Tuesday 29 October 2013

1.9: The End of the Terror

Welcome to The Locomotive! 12 players will be chosen to go on a train ride they will never forget! 12 will leave the station, 1 will reach their destination... alive! So, who is the killer on board the murder train? Well, we'll find out eventually...

Margaret: I can't wait to get out of this train.
Scott: I know what you mean. Have you got everything you need for the journey?
Margaret: I have. You?
Scott: Yep. Just waiting for Steven now.

Margaret: It's a shame Genevieve died though.
Scott: The room set on fire. Once we get back to civilization though, the murderer is gonna get put down for these crimes.
Margaret: I guess your right.

*Steven enters*

Steven: Is everyone ready? We should set off now.

Margaret: Of course we're ready.
Scott: We've been waiting for you.
Steven: Good, lets go then.

*The three of them leave the room.*

Steven: You two better be careful too. The lights all went out after the fire.
Scott: Okay, have we got a torch?
Steven: No, just try and watch out where you are going.
Scott: Okay.

*The emergency lights come on.*

Margaret: The emergency lights have been turned on!
Steven: Good, at least it gives us a little bit of light in here.

Steven: Hmm... something doesn't seem right in here.
Scott: Oh... my... god!
Steven: What is it?
Scott: Look in the corner!

Steven: Oh dear.
Margaret: It looks like someone has pulled the bodies from the room.
Steven: Why do that though? They are dead anyway.
Margaret: Good question.

Steven: It doesn't matter, aslong as we get out of here now we will be fine.
Margaret: Agreed.
Scott: What are we waiting for then?
Margaret: Nothing... but...

Margaret: Something really doesn't seem right here.
Steven: We haven't got time to wait around.
Margaret: But I just...

*There is a man stood behind the group tapping his foot on the steel floor.*

Grant: Hahaha, well what do you know...

*Grant pulls something out of his pocket.*

Grant: Looks like I finally found you. I didn't think you'd survive with the glasses.
Scott: What the f*ck is this?

*The group turn around to meet the stranger.*

Grant: No one move a muscle.
Margaret: Oh gosh.
Steven: How did he get in here?
Grant: I said no one move!

Grant: Now... which one of you should I kill first?
Scott: You obviously won't kill off your relative, who happens to be the murderer.
Grant: You finally worked out who the murderer is?
Scott: I think so.

Steven: Don't do anything stupid Scott.
Scott: I'm not.
Grant: That's right, you listen to your friend here.
Scott: Shut up.

Grant: Cocky aren't you son.
Scott: Don't call me son, you crazy old b*stard.
Grant: People like you just never learn do you?
Scott: If your gonna shoot me... do it already.

Steven: Scott stop!

*Steven puts a hand on his shoulder.*

Steven: You don't want to get yourself killed.

Grant: I'm gonna kill you all either way. So do your worst.
Steven: Look sir. Can't we make a deal here?
Grant: Do I look like I'm a deal kind of guy?
Steven: No, but I have a good price...

Scott: There's no point in talking Steven, he's gonna kill us anyway. Well... all of us apart from the killer.
Grant: You really are pushing it sonny.
Margaret: Scott, be quiet. He'll kill you.
Scott: I know what I'm doing Margaret.

Grant: You're really starting to grind my gears son. You wanna know who killed all these people? You want to know who made this journey a terrible experience? Well, why don't you reveal your identity murderer!!! Do it for Uncle Grant...

The murderer is in fact...


Scott: I f*cking knew it! You b*tch!
Margaret: Oh please, shut up. I'm sick of everyone whining and whining. You all deserved death.

*Margaret walks over to Grant.*

Steven: I can't believe you did this Margaret.
Margaret: Neither can I. I thought for sure someone would have got me before I killed them all.
Grant: That's a good girl, your daddy would've been proud.
Margaret: Thanks Uncle.

