything about electronics?
Ted: Are you asking me to hack the speaker for you?
Steven: Yeah.
Ted: Well...

Ted: I guess I could try.
Steven: Don't give me that Ted. You journalists are good at hacking into stuff.
Ted: Some journalists do... I stick to the good way of journalism, getting the facts myself... not listening in on silly phone conversations.

*Ted grabs a screwdriver and looks through one of the speakers.*

Ted: I see...
Margaret: So, can you do it?
Steven: Patience Margaret, don't rush him.
Ted: I don't think we can hack into it.

Steven: What do you mean you can't?
Ted: Well what I mean is... I CAN'T HACK THE SPEAKER!!!
Steven: Gosh...
Margaret: Well, that's great...

Margaret: We aren't getting off of this train, are we?
Steven: No. We'll all die here unless a miracle happens.
Ted: Guys...

Ted: Call the others in here... we need a meeting.
Steven: About what?
Ted: What options are left? What needs to happen.
Steven: Fine, I'll go and get everyone.

*Gladis is crying.*

Cassi: Huh? Gladis. Are you okay?

*Cassi walks over to Gladis.*

Gladis: I don't know anymore. He died... right behind these doors.
Cassi: Gladis, I know it's sad... I feel for you.
Gladis: Did it feel heart-breaking when Tybalt died?
Cassi: It did. Let's sit down...
Gladis: Okay.

Cassi: It's hard I know, you'll get over it in time.
Gladis: I hope so... Cassi?
Cassi: Yeah?
Gladis: We're all going to die here, aren't we?

Cassi: No, we won't.
Gladis: Don't try and comfort me Cassi. I know that we are both going to die soon.
Cassi: Don't say that, anything can happen. Rescue might come.
Gladis: Rescue won't come... and if it does, it'll be too late.

Cassi: I know, but that's the only thing we've got to hold onto now; Hope.
Gladis: You're right... if we don't get off this train though. I want you to know something.
Cassi: What?
Gladis: I... I have killed people before.
Cassi: Are you confessing to me that your the murderer?

*Cassi gets off of the chair.*

Gladis: No, I'm not the murderer! You see... I used to kill criminals.
Cassi: Sure, is that what you call your victims?
Gladis: You have to trust me Cassi, I only killed the criminals if they deserved it, if they were bad for society and a danger to the community.

Cassi: Hmm... fine. I believe you.
Gladis: Thank you Cassi.
Cassi: But, if anyone else is killed, you'll definitely be the first person on my suspect list.
Gladis: Fine.
Steven (Voice Over): Everyone come in here, we're having a meeting.

Steven: I'm glad everyone made it- I mean it's not like you had anything else to do, right?
All: Haha.
Steven: Anyway, I'll let Ted continue... he was the one he asked you all to come here.
Ted: Right, here's our plan... we could escape... or we could do a musical number!

All: What?
Ted: Let's go into the lobby!

Ted: Are you all ready?
All: For our musical number? We don't even know the song...

(Please play song and continue reading. Try to follow with the pace of the song! You can change the lyrics if you want too to x_MG_x's version which can be found here;

Ted: "I've got a theory, that it's a demon! A dancing demon? No, something isn't right there."

Cassi: "I've got a theory, some kid is dreaming, and we're all stuck inside his wacky Broadway nightmare."

Steven: "I've got a theory we should work this out!"
Scott: "No sh*t."

Cassi, Gladis and Margaret: "It's getting eerie, what's this cheery singing all about?"

Steven: "It could be witches! Some evil witches!"

Steven: "Which is ridiculous 'cause witches they were persecuted. Wicca good and love the earth and women power and I'll be over here."

Genevieve: "I've got a theory! It could be bunnies...

Margaret: "I've got a...

Genevieve: "Bunnies aren't just cute as everyone supposes."

Genevieve: "They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses!"

Genevieve: "And what's with all the carrots? Why do they need such good eyesight for anyway!"

Genevieve: "BUNNIES! Bunnies, it must be BUNNIES!!!"

All: ...

Genevieve: "Or maybe midgets!"

Cassi: "I've got a theory we should work this fast... Because it clearly could get serious before it's passed."

Gladis: "I've got a theory, It doesn't matter!"

Gladis: "What can't we face if we're together? What's in this place that we can't whether. Apocalypse? We've all been there. The same old trips, why should we care?"

All: "What can't we do if we get in it. We'll work it through within a minute. We'll have to try, we'll pay the price. It's do or die!"

Cassi: "Hey I've died twice!"

All: "What can't we face if we're together?"

Scott: "What can't we face?"

All: "What's in this place that we can't whether?"

Scott: "If we're together."

All: "There's nothing we can't face...

Genevieve: "Except for bunnies!"

Steven: Woo! That was fun... but seriously Ted, what are our options?
Ted: Well...

Ted: We have 3 options. 1- we wait here for rescue, 2- we all leave the train and go and find help ourselves, or 3- we nominate a leader and they have the choice to do what they want to.
Genevieve: Those are some pretty different options. I think we need a new leader.

Margaret: You guys are right. Who should be the leader then?
Ted: I think you should Margaret.
Margaret: No, the responsibility will be too much. I think Gladis should be leader.
Gladis: What?

