Sunday 18 August 2013

1.7: Another Lead

Welcome to The Locomotive! 12 players will be chosen to go on a train ride they will never forget! 12 will leave the station, 1 will reach their destination... alive! So, who is the killer on board the murder train? Well, we'll find out eventually...

*Cassi is asleep on the train floor. She wakes up.*

Cassi: Hmm... wait, why am I here? I'm sure I was asleep in the back cabin.

*Cassi sits up.*

Cassi: Gosh, what happened last night?

*Cassi rubs her eyes and looks at her clothes.*

Cassi: Damn...

*Cassi gets up and dusts her clothes down.*

Cassi: Damn it... 

*A mobile phone ringtone can be heard from the driver's cabin.*

Cassi: Is that... a mobile!!!

Cassi: No it can't be, can it?

*The mobile ringtone keeps playing.*

Cassi: It is a phone! We can get off of this awful train.

*Cassi walks into the train driver cabin and finds Gladis' body.*

Cassi: NO! Gladis... 

Cassi: She's dead. Poor woman.

*Cassi takes a closer look at Gladis.*

Cassi: Why would anyone want to kill an innocent granny. Although, I could say the same about the rest of the people who have died already.

Cassi: Someone on this train needs to be brought to justice... I just wish we knew who it was.

*The phone ringtone rings again.*

Cassi: Where is this f*cking phone!?

Cassi: Hmm... wait, hang on a second... what's that...

*Cassi crouches down next to Gladis' body.*

Cassi: Is that...

*Cassi searches through Gladis' pocket and finds a mobile phone. It is the mobile phone that was ringing. The ringing has stopped.*

Cassi: It's the mobile! We can get out of here now. These people can properly have a send off- maybe they can find forensics on the body! The murderer can be unmasked.

Cassi: It's fully charged as well. The murderer must have had it switched off so that no one could ring in.

*Cassi takes a closer look at the mobile phone.*

Cassi: Hey, it's Ted cell phone... why did Gladis have Ted's cell phone then?

*Cassi looks through the contacts.*

Cassi: Also, why does Ted have Natalia's number?

Cassi: Hmm... I'll get to the bottom of this... I'll be back soon Gladis!

*Cassi runs off to find the others.*

Margaret: Why is everyone gathering around?
Scott: Cassi wanted to tell us something... she thinks she has a plan to get us off of this train.
Margaret: She does? That's brilliant.
Scott: I know right. Let's just hope it is a good plan though... Cassi's ideas haven't been the best.

*Cassi enters the back cabin.*

Cassi: Hey guys, I'm glad we could have this talk now rather than later.
All: What's wrong?
Cassi: We've got some good news and bad news. The bad news is that Gladis has been killed.
All: That's horrible.
Steven: Another victim. What's the good news?

Cassi: You won't believe it, but I found this while I was inspecting Gladis' body.

*Cassi whips out Ted's cell phone.*

Steven: You've found one of the cell phones!
Scott: That's... great. We can call for help now!

Ted: Hey, that's my cell phone!
Cassi: Yes it is. Gladis had it- probably before she was murdered. Care to explain why she had it?
Ted: I don't know why she had it. I don't know where it went.
Cassi: Fine, can you care to explain to us then why you have Natalia's number in your contacts?
Ted: I had it just in case of any family events- I thought we were on a reality show!

Cassi: Well... according to your recent contacts, you rung Natalia's number yesterday!
Ted: I don't know anything about it! This is fresh news to me.
Cassi: Yeah I bet it is.
Margaret: Okay Cassi that's enough, we can't go around pointing fingers.

Steven: Margaret is right. All we need to focus on now is getting off this train.
Genevieve: I agree, if we get on this train, then we can sort this out with a professional crime squad.
Cassi: Whatever you say.
Genevieve: Oh, Cassi... can I ask you a favour?

Cassi: Sure.
Genevieve: Can I borrow the cell phone to call up help.
Cassi: Of course you can!