Grant: I think it's time I finished them off dear.
Margaret: No... not yet. I want to watch the misery in their faces. I want them to beg for death.
Grant: Brilliant!
Margaret: Yes, brilliant.

Scott: You should feel guilty. You b*tch!!! YOU KILLED EVERYONE.
Margaret: I know, pretty radical, huh?
Scott: I'm gonna kill you. I'm gonna make sure you have an even worse death than...

*Grant points the gun into Scott's neck.*

Scott: Argh!
Grant: I suggest you shut up, otherwise I'll put a bullet in your head.
Scott: Ugh...
Grant: Good.

Margaret: Face it Scott... you lost. I am supreme.
Scott: You are sad.
Margaret: You all have no idea what I have been through. The pain, the misery. I just wanted everyone else to feel it.
Scott: That's sick.

Margaret: Maybe it is... but by gosh, it's f*cking brilliant. Watching the vulnerability in their eyes as they died. It was pure gold.... Grant.
Grant: Yeah?
Margaret: Put them over there! I don't want to look at them anymore.

Grant: As you command. Get down on your knees... NOW!

*Scott and Steven fall to their knees and are escorted into the corner.*

Grant: Go over there now! NOW! GO ON.

Grant: If either of you move... I mean it, I'll shoot you both.
Steven: Okay.
Margaret: Good... Grant, I want you to watch them. I'm going to get changed into my final outfit.
Grant: Why?

Margaret: Isn't it obvious? I need to make out as if I'm the sole survivor of this massacre. I need to look my best for the cameras when they hear about this story.
Grant: Okay darling.
Margaret: Good, I'll see you two cretins when I get back.

*Margaret exits.*

Steven: We're done for.

*An agent arrives at the train.*

Agent: This must be the train...

*The agent spots Genevieve.*

Agent: Genevieve! I guess she didn't make it out of that room. I need to find a way in...

Genevieve: Dah!

*Genevieve connects to one of the other contestants minds. She tells the selected person about the identification of the murderer.*

UNFORTUNATELY... she couldn't access the power to connect to the other contestants and contacted a rather strange person... who was thought to be dead. Right?

Agent: Hmm... this is the only entrance that looks open. Better be stealthy.

*The Agent picks up his walkie-talkie.*

Agent: Hello? Is that Chief Inspector Clarkson?
Clarkson (Voice Over): Yes it is... who is this?

*The Agent clears his voice.*

Tybalt: This is Agent Tybalt Poysen. I've located a train in not too far from Summerfield. We have fatalities though.
Clarkson (Voice Over): How many are there? 
Tybalt: I'm not too sure, there's 3 definitely if you include my clone.
Clarkson (Voice Over): Take extreme care out there Poysen! I'll send assistance a.s.a.p.
Tybalt: Thank you.

Scott: Steven... I'm sorry.
Steven: Sorry? What for?
Scott: For being a complete ar*ehole before.
Steven: Don't be stupid. You were mad. We've made up anyway.
Scott: It's just a shame we couldn't go home from this. We could have hung out.
Steven: We still can. I'll buy you a beer when we get home.

Grant: Shut up you maggots!

*Scott lowers his head.*

Tybalt: Gosh... there's living ones in there.

Tybalt: There's no sign of the actual murderer though. It looks like she has got an accomplice though. I need to take extra care with this one.

*Tybalt puts ammo into his handgun.*

Grant: Haha, you pussy-f*cks make me laugh. Stay here, the both of you! I'm going for a p*ss.

*Grant walks up the train to the train cabin.*

Steven: UGH...

*Tybalt sneaks into the train without making noise.*

Tybalt: Where has he gone?

Tybalt: Good... he's in there. Better be quiet.

*Tybalt looks at the remaining survivors.*

Tybalt: You two need to get up now. We're getting out of here.
Steven: Who are... Tybalt? You're dead.
Tybalt: My clone is dead... the real thing is still alive.
Scott: Let's get out of here.

