Saturday 21 September 2013

1.8: Two for One

Welcome to The Locomotive! 12 players will be chosen to go on a train ride they will never forget! 12 will leave the station, 1 will reach their destination... alive! So, who is the killer on board the murder train? Well, we'll find out eventually...

*Margaret is crying her eyes out.*

Margaret: I... can't believe this! They need to know... what's happened.

*Margaret enters the red cabin.*

Margaret: Guys! I've got some bad news... Cassi... and Ted are dead.

*The group gasp.*

Genevieve: Oh!
Steven: That's bad.
Scott: It's getting worse.
Genevieve: What happened to them?

Margaret: I have no idea. I just went in there this morning and they were on the floor. Cassi looked to have the worse injuries.
Genevieve: Wow. I wonder what happened?
Scott: I have a feeling the murderer knows.
Steven: Well I guess you better own up to something then Scott.

*The night when Cassi died.*

*Ted has come outside as he has heard noise from the murder scene.*

Ted: What is going on out here? I wonder if the murderer came out here?

Ted: There must be some clues around here?

*Ted walks past the window. Cassi is dead on the floor.*

Ted: Huh?

Ted: Something is definitely wrong here.

*Ted peeps through the window and see's Cassi's body on the floor.*



*Ted notices that she isn't responded. Cassi is dead.*

Ted: Cassi...

Ted: She's... dead. I need to go and check her injuries out. Maybe I could... I dunno.

*Ted runs into the cabin.*

Ted: Whoever has done this is going to pay for it.

*Ted opens the carriage doors and enters the drivers cabin.*

Ted: Cassi! Oh no...

*Ted gets down on his knees and looks at Cassi's injuries.*

Ted: Oh god.

Ted: What have they done to you? This is savage.

*Ted props Cassi's head up.*

Ted: This is worse than the other murders.

Ted: Who could have done this to you? Genevieve? Margaret? Scott? Steven?

*Ted feels a pain in his chest. Ted is suffering from shock.*

Ted: Ugh...

*The pain intensifies. Ted is having a heart attack due from the shock.*

Ted: No... I... My heart.

*Ted drops Cassi's body and grabs his chest- where his heart is.*

Ted: Ouch... I didn't expect this.

*The pain intensifies yet again. This is severe.*

Ted: I can't die here... I need to find out who the murderer is and expose...

*Ted drops to the floor and hits his head on the ground. The attack is still happening.*

Ted: Ugh...

*Ted fails to fight off the attack.*

Ted: Cassi...

Ted: I really thought you would survive this... As did I...

*Ted is dead.*


Genevieve: We're going today. We can't risk staying on this train any longer.
Steven: I agree, it's the best option. The murderer could strike again.
Genevieve: And we definitely don't want that to happen.
Steven: The murderer does though.

Scott: I'm getting sick of this sh*t. I'm going to go freshen up.
Margaret: Okay Scott, we will be out here if you need us.
Scott: Thanks, but I'll be fine.
Margaret: Hmm...

*Margaret is still crying over the deaths.*

Margaret: I still can't believe everyone so far is dead... *sob*

*Steven approaches Margaret.*

Steven: Are you alright Margaret?
Margaret: I'm just on edge right about now.
Steven: Why?
Margaret: Everyone is dying. There's only four of us now... and I have a feeling I'll be picked off next.

Steven: Don't be stupid. I don't think you will at all.
Margaret: You think that?
Steven: Yeah. If anything it'll be me who's the next target.
Margaret: Don't say that about yourself. What we need to do is stick together.

Steven: I agree with you.
Margaret: I just wish it would all stop though. I just wish rescue could come soon.
Steven: Rescue will be here.
Margaret: Don't try and comfort me Steven. There's no hope left.

*Steven holds out his hand.*

Steven: Take my hand!
Margaret: Huh?

Steven: Just take it.

*Margaret slowly puts her hand closer to Steven.*

Margaret: Yeah?
Steven: Stand up. You need a hug.

Margaret: I don't need a hug.
Steven: You don't need one, but it might help a little bit.

*Margaret and Steven hug.*

Margaret: I am feeling a little bit better.

Steven: See it worked.
Margaret: Haha, I guess it did.

*Margaret wipes the remaining tears out of her eyes.*

Margaret: Steven... I just want to say...

*Steven goes in for the kiss. Margaret is shocked.*

Margaret: Ste...
Steven: Hmm?

*Margaret tries to let go.*

Margaret: Ste...
Steven: Sh!
Margaret: Steven!

*Margaret pulls away.*

Steven: What's the matter?
Margaret: I... can't do this.
Steven: Oh no! I'm sorry Margaret, I didn't...
Margaret: Just... stop.

Margaret: Why did you do that?
Steven: I dunno, something just came over me.
Margaret: Have you wanted to do that for a while?
Steven: A little.

*Margaret goes back in for the kiss after being shocked.*

Margaret: Mmm...
Steven: Oh...
Margaret: Hmm...