*Cassi passes the phone to Genevieve.*

Genevieve: But before that, I'm going to call up Natalia! She needs to explain why she has sacrificed so many lives!

Scott: Is that really the best option though?
Genevieve: What are you trying to say?
Scott: All I'm saying is, what if she gets in touch with the police and try's to counter our story.
Genevieve: Well, I'll just make sure she won't.

Scott: How?

*The phone starts ringing. Genevieve has dialed Natalia's number.*

Genevieve: Shh! It's ringing.

*The phone starts to ring. The man presses to accept the call and puts it on speakerphone.*

Grant: Hello? Who is this?
Genevieve: This is Genevieve Crewe! We want to speak with Natalia, is she there?
Grant: I'm sorry but Natalia took... an unexpected leave.
Genevieve: An unexpected leave? What does that mean exactly?

Margaret: Who are you speaking to on the phone?
Genevieve: An elderly man.
Margaret: I thought you rung Natalia.
Genevieve: I did!

Grant: What I mean is... that she isn't going to be around anymore.
Genevieve: What, has she died or something?
Grant: No, no. She's perfectly alive, but she won't be hosting your 'show' anymore. If that's what you call it.
Genevieve: You know about the murderer on the train then.
Grant: You better your bottom dollar I do... and I know exactly who it is!

Genevieve: Guys! This guy knows who the murderer is.
Cassi: That's great!
Genevieve: I'm sorry sir but could you tell me who the murderer is?
Grant: Ha, you cannot be serious, right?

Genevieve: Well yeah... I'm being deadly serious.
Grant: I can't tell you that. It'd ruin the game.
Grant: It is on the train. 

Genevieve: I don't know what to say.
Grant: You could always say I did a good job. I mean hiring Natalia as an actor had you all fooled.
Genevieve: Natalia was an actor?
Grant: Of course she was. She thinks this is some sort of wacko crime drama!

Genevieve: Well, at least I have more respect for her right now.
Grant: Maybe you do, but listen girly! You wanna make it outta there, you gotta survive.
Genevieve: I'm calling for help!
Grant: Oh are you? You'll be dead by the time anyone gets to you lot! The murderer will get you all, you here me!
Genevieve: Hmm... how do you know the murderer?
Grant: They're family!
Genevieve: ...What's your name sir?
Grant: I can't tell you that... that'd just ruin the game. Just call me 'Voice'. I think it's time you hung up now... permanently!

*Grant somehow breaks Ted's cell phone by sending a deadly virus through.*

Genevieve: What's happening with the phone? It's dead! That b*stard broke it.
Margaret: What's the matter?
Genevieve: Natalia isn't behind this... some guy called 'Voice' is behind the scenes.
Margaret: Wow, that's creepy.
Genevieve: And someone on this train is related to him!
All: *gasp* REALLY?

Grant: Hahahahaha. It's nearly time! I hope you can make me proud. They'll never suspect you.

*Grant looks over the fireplace.*

Genevieve: We're not going to make it off of this train now.
Ted: If Gladis found my phone... then they can't be hidden that well.
Cassi: What is that supposed to mean?
Ted: Well, the murderer obviously wanted Gladis to find the phone, right? So maybe they have hid more around the train.

Margaret: It's worth a shot if we're ever getting out of this place.
Scott: I agree... I think we should look around.
Margaret: We should split into teams. Scott and I will look around here.
Scott: Okay.

Cassi: I'll go into the train cabin with Ted. We'll look around there.
Ted: I have a feeling we're going to be doing more than looking around.
Cassi: Trust me, I still have a few questions for you!
Ted: I'm innocent!
Genevieve: Fine, Steven and I will check the main cabin. Good luck team.

Cassi: So...
Ted: So, what?
Cassi: You can explain to me why your phone was in Gladis' pocket? Is it a clue or something?
Ted: No, I'm innocent! Why don't you believe me. Anyway, why would I want to kill Gladis?