Scott: Can you help me up Steven? I've hurt my back.
Steven: Sure.

*Steven helps Scott up.*

Scott: Thanks man.

Tybalt: Right guys, we haven't got a lot of time and I'll explain everything later. But for now, we need to get out of here. Grab what you can and follow me.
Steven: How did you find us?
Tybalt: Genevieve.

Scott: I don't understand?
Tybalt: She called me before she was murdered. I came as soon as I could.
Scott: Cool. We should go now.
Tybalt: Yes... one last thing, where is the woman Genevieve was on about?
Scott: She's through there getting ready.

*The train driver cabin's door clicks.*

Scott: Oh sh*t.

*Grant looks at his gun.*

Grant: Bloody hell. No ammo.

*Grant puts ammo in his gun.*

Tybalt: Sh*t... right, everyone slowly make way to the door. He'll...

*Grant begins to open the door.*
Grant: Tut... oh f*ck sake... this handle is...

*Grant pats the handle a couple of times.*

Grant: That's better.

Tybalt: Come on... let's get out of here... NOW!
Scott: Okay.
Steven: Oh no...
Tybalt: What?

Steven: He's seen us.

*Grant looks at the three of them.*

Grant: Oh I don't think so...

*Grant rushes out of the door and pulls his gun out on the three of them.*

Tybalt: Just get out now! COME ON.
Steven: I'm running.
Scott: Move.
Tybalt: QUICK!

Grant: I can't let any of you get away.

*Grant pulls the trigger on the gun.*

Scott: ARGH!!!!! F*CK.

*Scott is shot and falls back onto the seats. Tybalt and Steven evacuate the train.*

Grant: Fuck it... they've gone. No problem, I'll chase them down after I've finished with you.

*Grant looks out of the window a last time. He walks over to Scott.*

Scott: Margaret is gonna be p*ssed that you killed me before she could.
Grant: She didn't really care about you. She wouldn't mind me having the kill.

Scott: Go to hell mister.
Grant: Oh I plan too, but first I'm bringing everyone with me. You got any last words kid?
Scott: Yes I do.
Grant: What?

*Scott starts coughing.*

Scott: You broke my f*cking sunglasses.
Grant: Ha, is that it?
Scott: Yeah.
Grant: Hahaha.

Grant: Well, ain't that just sweet.

*Grant reloads the gun and points it at Scott.*

Grant: Say goodbye!

Tybalt: GOODBYE!

*Tybalt pulls the trigger and shoots Grant.*

Grant: ARGH!

*Grant falls to the floor.*

Tybalt: I'll see you in hell sir.

*Grant is dead.*

Tybalt: Steven! I need you help in here man.

*Steven rushes in.*

Steven: What is it man?
Tybalt: Scott has been hit. He needs help immediately.
Steven: Scott's been shot?

*Steven see's Scott.*

Steven: Scott!

*Steven falls to his knees and cuddles Scott who is bleeding a lot.*

Steven: Oh god Scott.
Scott: *coughs* Hi Steve.
Steven: We're gonna get you help.
Scott: I'm dead. Don't bother.

Steven: I am not leaving you here.
Scott: Why are you being so affectionate?
Steven: You were like a son to me Scott.
Scott: Like Gladis and Taylor?

Steven: Yeah, like Gladis and Taylor.
Scott: I so wanted to live beyond this Steven.
Steven: I know Scott, I know. You will! We're gonna get you out of here.
Scott: Bye Steven...

Steven: Scott. SCOTT!

*Scott dies.*

Steven: No! Scott... F*CK.

Tybalt: I'm so sorry. I really am man.
Tybalt: What the...

*Margaret grabs Tybalt and punches him in the face. She then pushes him against the door.*

Tybalt: Ah f*ck. You crazy b*tch!
Margaret: I AM... NOT CRAZY!

*Margaret continues to attack Tybalt.*

Tybalt: I'm gonna give you one warning miss. Stop it now or I will shoot you.