Margaret: Steven...
Steven: ...
Margaret: Okay, enough.

*Margaret lets go from the kiss again.*

Margaret: I can't do this Steven.
Steven: I'm sorry... 
Margaret: No, I'm sorry. I'm going to go try and cook something up with the supplies we have left.
Steven: Okay... Margaret. We're still friends though, aren't we?
Margaret: I guess so...

*Steven is dissappointed with himself.*

Steven: What am I doing? I can't go around doing that... Damn.

Scott: Why do I have a gut feeling that we'll all die on here?

*Scott gets out his toothbrush and puts toothpaste on it.*

Scott: Well, if we're all gonna die... we might as well go out looking good.

*Scott brushes his teeth.*

Scott: I can't believe I'd get murderer on a b*stard train... so much for my DJ career now.

*Scott recalls something in his memory.*

Scott: Of course...

Scott: Why am I just sat here doing nothing? I know who the murderer is... I think.

*Scott tries to remember every clue he's come across so far.*

Scott: It must be that person... all the clues point to that person! I need to tell the others.

Night 7! There's something strange going on in the Chamber Train! The murderer is prowling for their next victim. The murderer has a choice of 3 people. Who will be killed? Genevieve, Scott or Steven?

Let's not forget though folks, the murderer could be one of these contestants up for 'eviction'. But for sure, someone will die tonight... SHOULD WE SEE WHO IT IS???

The murderer has chosen their next victim! One of these three contestants will become the murderer's sixth victim...

NOTE: All three contestants were chosen due to the results of the Train Driver Quiz. These contestants gained the least amount of points with their words and did not score enough points to be higher than the mole marker; who was Margaret.

Genevieve: We need to go tonight!

*Genevieve looks at her rucksack. She can hear a lot of rummaging around in the train driver's cabin.*

Genevieve: Huh?

???: Hahahaha.
Genevieve: Hello? Margaret? Scott? Steven? Who's in there?
???: Why don't you come in and see?
Genevieve: Mmm...

???: I'm the murderer Genevieve!!!
Genevieve: Well... looks like we're gonna get you this time. You can't kill a fairy!
???: Is that so?
Genevieve: There are ways... but I can see what you would do.

???: Mwahahaha.
Genevieve: Where are you?

*Genevieve notices that the murderer's voice is coming from the stereo.*

Genevieve: What's this?

*The door is locked shut.*

Genevieve: Huh?
???: Hahahaha.
Genevieve: You've locked me in here.

Genevieve: Ah! It's you...
???: Well done. 10 points to Genevieve.
Genevieve: You won't get away...
???: You won't get away with this. Shut the f*ck up. I've killed the others and got away with it.

Genevieve: Yeah, well the others who are still alive will know it's you.
???: How much do you wanna bet on that?
Genevieve: My life.
???: Your life it is then... Mwahaha. Time to use my final trap card.

Genevieve: What do you mean? Your final trap card?
???: Ha, well, once I'm done with you... the man that was on the phone will come down here.
Genevieve: No, he won't kill the others. They'll fight him off.
???: Maybe, but I doubt they will when he pulls his gun on them.

*Genevieve can smell gas.*

???: Ahh! Look's like this is your final hour Genevieve.

*A giant fire starts in the cabin.*

???: Well, you said you could see everything that was going to happen. You should've seen this.
Genevieve: Uh...

???: Everything is nearly complete. Everyone will be dead! Hahaha. Good night Genevieve.

*??? leaves the cabin. ??? busts the lights on the train.*

Genevieve: ARGH! I'M BURNING.

*Genevieve tries to fly to the top of the room but fails.*

Genevieve: Ugh...

Genevieve: It looks like I'm gonna die...

*Genevieve chokes on the smoke. She coughs and gets her breath back.*

Genevieve: Why couldn't it have been a less painful death.

Genevieve: Ah! I got it... I could use my powers... to tell the others who the...

*Genevieve coughs aggressively again.*

Genevieve: Tell the others who the murderer is...

Genevieve: I need to concentrate...

*Genevieve coughs up more of the smoke she has inhaled.*

Genevieve: Kinda hard when I'm burning to death...

Genevieve: Dah!

*Genevieve connects to one of the other contestants minds. She tells the selected person about the identification of the murderer.*

Genevieve: Nearly got it!

Genevieve: Done! They should know now... goodbye earth!

*Genevieve drops to the floor and into the flames.*

Genevieve: ARGH!

Genevieve: When a fairy's life must end, the blue Tiki spirit will rise... and find it's place amongst nature! Justice must be done.

The end of the night is upon the contestants. Genevieve was claimed as the sixth victim of the murderer. Their selfish bloodlust will not be stopped until they have been exposed... but who is the murderer?

Well, we are down to the final 3!!! Someone before you is the murderer and only one of these people will leave the train alive... be it the murderer or an innocent survivor. We'll see who will survive THE LOCOMOTIVE!!!

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