Monday 15 July 2013

1.5: Plan to Escape

Welcome to The Locomotive! 12 players will be chosen to go on a train ride they will never forget! 12 will leave the station, 1 will reach their destination... alive! So, who is the killer on board the murder train? Well, we'll find out eventually...

Taylor: I cannot believe I was made leader of the group...

*Taylor looks at his hands and looks back up at Gladis*

Taylor: Is there really any need for a leader though Gladis?

Gladis: Of course there is dear. This group isn't going to unite without you, everyone will be at each other's throats.
Taylor: I guess you're right. Can't people just settle their own problems their own way though?
Gladis: They could try to, but we all know that wouldn't work. 
Taylor: Why not?

Gladis: If you have too many chiefs to one tribe, then you are bound to fail.
Taylor: That's right.
Gladis: And with the people who are currently on this train... well, there are a lot of chiefs.
Taylor: So why do we need one designated leader?
Gladis: To make sure those 'chiefs' are mere tribesmen'.
Taylor: Ah I see, you could have put it a little bit more... well... less native american.

Gladis: Anyway, what are you going to do today?
Taylor: I was thinking of trying to find something to get help for us.
Gladis: We've tried Taylor. Nothing. The phones are gone... and the nearest station from here...
Taylor: Shirley made it... sort of. She must've found some other form of transport.
Gladis: You're right... maybe there's...

*Gladis notices blood run under the door frame of the Train Driver's cabin.*

Gladis: What's going on in here?
Taylor: Oh no... is that another body?

*Gladis slams open the door to reveal Spencer's body.*

Taylor: Oh gosh, no. Not another one.
Gladis: Have you seen... *sobs*.
Taylor: Who could have done something like this? 
Gladis: It's... so... so, sad.

Taylor: At least we know one thing now though.
Gladis: What's that?
Taylor: Someone is killing everyone off one by one.
Gladis: Are you sure?
Taylor: Gladis, I'm pretty sure people aren't dropping dead for no reason.

Taylor: We have a murderer on board and... well... I can't tell who it is at this point.
Gladis: This is too much...
Taylor: Gladis... I need you to be brave. I want you to tell the others about Spencer's death. OK?
Gladis: Okay.
Taylor: Good... I'll clean up here. Pull yourself together Gladis. We'll find help soon, I promise.

Scott: Hahaha, my whole tactic is working. I knew I'd be able to p*ss everyone off on this train and get them to focus on me. Ha, I can't believe they can't see it. Once I get them to turn on each other- I'll slip off this train... or hide when no ones looking. Idiots won't see a thing.

Scott: I mean please... Tybalt and Spencer were the smartest people on this train... and look where they've ended up? Dead. I'm the only one with any logic on this train.

*Gladis enters*

Gladis: Oh really, Scott?
Scott: Huh?

Gladis: I just heard everything you said.
Scott: Well... it's true.
Gladis: And another thing, how did you know Spencer was dead?
Scott: I found him earlier on. I didn't want to alert everyone like we always do.
Gladis: And why would you not do that?
Scott: Because everyone on this train goes berserk.

Gladis: You've got a point.
Scott: I know. Now if you don't mind... I got somewhere I need to be.
Gladis: Not so fast.
Scott: What?
Gladis: I want in.
Scott: Get real Gladis. What benefits do I get from having a granny with me? None.

Gladis: Well, let's just say I have a thing with words.
Scott: What are you talking about?
Gladis: Let me come with you... otherwise... I'll tell the others you left will all the supplies that we have left.
Scott: They wouldn't believe you.
Gladis: They would- especially in the situation your in. So... how about we make a deal?
Scott: Grr... fine.

Scott: But keep your voice down, we don't want anyone to know.
Gladis: Fine by me.

*Scott lowers his voice*

Scott: You can come with me as long as...
Gladis: As what?
Scott: You bring ALL of the mobile phones with you.
Gladis: You know where they are?
Scott: Maybe.
Gladis: What happens if I don't?

Scott: Well then you ain't coming.

*Gladis laughs at Scott*

Gladis: You're foolish.
Scott: No I'm not.
Gladis: You are. I have to come with you now. You know where the phones are.
Scott: You can't prove anything.
Gladis: True... but if the others find out. You're screwed.
Scott: I also have something else for you to get me.
Gladis: What is it?

Scott: I want you to take ALL of Steven's photos of Amy and burn them.
Gladis: Scott... that is evil.
Scott: He deserves it the pr*ck. Do it or I won't let you come with me.
Gladis: Like I said... you're foolish.