Cassi: Why would anyone kill Tybalt? Or Barbie? OR SPENCER? OR...
Ted: Okay, I get it. But seriously I didn't do it. You have to trust me on this one.
Cassi: ...Fine. But if anything links back to you, don't expect me to be happy with you!
Ted: Okay, okay. We need to move Gladis' body.

Cassi: Okay.
Ted: Cassi... I thought you should know this...
Cassi: What?
Ted: Well... I think I know who the murderer is.

Cassi: What do you mean?
Ted: As a reporter, you know I have to research my facts... and I've been keeping my eyes open...
Cassi: You've found some clues that link to someone?
Ted: Yes... the problem is... I don't want to finger point. The group could turn against me by doing that.

Cassi: Let me guess, it was Scott!
Ted: No.
Cassi: Genevieve? Margaret? Steven?
Ted: No... I think it's you.

Ted: ...Yes.
Cassi: Good... cos' even though I haven't killed anyone, I won't take any sh*t from the likes of you!
Ted: Is that a threat?

Cassi: You better believe it!
Ted: You're losing it Cassi.
Cassi: Do you actually wonder why? My friend is dead and everyone else is dropping like flies.
Ted: I understand, but we need to keep ourselves together.

Cassi: You're right. We should probably move Gladis' body now.
Ted: Sure. We can talk later about the whole murderer situation.

*Cassi and Ted move Gladis' body.*

Scott: Hmm... nothing. Did you find any phones?
Margaret: No... It's hopeless.
Scott: Something isn't right here...
Margaret: We should try again in 5 minutes... I need to rest though.
Scott: Okay... I wonder if there's any phones hiding behind these books.

*Scott reads the titles of some of the books.*

Scott: Hmm... 'The Time Paradox'... 'Tick Tock' and 'Silent Mercy'.
Margaret: Wow, the reading material is horrible.
Scott: I agree... still no phones!
Margaret: I hope the other's have found something otherwise we've just wasted time.

Scott: Margaret, do you think I've changed?
Margaret: Changed?
Scott: Yeah, I came in here a b*llend and I think I'm becoming a man!
Margaret: You've definitely learned from your mistakes Scott.

Scott: Is something on your mind Margaret?
Margaret: I'm just thinking about something from the other day.
Scott: What happened?
Margaret: I saw Genevieve with blood on her arm. I had a feeling she killed the people and it's stayed with me ever since.

Scott: She might have cut it on one of the rails?
Margaret: Don't be silly Scott.
Scott: Is there any other reasons you suspect her?
Margaret: Not really... it is suspicious though when you have it on you after someone dies.

Scott: Yeah, I think we need to focus on getting out of here first.
Margaret: Yeah... 

*Margaret and Scott sit in silence.*

Margaret: What are you going to do after all this is over?

Scott: Haha, well I know I won't be working with Steven on his new movie... I might just go travelling.
Margaret: Hopefully not on a train!
Scott: Hahaha, definitely not on a train.
Margaret: I think I might go to Vegas.

Scott: I didn't expect you to be the Vegas type.
Margaret: Ha, I don't really give off that vibe, do I. I'm just mesmerized with the lifestyle.
Scott: It is pretty glamorous, until you go bankrupt from the casinos.
Margaret: I'm gonna keep an eye on my bank account when I'm there haha.

Scott: I'm going to make up with a few of my friends as well.
Margaret: Is this the Scott we met on Day One?
Scott: I dunno, maybe all this drama is hitting me with the realization of worshiping life.
Margaret: That's sweet.

Steven: Nothing?
Genevieve: Nothing.
Steven: Well that's just great.
Genevieve: I don't know what to do now...

Genevieve: Everyone is looking at me as the hope of this group, but I just can't do it anymore.
Steven: Of course you can, we will make it off of here alive.
Genevieve: Maybe. I just... I just feel as if we're sacrificing everyone and for what?
Steven: I understand but Genevieve, we need to have hope.

Genevieve: Yeah. It doesn't help that I have suspicions of my own.
Steven: As do I... who do you suspect is killing everyone?
Genevieve: Honestly... Margaret!
Steven: Really? I thought Scott could be behind it.