*Tybalt shoots Margaret in the side.*

Margaret: OUCH! FUCK.

*Margaret knocks the gun out of Tybalt's hand. The gun is lost somewhere.*

Tybalt: Where's my gun gone?
Margaret: No one care's about your f*cking gun anymore.

*Margaret punches Tybalt in the stomach, winding him.*

Tybalt: Ugh... stop.
Margaret: You want me to stop? Is it hurting you?

*Margaret continues to punch Tybalt in the stomach.*

Tybalt: ...
Margaret: Time to put you to sleep.

*Margaret grabs Tybalt's head and smashes it through the glass window in the door. Tybalt is knocked out clean.*

*Margaret holds onto the wound on her side.*

Margaret: F*ck! That could have gone better.

*Margaret looks at Steven.*

Margaret: Oh Steven... looks like your little friend has a little bit of blood on his face.
Steven: Go away.
Margaret: What's the matter dear? You shocked that your new found lover is actually a serial killer. STAND UP STEVEN!

Steven: No... just give me a minute with him.
Margaret: Fine... whatever, but if you don't get up soon. I'm putting Tybalt's last bullet into your head.

*Margaret reaches into her pocket and grabs her cell phone.*

Margaret: Oh look Steven... it's your cell phone! I wondered where that went.

*Margaret calls the national guard.*

Margaret: Hello... I require assistance  I've survived a terrible massacre aboard a train. The location... It's near Summerfield, I don't know the exact location. Thank you, please be quick!

*Margaret hangs up.*

Margaret: Looks like I'm getting my lift out of here. You on the other hand will be staying here.
Steven: No... I won't let it happen.
Margaret: Face it Steven! It's up, Scott is dead. Tybalt is out cold. There's no one to help you.
Steven: You're right.

Margaret: I will make you a deal though.
Steven: What?
Margaret: I'll let you live, if you promise not to say anything about this to anyone.
Steven: What?
Margaret: We'll frame Tybalt. He is still alive. It makes perfect sense.

Steven: I... don't know.
Margaret: Come on Steven! What else have you really got to live for? I could give you that second chance at life.
Steven: ...
Margaret: Well?

Steven: Will I have to stay with you?
Margaret: Unfortunately yes. It's the only way I'll be able to know whether you've told anyone or not.
Steven: Hmph...

*Steven grabs Tybalt's gun. Steven stands.*

Steven: I'm going to decline that offer.
Steven: Yes.
Margaret: Hahahahahahha.

Margaret: You are one f*cking stupid idiot. I like your enthusiasm though. You really do stand by what you say.
Steven: I'm not going to be the one dying today.
Margaret: Excuse me?

*Steven pulls the gun out on Margaret.*

Margaret: What... how?
Steven: Tybalt dropped his gun when you were fighting him. It's a good thing I got it in time.
Margaret: You wouldn't shoot me.

Margaret: I am the woman you fell in love with. You started to have feelings for me.
Steven: So what if I did?
Margaret: Think about it Steven. We could be a family.
Steven: A family?

Margaret: Yes, you and me. We can start a family.
Steven: I... like that idea.
Margaret: Good, I'm glad you have. I didn't want to kill you Steven. That is why you are still alive. So that you, me and Amy can have a happy ending.

Steven: Amy. Don't you dare talk about my little girl!
Margaret: You won't kill me. I AM YOUR TRUE LOVE!!! I AM YOU.
Steven: You might have helped me through this mess. But you were the one who created it in the first place.

Margaret: KILL ME THEN!!! KILL ME, KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steven: Don't test me.
Margaret: KILL MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Steven pulls the trigger.*

*Margaret holds her chest.*

Margaret: Ugh... you... you shot me.

*Blood rolls down her black dress.*

Margaret: You killed me. Your true... *coughs*. Love.