*Scott pulls out a knife against Gladis*

Scott: No... you are foolish... now go tell everyone about Spencer, try and get Steven's photos and return to me. You got that?
Gladis: Scott, you don't have to do this.
Scott: I do... now go!

*Scott goes into the train tunnel as Gladis enters the cabin*

Gladis: I could tell the others about Scott... he can't just leave us here like dead meat... not now Gladis. There are more important things that need dealing with.

Genevieve: Oh, hey Gladis.
Gladis: Genevieve... I need to...
Ted: We were just going on about the bathroom. There's a big crack behind the sink.
Gladis: There's something I need to tell all of you.

Ted: What's the matter Gladis?
Genevieve: You look like you've been crying.
Gladis: I... have.

*Gladis takes a big breath in.*

Gladis: I... Spencer is dead... he's been murdered.
Ted: No! He can't of...
Genevieve: Spencer!

Genevieve: He couldn't have... I was watching him the whole time last night.
Ted: You obviously didn't do a good job, did you?
Genevieve: Shut up Ted.
Ted: If you were so observant, you would have gone to see if he was fine.
Genevieve: I don't need lecturing by you Mr. Journalist.

Cassi: Have you heard that guys? Another one of us is... dead.
Margaret: It is horrible.
Cassi: Someone on this train is being deceptive... someone is lying about who they really are.

Margaret: I'd hate to jump to conclusions... but Scott really does look like the biggest target.
Cassi: I agree... something tells me it's not him though.
Margaret: You think? I've got someone else in mind, but right now, he's a sure for first place.
Cassi: Yeah, I think so... he seems like a little kid who is scared- therefore he's trying to be tough in front of people.

Margaret: He does seem confused and startled. All he needs is a friend to talk to him.
Cassi: Yeah.
Steven: That kid needs f*cking stabbing.
Cassi: Steven...

Steven: Don't make me feel guilty. He deserved what he got from me.
Cassi: We know Steven.
Steven: I hate it when people talk about my family!
Cassi: Steven! He didn't mean what he said about Amy...

Steven: Stop right there Cassi! If that pathetic boy mentions my Amy again... I will, I'll kill him...

*The room goes silent*

Steven: It's only been 5 months since the accident...

*Cassi and Margaret look at Steven*

Steven: And if that kid from the press writes another huge story of lies about what happened on this train... I'll bring the lot of them down.

*Steven looks up at both of them.*

Steven: My business is MY business, people should learn not to get involved. I mean it though... If Scott tries one more of his tricks... I won't be responsible for my actions.

*Margaret stands up*

Margaret: Do you feel better for letting it all out?
Steven: I... I do.
Margaret: That's good. I'm just going to go see if I can help with anything in the train driver cabin. I shouldn't be too long.
Steven: Okay.

*Margaret leaves the conversation*

Margaret: Ted must've wrote some pretty bad stuff about Amy before... I should confront him about this.
Steven: Thanks for listening Cassi.
Cassi: Anytime.

*Margaret enters the main cabin. Ted, Genevieve and Gladis are also present.*

Margaret: Ted, we need to talk.
Ted: Huh?

Genevieve: Why is Taylor not letting anyone in there?
Ted: I don't know...
Gladis: Ted, I think I know where the phones...
Margaret: Ted! We need to talk now.
Ted: Margaret? What do you want?

Margaret: What did you write about Steven's daughter?
Ted: Amy? Oh... the whole accident. I wrote an article on her.
Margaret: You've upset Steven... he's blaming you for the whole coverage.
Ted: I don't know why, it was the truth.
Margaret: Are you sure? The truth and personal opinions are completely different, you know!

Ted: I'm a journalist! What does he really expect.
Margaret: Yes well, people like you don't see the effect your stories have on people.
Ted: I thought you were my fan Margaret?
Margaret: I am... but I've come to see the light now, some of your articles were... well, bias.

Ted: Haha, bias. You're good with words Margaret.
Margaret: Do you mind treating me with a bit of respect?
Ted: No, why should I? You came in here shouting at me.
Margaret: Wow... I thought you were different Ted. I thought we shared similar views. I was obviously wrong.

*Genevieve looks over at the window*

Genevieve: Um guys...
Ted: Quiet Genevieve.

Ted: Look... Margaret... I'm sorry. But that is my job... I have to do it.
Margaret: I know... I'm the one who should be sorry.
Ted: Why? You were sticking up for a vulnerable man. It makes sense really.
Margaret: Thanks... 

Margaret: Are we still friends then?
Ted: Margaret... I'm not going to let a silly spat like this ruin our relationship. Of course we are.

*There is banging from outside the train.*

Margaret: What was that?