Genevieve: There's just so many things that don't add up about Margaret.
Steven: Same with Scott.
Genevieve: I'm going to keep my eye on her.
Steven: No one can really suspect anyone though, there's no solid proof.

Genevieve: You're getting really defensive about everyone. You're not the murderer are you?
Steven: Are you insane? Of course I'm not.
Genevieve: Okay, I was just asking.
Steven: Well, just ask in a different way next time, alright?

*Genevieve gets up and looks outside of the train.*

Genevieve: If there is a next time.

*Genevieve cannot see anything in the tunnel where the train has broke down in.*

Steven: What are you doing?
Genevieve: I'm trying to see if we can make it out of here without being seen by the zombies.
Steven: And?
Genevieve: They've gone. It could be a risk. I'll see if there's anyway of getting out in the morning.

Night 6! There's something strange going on in the Chamber Train! The murderer is prowling for their next victim. The murderer has a very limited choice tonight. Who will be killed? Cassi or Steven.

The murderer has chosen their next victim! One of these two contestants will become the murderer's fifth victim...

NOTE: Both contestants were chosen due to the results of the Train Driver Quiz. These contestants found the least amount of changes in the previous episode and did not score enough points to be higher than the mole marker; who was Genevieve.

Cassi: I wonder why there is so many maps around the train... it must mean something, right?

*Another cell phone ringtone can be heard. It is coming from the train driver's cabin.*

Cassi: Oh, Tybalt...

*Cassi notices the ringtone.*

Cassi: Wait... that's my ringtone! My phone!

Cassi: Hey guys! I think I've found my...

*The murderer grabs Cassi by the neck and pins her to the wall.*

Cassi: Argh!

Cassi: What are... get off me!
???: Hey Cassi, looking for this?

*The murderer holds Cassi's phone up in front of her face.*

Cassi: You've had it this whole time!
???: Jackpot! I thought you'd have never found out.
Cassi: I'm gonna make sure the other's...
???: I'm gonna make sure they find out! Don't you think Gladis already said that.

Cassi: Ugh... why? That's all I want to know... why would you do this?
???: Does there need to be a reason.
Cassi: Yes, there f*cking does need to be a reason.
???: I enjoy it.

Cassi: You sicken me.
???: You sicken me too!
Cassi: Go on then... knife me! Stab me... GO ON, KILL ME!
???: Hmm... I'm not gonna stab you... I think you need a creative death.

*The murderer pushes Cassi out of the cabin driver's window.*

Cassi: WHAT ARE YOU...
???: Bye!

Cassi: I'm not gonna...

*The window smashes and Cassi hits the floor of the tunnel. Something doesn't seem normal.*

*Cassi slowly opens one eyeball but slowly closes it.*

Cassi: Huh... what happened? I'm not dead! I'M NOT DEAD.

*Cassi tries to get up but cannot... she is restrained.*

Cassi: WHAT... IN... THE... NO!

Cassi: You've got to be kidding me!

*Cassi notices that she has been impaled and tries to wriggle off. She is stuck.*

Cassi: I'm gonna die... 

*The murderer appears near Cassi's body.*

???: It's a good thing I killed them zombies otherwise they would have been over you like a pack of vultures!
???: I think it's time I brought you back inside... I don't want to stain the floor now do I?

*The murderer yanks Cassi's body off of the rod. The murderer notices the hammer.*

Cassi: F*CK YOU!
???: I guess that didn't work... no matter, I'm sure this hammer will come into use somehow.

*Cassi is bashed in the head with the hammer and dragged back into the train.*

Cassi: *sighs*
???: Hahaha, I'm sorry you had to go Cassi... but you really shouldn't go messing in business that isn't yours!

The end of the night is upon the contestants. Cassi was claimed as the fifth victim of the murderer. Their selfish bloodlust will not be stopped until they have been exposed... but who is the murderer? Let's hopefully find out before anyone else suffers the killer's wrath.

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