*Margaret tries to put pressure on her wound.*

Steven: I am sorry Margaret... you caused me a whole lot of pain. It's time you got some Justice.
Margaret: Steven!

*Margaret falls to the floor.*

Margaret: You... will regret this.
Steven: I don't think I will.
Margaret: I could have given you an alternative. I could have given you your life back.
Steven: I already have it back.

Margaret: Well... you won! Congratulations.
Steven: Spare me the details. You're sick.
Margaret: I'll... get my revenge on you Steven!
Steven: Goodbye Margaret. This is over now!

*Margaret rolls over dead.*

Margaret: Ugh...

*Margaret closes her eyes as she dies.*

Steven: It's over now.

Steven: I... survived. God thank you. I need to see my Amy.

*Tybalt moans.*

Steven: Tybalt! We're gonna get you some help, immediately.


Carrie: Hello world! On today's news... It has been a month since the Train Massacre and survivor A-List director; Steven Hollywood has made plans on creating a movie based on the true events. He is beginning the script this week and wants to tell the true story on what happened. Many stars including Meryl White have been lined up for the role of Murderer; Margaret Tick but no confirmation has been given on these details so far. After the break, we will be joined by Darius Flo on the subject of Immigration and will be going into more depth about the new Duck Flu.

Tybalt: Why does anyone want to listen to Darius Flo? He's a hypocrite.

*Tybalt's door opens.*

Tybalt: Huh? Who's there?

*Steven Hollywood walks in.*

Tybalt: Steven!
Steven: Hey Tybalt.

Steven: I thought I'd pop in and see how you were doing?
Tybalt: I am doing fine. Come in, come in!
Steven: Okay.

*Tybalt sits up and props himself onto the edge of the bed.*

Tybalt: Let me just do this man.

*Tybalt plumps the pillow up.*

*Tybalt gets off of the bed and hugs Steven.*

Tybalt: It's good to see you man.
Steven: Like wise.

Steven: I'm glad to see that you've recovered well.
Tybalt: Stop, I've still got some time to go before I'll be 100% fine.
Steven: How's the eye coming along?
Tybalt: Well...

Tybalt: Let's just say, it's gonna take a long time to heal.
Steven: Margaret did smash your head through the glass window though.
Tybalt: That's why. The glass got stuck in my eye. I'm just glad there's no more blood.
Steven: Eww, gross. Haha.

Steven: I also have something to ask Tybalt.
Tybalt: Yeah, what is it?
Steven: Well... it's nearly Christmas, me and Amy would love for you to come for Christmas Dinner.
Tybalt: That sounds...

Tybalt: Really great, if I'm honest.
Steven: I never got to thank you for saving my life, so I guess this will have to do.
Tybalt: Steve! It's my job. Thanks for the invitation though.
Steven: So, what's next for you then?

Tybalt: Who knows? I heard your working on a new film though.
Steven: Yep. It's about the whole massacre thing.
Tybalt: Well, I hope you do good on it. People need to know what really happened.
Steven: You could always have a starring role in it?

Tybalt: Thanks but no thanks. I've seen plenty for now. All I'm focusing on is trying to get better.
Steven: That's for the best.
Tybalt: Good... well... I'm gonna go for a shower soon, so you're glad to stay but...
Steven: No, it's fine. I'll be off. If you do change your mind about the movie though, you know my number.

Tybalt: I do.
Steven: Oh and Tybalt... stay safe!
Tybalt: Only if you stay safe!
Steven: Don't worry, I'm always watching my back.

Tybalt: Hey man, when does filming start? I just wanted to know before you go.
Steven: Why's that?
Tybalt: Oh I dunno... I might not be around when you start.
Steven: I don't know what you mean by that, but we're hoping to start as soon as possible.
Tybalt: Cool... well... good luck.
Steven: See you later man.



NOTE: Well done twiddle3 for winning the game. Steven has been spared and will live on another day!!! Hopefully he won't bump into anymore serial killers. HOPEFULLY!!!

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