*There is a loud thud against the door*

Genevieve: Is anyone outside?
Gladis: No one should be.
Ted: Who isn't on the train?
Margaret: Well, Steven and Cassi are in the other room...

*Scratching is heard on the door*

???: Let me in!
Ted: Who's that?

Scott: Open the doors... it isn't safe!
Margaret: It's Scott...
Genevieve: Someone needs to open the doors.
Ted: What's wrong man?

Zombie Shirley: BRAAIIIIINNNNSSSS!!!!!
Ted: Oh sh*t. I see your problem. Open up these doors!

*Ted and Margaret try and open the doors. They are shut firmly. No one is getting in or out soon.*

Ted: They won't open.
Scott: Come on man! Argh!

*Zombie Shirley grabs hold of Scott*

Margaret: Oh my gosh, she's got him!
Ted: Scott, fight back man!
Genevieve: Why aren't the doors opening?
Gladis: We need to keep trying to open them.

Zombie Shirley: BRAINNNSSS!!!
Scott: F*ck this...

*Scott tries to fight back Zombie Shirley. She stumbles and Scott falls to the floor*

Scott: Ouch...

Ted: Scott!
Gladis: Be careful!
Margaret: Someone help me get this door open!
Genevieve: I'll help...
Ted: Me too.

Scott: I need to get away from this crazy b*tch.
Zombie Shirley: Mmmmhuogirenglre.
Scott: Man, you're still a b*tch when you're dead.

Scott: She's getting closer.

*Scott tries to stand up. He has sprained his ankle.*

Scott: Ouch! Sh*t. F*ck man.
Scott: Oh great.

*The far doors open.*

Gladis: Who's going out?
Ted: Someone's going out to safe Scott!

Scott: Taylor! Thank god man.
Taylor: I'm here to help, you need to get out of here now Scott.
Scott: Give me a hand then.

Taylor: We haven't got a lot of time. Come on!

*Taylor offers his hand to Scott. Scott takes it.*

Scott: Thanks dude.

Taylor: Are you okay?
Scott: I think I've sprained my ankle. I'll be fine though.
Taylor: Good, quick run for the doors. They won't last much longer.
Scott: Alright.

Zombie Shirley: BRAAAIINNNSS!!!
Taylor: Keep running man, I'll handle her.
Scott: Taylor, come with me.
Taylor: GO! I've got this.

Scott: What am I doing!?

*Zombie Shirley grabs Taylor*

Taylor: Argh!
Scott: Taylor... no!

Taylor: Forget about me... I haven't got anything to live for... you have!
Scott: No, I won't.
Taylor: GO NOW! That's an order!

*Scott hesitates but Zombie Shirley gnaws into Taylor's neck. Scott looks away and runs back into the train. The doors shut behind him.*

Taylor: Argh! I see Natalia didn't deal with you properly.

*Zombie Shirley takes another bite out of Taylor.*

Gladis: Taylor? TAYLOR!!! Tay...

*Gladis bursts out crying. Margaret comforts her.*

Gladis: He's... gone... Taylor.

Taylor: Ugh...

*Taylor takes his few last breathes*

Taylor: It looks... like I'm... taking a different... journey! I'm... coming...

*Zombie Shirley takes numerous chunks out of Taylor. Taylor dies*

Gladis: TAYLOR!!!

*Gladis collapses in tears. Zombie Shirley is isolated from the others.*

*1 hour later*

Scott: I... can't believe... he was taken like that.

*Gladis collapses at Scott's ankles. Scott appreciates Gladis' contact and comforts her by stroking her hair- trying to calm her down.*

Gladis: He... was like a son to me... the son I... never had.
Scott: Gladis...
Gladis: It's true... I felt a motherly connection with him. He was such a beautiful young man.
Scott: It was for the best!
Gladis: Was it?

Gladis: Yes... he had nothing to his name anymore... but he could have made something of his life. He could've met a new woman and got a new job... a new house in a new city.
Scott: That will never happen though. We have to move on...

*Gladis looks at the window*

Gladis: That's easy for you to say... how are we going to get out of here though?
Scott: We can take care of her.
Gladis: You can't. We're running out of supplies... we're screwed.
Scott: There's still hope Gladis... I'm going tomorrow, once I lure her away, your free to leave with me.

*Gladis looks over at the window again*

Gladis: I... I'll think about it.

The end of the night is upon the contestants. Taylor was claimed as the victim of Shirley's corpse. The murderer is still lurking on that train though, they might not have had the opportunity to kill today... they will tomorrow! Let's hopefully find out who it is before anyone else suffers the killer's wrath.

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