Gladis: I refuse to be the leader.
Ted: Why Gladis?
Steven: Yeah, why Gladis? You have the most experience out of all of us.
Gladis: I don't want to feel responsible if someone else dies- like I did with Taylor.

Gladis: But since I'm not going to shy away from nominating... I think we should nominate Genevieve as the leader!
Ted: Yeah, Genevieve.
Genevieve: Me?

Genevieve: I mean, I guess I'd be able to do the job. Why did you nominate me Gladis?
Gladis: You are a fairy! And fairies are trustworthy!
Genevieve: Not all fairies are trustworthy.
Gladis: You are though. Anyone else agree? Genevieve as Leader!

Margaret: I'm fine with that. What about you Ted?
Ted: I think it's a great idea.
Margaret: Good, Cassi... Scott?

Cassi: Yep, Genevieve should be the leader.
Scott: I couldn't give a sh*t who the leader is.
Cassi: Scott!
Scott: What, I'm honest aren't I?

Genevieve: Well, looks like I'm the leader then.
Ted: Good, so, what option should we take?
Genevieve: Well... I... dunno. I'll have to sleep on it.
Ted: We can't sleep on it, we're on rations now- in a few days we won't have any left.
Genevieve: Trust me, I'll think about it and tell everyone what we should do in the morning.
Ted: Okay.

Steven: Gladis! I need a word with you.
Gladis: Oh yeah? What about deary.
Steven: About Genevieve. She seems good but... I doubt her.
Gladis: You doubt her? Why?

Steven: I... think she could be the murderer.
Gladis: What makes you say that?
Steven: Think about it, she's a fairy... she could be in the room and kill the people with her magic.
Gladis: That's nonsense, Genevieve hasn't got a bad bone in her body.

Steven: How do you know?
Gladis: I can understand your doubt Steven, but I've trusted her from Day 1.
Steven: I've tried to trust everyone... but the list of people I can trust gets smaller everyday!
Gladis: Well whoever is the murderer will be unmasked.

Steven: What if they don't though?
Gladis: Then we were unlucky.
Steven: Unlucky? It's more than unlucky.
Gladis: To be honest, I don't want to talk about it, we need to wait on Genevieve's decision.

Steven: I guess your right... and at least it has cooled down a bit between everyone.
Gladis: Yeah, from now on we look out for each other.
Steven: Too many people have died... I won't allow anymore to accept that fate.
Gladis: Are you willing to protect us Steven?

Steven: I'm not sure about the others, but I'd definitely save you.
Gladis: Oh... Steven. You sounded like Taylor.
Steven: How are you coping?
Gladis: I'm getting there... I'm still sad though.

Steven: Well, if you ever need to talk, just come and find me.
Gladis: I will... thanks Steven... Oh, one more thing.
Steven: Yeah?
Gladis: Thanks for making me feel young again... making me 'feel' again.
Steven: No problem.

Scott: Ha, pathetic! These two idiots are gonna get it on... I'm gonna be sick.

Night 5! There's something strange going on in the Chamber Train! The murderer is prowling for their next victim. The murderer has a very limited choice tonight. Who will be killed? Gladis or Steven.

The murderer has chosen their next victim! One of these two contestants will become the murderer's fourth victim...

NOTE: Both contestants were chosen due to the results of the Train Driver Quiz. These contestants were eliminated from the chess board game before the mole marker; who was Ted.

Gladis: *sighs*.
Genevieve (Voice Over): Good night guys!
All: Night!
Gladis: I should get some sleep... Something just isn't right here though...

*Gladis sees something flash in the corner.*

Gladis: What the bloody hell was that?

*Gladis looks again at the shiny object. It is a cell phone- Ted's cellphone to be exact.*

Gladis: A phone! I FOUND ONE OF THE PHONES...
???: Gladis!
Gladis: Wait... oh hell no. That's the murderer. I'm gonna reveal you to the group!

???: I need your help!
Gladis: Yeah you do, I'll help you kick your skull in...

*Gladis bursts through the door.*
Gladis: Come on then! Show yourself you maggot!
???: Okay.

*The murderer appears from Gladis' right and pushes her into the bookcase.*

Gladis: Ouch! You b*stard.
???: I'm gonna end you.
Gladis: No... you won't!

*Gladis is thrown to the floor. She has damaged her back.*

Gladis: Ouch, my f*cking arm!
???: Come here.

*Gladis kicks the murderer in the knee and tries to escape.*

Gladis: Guys! Help me.
???: You really think that'll work?

Gladis: I'm gonna die... I should have known it was you.
???: Quiet!
*Gladis is dragged back by the murderer.*

Gladis: You won't get away with this one!
???: I will, your going to join the others in the bathroom.
Gladis: Ugh...

*Gladis is stabbed.*

Gladis: The others... must know.
???: Hahahahahaha.

The end of the night is upon the contestants. Gladis was claimed as the fourth victim of the murderer. Their selfish bloodlust will not be stopped until they have been exposed... but who is the murderer? Let's hopefully find out before anyone else suffers the killer's wrath.

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